My brothers and sisters it has been a minute and much has transpired since the rev has stopped by...
Finally completed my healing and had to move.
Here in the springs it can still be a hassle to grow for renters.
I understand for many of these boys rent and destroy the places and then renters have zero tolerance and as much as my last landlords got along with me an exception could not be made.
It was a good move, let's just say that and jah puts a worm where he wishes.
Been in a better place with beautiful polish landlords over a year now, so it's time to return, time to share and yes start a better dialogue boys for the rev was in much much pain when we all first spoke.
It has been a doozy and many more revelations learned and some fine accomplishments... Except one.
What is that exception?
I am still having issues trying to get the community to accept the proper ripening of this tree and the spectrum needed to do so.
It's always the same thing, " why do I know and nobody else does. "
I tell them the same thing every time as I have on forums... I don't know why they do not know, ask them.
It does not take much to prove a man right or wrong.
However let's not open the cannabinoid can and Hamilton beach rant and stick to what has been going on and friendly.
We where able to preserve the Acapulco reds and the Hamilton beach kicked complete butt..... Then the move happened.... Barely enough time to finish them, but did.
To refresh for those that want to believe as life is choice, Acapulco, Acapulco red, and true Panamanian reds are Cannabis pollinated with bamboo, just like Asian tai. ....been out here 3 1/2 years now and not one pure tai have I seen that have claimed... All tainted.
Mine are not.
The Acapulco that grows on the shoreline is in a sandy lome soil and the ones more inland like Panamanian and Acapulco reds grow in red clay similar to the red clay in Tennessee.
The last ones where reds and would fry your eyes out and take you to New dimension.
This last year we pollinated pure shoreline Acapulco.
These are now the most rare.
All Cannabis goes gold when under blue spectrum uva/uvb so I do not use terms like Acapulco gold anymore.... I just say what they are... What they really are.
We took three beautiful pure Mexican indica " western Oaxaca, zacatecas and jalisco blue agave and also pollinated them with the shorline Acapulco and made three new kush that will destroy all.... Arrogant? ...truth.
We also took 33 year old Afghanistan originals none tainted males and females and redone master kush with the shoreline Acapulco.
All this bubble gum yum yum out here will know it's place soon enough when people are getting high and healing the mind as well as the body.
So how strong are Acapulco really?
Still the strongest most up lifting experience you will ever get and when ripened through the stages will heal most anything.
Most of the stuff bred by the Dutch and the California boys was northern Mexican purple that like Afghanistan and Morocco has the stone.
In Tennessee we use to get all the southern genetics from tropic of cancer on down to Columbia.
That is why the weed back home use to be the best and make you happy and inspired and creative and sociable and horny.
Took god's grace and much time and understanding of this trees true botany to land these jewels.
Anyone whom has true pure landrace of any kind needs to cherish it.
Most don't have pure pairs of these old genes... Just a male of something here and a female Of something there.
So here are some pictures.
The Acapulco reds from nearly two years ago that I posted then just to refresh and the shorline Acapulco that I did this last year.
Few have seen these and I have spent hours with translation on Mexican websites and even the Mexican will tell you how rare these are anymore and the shorelines they say are probably extinct so I don't need nobody telling me they have family in Acapulco and uncles in Panama horse maneur.
The true natives " Indian " still keep these pure lines safe, however the elders are dying and like up here the kids not taking the wisdom and they cut it also early now like everyone up here does.
Preservation of as many pure pairs from the old stash is priority and the hybrids second.
We will share some hybrid projects we are finishing also, however nothing beats the pures when you realize what they are and how to give them plenty of halide time to produce the cannabinoids that heal the body and set the mind free.
More to come and here if needed.
I will not run off again.
I have tried to post YouTube videos and your enslavers will not allow it... Indeed..
If I am nuts, I should have no problem as YouTube is full of... Nuts.
They know I am not nuts and know that if the messages get out and this tree ripened properly it will destroy them and their medicines.
Sounds like ole rev may be on to something after all... Yes.... And I have given it for free time and time again to closed ears.
Old mother sativa, I have not forgotten you... We did it! ....I made you a promise that I damned sure intend to keep.
Hope your eyes are ready to bleed as you will reach no ceiling and never want to come down.
Jahs bamboo pollinated cannabis will make any strain out there look like pure chicken shit my brother And that includes my strains so you boys do not get puffed up... It is just truth.
Can't beat the father and nature, just got to understand how they do things and it is not learned in schools and books.... It is passed... One to the other.