Does anyone see truth?

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Properties of the number 32
  • According to R. Allendy, "it is the differentiation appearing in the organized world". It would not be the creative generation as 23, which is the reverse of 32, but rather the plan, the diagram, of the various forms of creatures modeled by the Creator. It would be also the karmic liberation sought in the tests of the natural law, 8 x 4 = 32.
  • Represent the totality of men on the earth.
  • Number inspiring to the man the truth and teaching him how to live it.
  • Symbol of justice, according to the Pythagoricians.
  • In the revelations make by Jesus to Gemma, in her book "Parole d'amour", Jesus affirms that on the cross, He had 32 bones fractured.
  • The world has been created by 32 ways and they form the 32 mysterious paths of the Wisdom according to the Cabal, formed by the twenty two letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the ten Sephiroth of the sephirothic tree, that are the attributes of the divine name.
  • The 32 chapters of the Apocalypse of Abraham (80-100 after J.-C.) from the documents of the library of Qumran, in which are written the fall of the man and the idolatry of descendants of Abraham, the end of times and that the pagan nations will be soon punished, and finally the Messiah who will come to gather his people and to pass his enemies to the fire.
  • It is the number of letters of the alphabet which God would have taught to Adam. Some of them would have been lost. Someone claims indeed that the face of God would be formed of 32 letters which all were not discovered, nor deciphered and ordered. If that had been the case, the man would have found his dignity of the son of God. The Gospels have succeeded to decipher 24 letters, the Pentateuch 22 and the Koran 28.
  • According to the Buddhist tradition, the mother of Buddha observed 32 month of abstinence and had to be endowed of 32 qualities. That is why Buddha had 32 virtues.
  • The mouth contains normally 32 teeth: 16 to the jaw superior and 16 to the inferior jaw.
  • The number 32 is used 11 times in the Bible.
  • The number 60 is used 32 times in the Bible.
  • The sum of the occurrences of all numbers in the Bible multiples of 21 gives 32.
  • In the Gospel of Matthew, the expression "kingdom of Heaven" is used 32 times. The 32 mentions of the divine name Elohim in first chapter of the Genesis. The verb to liberate is used 32 times in the Bible.
Thank you very much, you have just proven to me that coincidence in its common use of the term does exist. Random chance occurrence does exist.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
and i posted this 32 times before the bible comes down to same thing as spider man or superman magazines its mythical and fairy tale folk lore :)


Well-Known Member
ok my mate, you have asked me to explain myself, I will try but you must understand the disadvantage I am at, considering the bodies of 'proof' to refute my opinion. Nothing shorter than a scientific peer reviewed paper would change your mind, I assume so I will save my own headache. I was hoping that you or anyone reading this would actually find some demonstrable experiments, that prove curvature and/or movement. You CAN'T find any can you? Neither could I. All tests that I posted prove NO curvature.
For me to explain, I need for you to take some logical leaps with me and I have a strong feeling you are not really ready to burst your own bubble.
when you look out of the window on a clear day, notice the clouds? with a still wind, they are still. Peer reviewed papers say they are moving at over 1600kph, big G is keeping them relative, right? So how fast does a cross wind have to blow, to move this water vapour through this field of relative suspension? what if the simplest answer is the truth? what if gravity was a bullshit theory invented to aid the deception of us living on a ball? Does gravity work on beachballs in water? WHY NOT................ think about it............... BOYANCY. What if temperature and density can explain why things fall to the ground. Above and around us is millions of lrs of water pressing down on us and any thing more dense, than it.
It has always been that the richest in society were also placed on a pedestal ethically, deliberately so. The lay person or commoner would look to the establishment to provide truths to us. And so unknowingly to us the establishment created a position for themselves to pontificate to us. Now all scientific papers must pass through their hands for clarification. Trace the American establishment back to its foundation, it was built ruthlessly for European corporation. Our leaders must attend specific colleges and/or have royal lineage, yourself or I could never be monarchy, why not? because we haven't a specific lineage to our dna. trace back how royalty became royalty, through Abraham of the BIBLE! then you will understand the relevance of how religion, monarchy and educating the masses are indistinguishably interlinked. by the way just some coincidences with the number 23
2 divided 3 is .666
23 seconds for our blood to circulate
Hiroshima bomb 8:15 8+15= 23 The date 6/8/45 6+8+4+5= 23
Trade towers 9/11/03 9+11+3= 23
23,32,33,7,9 Are all very important numbers to perpetuate mind control and sacred in religious beliefs.
What the hell are you talking about!!!? The vast conspiracy is that the world is flat and gravity is fake??? You sound like your reaching for patterns tat do no exsists. Anyone can find numbers that add up to 23. And btw world trade towers. Your off by a couple years. So really


