Redden moon light in not light like you think coming from the sun its reflected light same thing applies on earth what you see as light is reflected ask your self why is the sky blue ???
After the Sun, the Moon is the brightest object in the sky. Of course, the light we see doesn't originate on the Moon -- the Moon (like the planets) shines by reflected sunlight. [Note in passing: the Moon's surface is actually quite black. Only about 3% of the Sun's light which hits the Moon is reflected. But that's enough to light up our night sky.] The most prominent feature of the Moon's
appearance in the sky is the Moon's
phase. The Sun, of course, only lights up 1/2 the Moon -- the half that is facing the Sun. This doesn't always correspond to the half that faces the earth. In fact, if the Moon is on the same side of the earth as the Sun, we won't see the Moon at all. It's what we call a
New Moon. If the Moon is on the
opposite side of the earth as the Sun, then we have a
Full Moon, and we can see the entire 1/2 that the Sun lights up. Note that this means we can tell
time by the Moon. We normally tell time by the Sun. For example, if the Sun is near the meridian, then it's around noon; if it's setting then its around 6 p.m. the phase of the Moon tells us the angle between the Sun and the Moon. We see the Moon and we know the angle to the Sun, so we therefore know where the Sun is. Hence we know the time.
The Moon does not orbit the earth in quite the same plane as the Sun -- the circle it takes on the sky it tiled from the ecliptic by about 5 degrees. Hence the Moon spends 1/2 its time just slightly north of the ecliptic, and 1/2 its time slightly south of the ecliptic (but always in a zodiac constellation). Twice a month, the Moon's path crosses the ecliptic. If the Moon happens to cross the ecliptic at the exact spot the Sun is, the Moon will block out the Sun's light, and we'll have a
solar eclipse. (This does not happen often. The Moon is rather small and casts a small shadow. Consequently, it really does have to make a bull's eye with the Sun. Most of the time, its shadow misses the earth, and even when the shadow does reach the earth, it covers only a small area.