Open Show and Tell 2015!

who's genetics is the Gold ? kinda fat leaves for a sativa ?

Barney's Farm, supposed to be 80% sativa. Yeah I thought those leaves looked fat. Looks more than 20% indica. I sampled some bud from an indoor girl farther along, no cure just dried for a couple days and it was very pine- like with deseil finish. I'm no expert and it was unripe bud, but it was interesting.
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thats the beauty of the KONG !!! a little peanut butter in there and its fun for days ... unless you have a collie..
I think we have a version of the king but not an original its like a blue bone king but u put peanut butter ...gonna grab a couple proper kongs of ebay our mastiff will cut sick on them :)
ebay for me this year. 5 x 100 . got sums for next year. lol
Look great man...that headband is a perfect size i would aim for in my space available..8 ft high anywhere from 7-10ft wude would be a perfect fit.
You topped that one in the kiddie pool right ?
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oh yea Rube a lot of times , it's all so woven thru a 6ft diameter cage.
She was so cute as a kid. lol

Ill be doing the same with the wonder woman again but will concentrate more on topping than even last year...bout every two weeks for a 4 month veg yeah ? Or just when the tops are available ?
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