Well-Known Member
ok my mate, you have asked me to explain myself, I will try but you must understand the disadvantage I am at, considering the bodies of 'proof' to refute my opinion. Nothing shorter than a scientific peer reviewed paper would change your mind, I assume so I will save my own headache. I was hoping that you or anyone reading this would actually find some demonstrable experiments, that prove curvature and/or movement. You CAN'T find any can you? Neither could I. All tests that I posted prove NO curvature.
For me to explain, I need for you to take some logical leaps with me and I have a strong feeling you are not really ready to burst your own bubble.
when you look out of the window on a clear day, notice the clouds? with a still wind, they are still. Peer reviewed papers say they are moving at over 1600kph, big G is keeping them relative, right? So how fast does a cross wind have to blow, to move this water vapour through this field of relative suspension? what if the simplest answer is the truth? what if gravity was a bullshit theory invented to aid the deception of us living on a ball? Does gravity work on beachballs in water? WHY NOT................ think about it............... BOYANCY. What if temperature and density can explain why things fall to the ground. Above and around us is millions of lrs of water pressing down on us and any thing more dense, than it.
It has always been that the richest in society were also placed on a pedestal ethically, deliberately so. The lay person or commoner would look to the establishment to provide truths to us. And so unknowingly to us the establishment created a position for themselves to pontificate to us. Now all scientific papers must pass through their hands for clarification. Trace the American establishment back to its foundation, it was built ruthlessly for European corporation. Our leaders must attend specific colleges and/or have royal lineage, yourself or I could never be monarchy, why not? because we haven't a specific lineage to our dna. trace back how royalty became royalty, through Abraham of the BIBLE! then you will understand the relevance of how religion, monarchy and educating the masses are indistinguishably interlinked. by the way just some coincidences with the number 23
2 divided 3 is .666
23 seconds for our blood to circulate
Hiroshima bomb 8:15 8+15= 23 The date 6/8/45 6+8+4+5= 23
Trade towers 9/11/03 9+11+3= 23
23,32,33,7,9 Are all very important numbers to perpetuate mind control and sacred in religious beliefs.
And of course gravity is working on the beech ball in water! Are you joking? No gravity means no lake, no sand no up or down. No boyancy. In fact without gravity to keep our muscles consitanty engaged we would either away to a pile of skin and organs. But of course we couldn't breath because our atmosphere wouldnt exsist. Good thing this thread didn't go to a science forum because there is very little thinking going on here.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
And of course gravity is working on the beech ball in water! Are you joking? No gravity means no lake, no sand no up or down. No boyancy. In fact without gravity to keep our muscles consitanty engaged we would either away to a pile of skin and organs. But of course we couldn't breath because our atmosphere wouldnt exsist. Good thing this thread didn't go to a science forum because there is very little thinking going on here.
The point is to stop thinking, can you do that? It is very liberating.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Properties of the number 32
  • According to R. Allendy, "it is the differentiation appearing in the organized world". It would not be the creative generation as 23, which is the reverse of 32, but rather the plan, the diagram, of the various forms of creatures modeled by the Creator. It would be also the karmic liberation sought in the tests of the natural law, 8 x 4 = 32.
  • Represent the totality of men on the earth.
  • Number inspiring to the man the truth and teaching him how to live it.
  • Symbol of justice, according to the Pythagoricians.
  • In the revelations make by Jesus to Gemma, in her book "Parole d'amour", Jesus affirms that on the cross, He had 32 bones fractured.
  • The world has been created by 32 ways and they form the 32 mysterious paths of the Wisdom according to the Cabal, formed by the twenty two letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the ten Sephiroth of the sephirothic tree, that are the attributes of the divine name.
  • The 32 chapters of the Apocalypse of Abraham (80-100 after J.-C.) from the documents of the library of Qumran, in which are written the fall of the man and the idolatry of descendants of Abraham, the end of times and that the pagan nations will be soon punished, and finally the Messiah who will come to gather his people and to pass his enemies to the fire.
  • It is the number of letters of the alphabet which God would have taught to Adam. Some of them would have been lost. Someone claims indeed that the face of God would be formed of 32 letters which all were not discovered, nor deciphered and ordered. If that had been the case, the man would have found his dignity of the son of God. The Gospels have succeeded to decipher 24 letters, the Pentateuch 22 and the Koran 28.
  • According to the Buddhist tradition, the mother of Buddha observed 32 month of abstinence and had to be endowed of 32 qualities. That is why Buddha had 32 virtues.
  • The mouth contains normally 32 teeth: 16 to the jaw superior and 16 to the inferior jaw.
  • The number 32 is used 11 times in the Bible.
  • The number 60 is used 32 times in the Bible.
  • The sum of the occurrences of all numbers in the Bible multiples of 21 gives 32.
  • In the Gospel of Matthew, the expression "kingdom of Heaven" is used 32 times. The 32 mentions of the divine name Elohim in first chapter of the Genesis. The verb to liberate is used 32 times in the Bible.
Sorry reddan bro, wasn't trying to be an ass, I respect your opinions, I find them very interesting.


