Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread


Well-Known Member
Nice! Hey lmk if ur gorilla spirtsare weak all 3 that popped out of 5 are runts. Everything else of u and worms gear is kicking ass. Crazu how some regular dudes can make some serious crosses..... even them being mistakes as was the who and lady purple crosses i made.. its nature at its best opinion.. glad all the babies are doing good.. the BlackBerry Jabba is a slow vegger as well. Cant wait till the really start shooting up... loking foward to the pics.. imm do an update on my page.. personal life has been hectic.. but good..stay safe homie..
hey there, sorry didn't notice the post! They are to young to know yet, i'll keep ya posted. the sour lady's aren't doing good for me, 2 of them are going wonky, IDK whats up. Ill get close up pics next time I go in the grow room. Gave em some b1 in case was transplant issue.

Yea she seemed a little slow to me to, I figured because she has so much indica in her, and one of the parents is bubba kush, which is notorious for being a little slow.

Stay free, stay high



Well-Known Member
Lol. Yea dr.d81 and I have both bee building them. I have 5 rabbits right now, 2 of them are due to have litters in 4 days, so gonna need a ton of cages. I am planning on having at least 4-6 breeding does. They are great eating, or the babies sell for about 20-30 bucks when 8 weeks old.


Well-Known Member
whew, just transplanted a ton of plants. Got the majority of the seedlings up from small squares to 1 gallons, and up potted all the plants that were in 6x6 squares into 3 gallons. About 3/4 of the room is filled, although to be fair, my 4x4 tent is empty, my secondary veg/clone room is empty, and my closet in the house is barely half full. I don't even want to consider what plant count it would take to really fill all my space...its a very nice feeling to have so much space.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
you know my father used to tell me stories of breeding the giant ones during the war to sell. crazy. you're both going to have a LOT of rabbits hahahah


Well-Known Member
Yea my great grandfather lived up in Beaverton/Tigard area (portland oregon outskirt area) and he bred rabbits, had bees, chickens, and produced damn near all his fruits and veggies for the family, and sold the excess. When he passed, I was devasted my grandmother sold the place. I had always hoped to take the farm over. Now its some high quality, well worked soil under a parking lot for a medical building. Built the house by hand himself, and they bulldozed it. Bastards lol. Such is life. I have noticed, the cheese surprise is a rambling weed for me. I go on tangents and yack on and on lol.


Well-Known Member
Yea my great grandfather lived up in Beaverton/Tigard area (portland oregon outskirt area) and he bred rabbits, had bees, chickens, and produced damn near all his fruits and veggies for the family, and sold the excess. When he passed, I was devasted my grandmother sold the place. I had always hoped to take the farm over. Now its some high quality, well worked soil under a parking lot for a medical building. Built the house by hand himself, and they bulldozed it. Bastards lol. Such is life. I have noticed, the cheese surprise is a rambling weed for me. I go on tangents and yack on and on lol.
old timers would say that dirt is still in your blood . grandma probly did you a favor . farmers get fucked when land values go up all around them ...:(


Well-Known Member
old timers would say that dirt is still in your blood . grandma probly did you a favor . farmers get fucked when land values go up all around them ...:(
Yea he was a cogy old bastard. All neighbors sold out except him. Wasjt even cold wuen his kids sold his place. I suppose it is in my blood. I'm never more at peace then working the land.
Yea i was born a farmer in TN. We lost the fram after my grandfather die in 89. I love i will get to be back on a farm.


Well-Known Member
It's me...been having chest pain, dizziness, and my resting heart rate hit 136. They seem to think it's,ptsd/stress related.