Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

yea, my GF is a dahlia lover. Got some nice purple and red color ones in the flower bed right now, and she found a ton of bulbs for 2 for 25. They grow here in oregon like mad! She is going to make me rotortill her a nice a new bed next spring for the bulbs...she always can find new work for me to do lol.
Yea i like them my self. I am going to start some of the opium poppy seed i got hold of.
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I got a bunch of those going a few year back but the outdoor north england climate isn't quite afghan shall we say haha, they grew though and flowered, i scored and killed them. looking back, a good thing i never got it going...

I actually went round my old garden and harvested as many seed heads of the flowers i wanted to bring with me for the new house, mini poppy red and orange, snap dragons, lupins allsorts. the folks that had this place have what i like to term 70's style plants in
their garden. fuscia's and roses everywhere. and after several feral years my blackberry/bramble patch is quite impressive lol. might go and pick a bowl.
Blackberries eh:) I may have a vine or two on my in every day there's another vine or two. They are invasive as all hell here. On the plus side, have 4 gallon sized freezer bags full of berries. Gonna be making,some jelly, and syrup at some point,with them.
I've only seen highlights and watched them play against Arsenal. But it doesn't seem to me like Liverpool are going to do much this season.
D try for streams man its decent. Just make sure you've adblock running lol.
I am not that fussed these days tbh. We even pay for the football package and that's a load of cack. They use to show all the games, now you only get one per time slot.
Who :shock:lol. He's got a Barcelona strip. Bought it for him at the beach when he barfed on himself twice driving through Spanish mountains