Well-Known Member
ok my mate, you have asked me to explain myself, I will try but you must understand the disadvantage I am at, considering the bodies of 'proof' to refute my opinion. Nothing shorter than a scientific peer reviewed paper would change your mind, I assume so I will save my own headache. I was hoping that you or anyone reading this would actually find some demonstrable experiments, that prove curvature and/or movement. You CAN'T find any can you? Neither could I. All tests that I posted prove NO curvature.
For me to explain, I need for you to take some logical leaps with me and I have a strong feeling you are not really ready to burst your own bubble.
when you look out of the window on a clear day, notice the clouds? with a still wind, they are still. Peer reviewed papers say they are moving at over 1600kph, big G is keeping them relative, right? So how fast does a cross wind have to blow, to move this water vapour through this field of relative suspension? what if the simplest answer is the truth? what if gravity was a bullshit theory invented to aid the deception of us living on a ball? Does gravity work on beachballs in water? WHY NOT................ think about it............... BOYANCY. What if temperature and density can explain why things fall to the ground. Above and around us is millions of lrs of water pressing down on us and any thing more dense, than it.
It has always been that the richest in society were also placed on a pedestal ethically, deliberately so. The lay person or commoner would look to the establishment to provide truths to us. And so unknowingly to us the establishment created a position for themselves to pontificate to us. Now all scientific papers must pass through their hands for clarification. Trace the American establishment back to its foundation, it was built ruthlessly for European corporation. Our leaders must attend specific colleges and/or have royal lineage, yourself or I could never be monarchy, why not? because we haven't a specific lineage to our dna. trace back how royalty became royalty, through Abraham of the BIBLE! then you will understand the relevance of how religion, monarchy and educating the masses are indistinguishably interlinked. by the way just some coincidences with the number 23
2 divided 3 is .666
23 seconds for our blood to circulate
Hiroshima bomb 8:15 8+15= 23 The date 6/8/45 6+8+4+5= 23
Trade towers 9/11/03 9+11+3= 23
23,32,33,7,9 Are all very important numbers to perpetuate mind control and sacred in religious beliefs.
You are right, I don't want to get involved with any of that. I find it all quite irrational and fail to see how any of this would keep anybody in power.

That being said, I freely admit that we still have more to learn about Gravity. Although we can predict its effect easily and with huge accuracy, we still have no idea how exactly it works. In order to replace Einsteins contributions, you have to be able to explain his equations using your own. This is just how science works. Everybody adds their brick until the building is complete. You can't just hang bricks in the air, it's gotta have the support of all the other bricks below it.

All you've shown me are people trying to build that structure by throwing bricks out the window of a moving vehicle.

Feel me?


Well-Known Member
You are right, I don't want to get involved with any of that. I find it all quite irrational and fail to see how any of this would keep anybody in power.

That being said, I freely admit that we still have more to learn about Gravity. Although we can predict its effect easily and with huge accuracy, we still have no idea how exactly it works. In order to replace Einsteins contributions, you have to be able to explain his equations using your own. This is just how science works. Everybody adds their brick until the building is complete. You can't just hang bricks in the air, it's gotta have the support of all the other bricks below it.

All you've shown me are people trying to build that structure by throwing bricks out the window of a moving vehicle.

Feel me?
lol I asked to play a game of trump info, all of you played by telling me I'm wrong, but where is the tests? It was a mental exercise to see if any of you would think out side of your information square. Your system has you. Now could someone please attempt this question;
If the moon reflects sunlight, why does it produce COLD light, why does the moons shadow and shape stay the same each night, surely as the sun moves, so should the shape of the moons shadow?


Well-Known Member
lol I asked to play a game of trump info, all of you played by telling me I'm wrong, but where is the tests? It was a mental exercise to see if any of you would think out side of your information square. Your system has you. Now could someone please attempt this question;
If the moon reflects sunlight, why does it produce COLD light, why does the moons shadow and shape stay the same each night, surely as the sun moves, so should the shape of the moons shadow?
You are just going in circles. I show a picture of the Earth from orbit and cite lunar eclipses and you claim 'No' and pretend like I've shown nothing. You've yet to 'trump' anything at all.

Watch a lunar eclipse. There's your test right there.


Well-Known Member
The test can be replicated and it is
'Solar distance test' author Redpillworld. Youtube, please my mate, would you humour my stupidity and watch this. Do you know the angle of our axis?
You are just going in circles. I show a picture of the Earth from orbit and cite lunar eclipses and you claim 'No' and pretend like I've shown nothing. You've yet to 'trump' anything at all.

Watch a lunar eclipse. There's your test right there.
Ok my friend thankyou for showing me patience. It does baffle me the speed of the eclipse though...... You might agree with me from next week on my friend, I believe America is head on for a stock market crash, your establishment that you religiously place faith into are lead by a ring of paedophiles, sick twisted murderers that have been proven liars.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
lol I asked to play a game of trump info, all of you played by telling me I'm wrong, but where is the tests? It was a mental exercise to see if any of you would think out side of your information square. Your system has you. Now could someone please attempt this question;
If the moon reflects sunlight, why does it produce COLD light, why does the moons shadow and shape stay the same each night, surely as the sun moves, so should the shape of the moons shadow?
There is no cold and hot light, the light in the day is not hot it is the Suns radiant heat that you are feeling, at night we don't feel that heat so it is colder. I believe that the moons shadow is cast by the earth but I myself have wondered why it changes so slowly.


Well-Known Member
There is no cold and hot light, the light in the day is not hot it is the Suns radiant heat that you are feeling, at night we don't feel that heat so it is colder. I believe that the moons shadow is cast by the earth but I myself have wondered why it changes so slowly.
Here is a test to verify my cool moonlight theory. Place a piece of card in the moonlight on the floor. Use a magnifying glass to focus the beam on the card. Use a thermometer to measure the point on the card where the light is concentrated. Use the thermometer to measure a point on the card out of direct light. You will find I am correct. In which case back to my original question, if the moon reflects sun light, why is its light demonstrably cold.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Here is a test to verify my cool moonlight theory. Place a piece of card in the moonlight on the floor. Use a magnifying glass to focus the beam on the card. Use a thermometer to measure the point on the card where the light is concentrated. Use the thermometer to measure a point on the card out of direct light. You will find I am correct. In which case back to my original question, if the moon reflects sun light, why is its light demonstrably cold.
What kind of thermometer do you use, I don't have any that would measure the surface of the card. If your theory is correct I should also be able to lower the temperature in a glass of water correct. I will try it but I am pretty certain that photons would need some sort of photosynthetic material to effect the temperature. I'll let you know what the results are.


Well-Known Member
Here is a test to verify my cool moonlight theory. Place a piece of card in the moonlight on the floor. Use a magnifying glass to focus the beam on the card. Use a thermometer to measure the point on the card where the light is concentrated. Use the thermometer to measure a point on the card out of direct light. You will find I am correct. In which case back to my original question, if the moon reflects sun light, why is its light demonstrably cold.
What is the propose of the magnifying glass? What is the time line? What is the density of the card? same as the baseline? Is the card the same color of your baseline? How can the asphalt still be this hot against my face at 4 am? It was cold outside at closing time....


Well-Known Member
What is the propose of the magnifying glass? What is the time line? What is the density of the card? same as the baseline? Is the card the same color of your baseline? How can the asphalt still be this hot against my face at 4 am? It was cold outside at closing time....
The magnifying glass is to concentrate the light on the surface on the card more in one spot, than another, so visually there are two spots of different light intensity to measure. The card can be a piece of paper, obviously the thicker the card the longer you have to stand cold in the moonlight lol.


Well-Known Member
What kind of thermometer do you use, I don't have any that would measure the surface of the card. If your theory is correct I should also be able to lower the temperature in a glass of water correct. I will try it but I am pretty certain that photons would need some sort of photosynthetic material to effect the temperature. I'll let you know what the results are.
The water might take too long to see noticeable temp change, also ambient temp of the air around it might transfer more profound change than the moon light. I use a cheep IR thermometer gun (£14 quid).


Well-Known Member
The magnifying glass is to concentrate the light on the surface on the card more in one spot, than another, so visually there are two spots of different light intensity to measure. The card can be a piece of paper, obviously the thicker the card the longer you have to stand cold in the moonlight lol.
Perhaps it's similar to the frost in the ground when heat is applied. It first expands before thawing.
I'd like to try it.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Here is a test to verify my cool moonlight theory. Place a piece of card in the moonlight on the floor. Use a magnifying glass to focus the beam on the card. Use a thermometer to measure the point on the card where the light is concentrated. Use the thermometer to measure a point on the card out of direct light. You will find I am correct. In which case back to my original question, if the moon reflects sun light, why is its light demonstrably cold.
Redden moon light in not light like you think coming from the sun its reflected light same thing applies on earth what you see as light is reflected ask your self why is the sky blue ???

After the Sun, the Moon is the brightest object in the sky. Of course, the light we see doesn't originate on the Moon -- the Moon (like the planets) shines by reflected sunlight. [Note in passing: the Moon's surface is actually quite black. Only about 3% of the Sun's light which hits the Moon is reflected. But that's enough to light up our night sky.] The most prominent feature of the Moon's appearance in the sky is the Moon's phase. The Sun, of course, only lights up 1/2 the Moon -- the half that is facing the Sun. This doesn't always correspond to the half that faces the earth. In fact, if the Moon is on the same side of the earth as the Sun, we won't see the Moon at all. It's what we call a New Moon. If the Moon is on the opposite side of the earth as the Sun, then we have a Full Moon, and we can see the entire 1/2 that the Sun lights up. Note that this means we can tell time by the Moon. We normally tell time by the Sun. For example, if the Sun is near the meridian, then it's around noon; if it's setting then its around 6 p.m. the phase of the Moon tells us the angle between the Sun and the Moon. We see the Moon and we know the angle to the Sun, so we therefore know where the Sun is. Hence we know the time.
The Moon does not orbit the earth in quite the same plane as the Sun -- the circle it takes on the sky it tiled from the ecliptic by about 5 degrees. Hence the Moon spends 1/2 its time just slightly north of the ecliptic, and 1/2 its time slightly south of the ecliptic (but always in a zodiac constellation). Twice a month, the Moon's path crosses the ecliptic. If the Moon happens to cross the ecliptic at the exact spot the Sun is, the Moon will block out the Sun's light, and we'll have a solar eclipse. (This does not happen often. The Moon is rather small and casts a small shadow. Consequently, it really does have to make a bull's eye with the Sun. Most of the time, its shadow misses the earth, and even when the shadow does reach the earth, it covers only a small area.


Well-Known Member
Redden moon light in not light like you think coming from the sun its reflected light same thing applies on earth what you see as light is reflected ask your self why is the sky blue ???

After the Sun, the Moon is the brightest object in the sky. Of course, the light we see doesn't originate on the Moon -- the Moon (like the planets) shines by reflected sunlight. [Note in passing: the Moon's surface is actually quite black. Only about 3% of the Sun's light which hits the Moon is reflected. But that's enough to light up our night sky.] The most prominent feature of the Moon's appearance in the sky is the Moon's phase. The Sun, of course, only lights up 1/2 the Moon -- the half that is facing the Sun. This doesn't always correspond to the half that faces the earth. In fact, if the Moon is on the same side of the earth as the Sun, we won't see the Moon at all. It's what we call a New Moon. If the Moon is on the opposite side of the earth as the Sun, then we have a Full Moon, and we can see the entire 1/2 that the Sun lights up. Note that this means we can tell time by the Moon. We normally tell time by the Sun. For example, if the Sun is near the meridian, then it's around noon; if it's setting then its around 6 p.m. the phase of the Moon tells us the angle between the Sun and the Moon. We see the Moon and we know the angle to the Sun, so we therefore know where the Sun is. Hence we know the time.
The Moon does not orbit the earth in quite the same plane as the Sun -- the circle it takes on the sky it tiled from the ecliptic by about 5 degrees. Hence the Moon spends 1/2 its time just slightly north of the ecliptic, and 1/2 its time slightly south of the ecliptic (but always in a zodiac constellation). Twice a month, the Moon's path crosses the ecliptic. If the Moon happens to cross the ecliptic at the exact spot the Sun is, the Moon will block out the Sun's light, and we'll have a solar eclipse. (This does not happen often. The Moon is rather small and casts a small shadow. Consequently, it really does have to make a bull's eye with the Sun. Most of the time, its shadow misses the earth, and even when the shadow does reach the earth, it covers only a small area.
Thank you for your effort, however it still doesn't explain cold light. I know why the sky is blue, but why isn't it indigo/red.
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New Age United

Well-Known Member
Thank you for your effort, however it still doesn't explain cold light. I know why the sky is blue, but why isn't it indigo/red isn't all light supposedly travelling away from us?
No it doesn't explain cold light that will baffle me if you're correct. Any light that is caught by your eyes is definitely traveling towards you.