Pacific light concepts

Initial thoughts???........coverage/build quality/noise level/etc..............thanks

It's a solid build. the coverage is good 3x3 to 3.5 x 3.5 like plc say. it's not that noisy I can barely hear it my exhaust fan is louder. I like that it has a dimmer. I think it's a good light i think these will out yield the 2 rw150 and 2 sgs160 i had in there and it has better coverage than the rw and sgs but will see. It puts out just about the same heat as the 4 a51 maybe a few degrees higher. I think any one that purchase plc will be satisfied with the light. I'm thinking about picking up 2 more from them when there back in stock.
It's a solid build. the coverage is good 3x3 to 3.5 x 3.5 like plc say. it's not that noisy I can barely hear it my exhaust fan is louder. I like that it has a dimmer. I think it's a good light i think these will out yield the 2 rw150 and 2 sgs160 i had in there and it has better coverage than the rw and sgs but will see. It puts out just about the same heat as the 4 a51 maybe a few degrees higher. I think any one that purchase plc will be satisfied with the light. I'm thinking about picking up 2 more from them when there back in stock.

Thanks for the info, Seems like a winner to me...............I also like that it has a dimming knob, nice touch.

have fun with your new lighting grower and be safe as always..........keep us in the loop with flower updates if possible?
The light looks nice, out of stock on site... 750$

Why do you like to dim before startup n lights off?
I thought he was trying to mimic sunrise-sunset ..but that's a gotta be a huge pain in the ass to be there for lights on n off..unless it's automated dimmer?
I really like what I'm seeing the 1st week under plc lighting
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View attachment 3496232
Great development so far! Quick to set buds. Glad to hear you're liking them.

What strains of running? What's the story on the rest of your setup if you don't mind me asking?
He thinks he's mimicking sunset and sunrise. But in reality he's just making his plants finish faster and yield less

You need 730nm after lights out to mimic sunset and 660nm at lights on to mimic sunrise.
You're thinking of it as sunset the flower initiator.
What he is doing is mimicking sun rise/set...just a different part of it. But a part that can increase net photosynthesis by "warming up" and down. SDS has quite a bit of data and citings in a few threads(soft onset or one of those) and when I get home today I will pull what I have.
I am in my room at lights on 90% of the time or shortly after.
I'm running 4 sour sun set, 4 gorilla glue #4, 1 agent orange, 1 dosi do, 2 stardust sherb, from clone and i just threw in a gg4 s1 from unknown prophet last night. there all in 5 gallon air pots with roots 707 mix amended a little bit with dragonfly earth medicne just water and microbial tea once a week
Great development so far! Quick to set buds. Glad to hear you're liking them.

What strains of running? What's the story on the rest of your setup if you don't mind me asking?

You're thinking of it as sunset the flower initiator.
What he is doing is mimicking sun rise/set...just a different part of it. But a part that can increase net photosynthesis by "warming up" and down. SDS has quite a bit of data and citings in a few threads(soft onset or one of those) and when I get home today I will pull what I have.
I am in my room at lights on 90% of the time or shortly after.

I've tried that with hid. All it did was make plants finish sooner and yield less. The plants are getting less light. I git the idea from my buddies cousin who did it. This was before I knew much about spectrum.

The flower initiator ie mimicking sunset is actually mimicking sunset outside. I don't need to explain that. Dimming lamps just gives the plants less light so the plant thinks it's already fall instead of late summer when it starts to flower. And finishes sooner.
...seems to me on PLC lights... dimm its only manual...

...he is doing is mimicking sun rise/set?...i missing something new on PLC lights?...

....mimic the sun rise/set manually for my pov its too hard...

...on automated way... i prefer the industrial way for some hardware pieces... digital timmers... industrial contactors... i know its not popular too.. lot of wires... maybe a bit expensive way... but for my pov better for long runs...and lot of others things...

...and you can add other digital controllers or digital monitoring...or electronic way... on the mix...

...the electronic way... or arduino and similars are others good ways too...

GG...seems to me you use manual and automated... or i missing something too?....

lol... lot of diferent povs about dimming... for my pov helps ...for others not...

....i go with dimming too ....manual and/or automated... just my opinion...


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I'm running 4 sour sun set, 4 gorilla glue #4, 1 agent orange, 1 dosi do, 2 stardust sherb, from clone and i just threw in a gg4 s1 from unknown prophet last night. there all in 5 gallon air pots with roots 707 mix amended a little bit with dragonfly earth medicine just water and microbial tea once a week
Very nice. Good solid organic regiment. That dosido from stardust looks killer. I have his sherbert cut.
I feel like you're close to me. Maybe I will see you at an event one day.

I've tried that with hid. All it did was make plants finish sooner and yield less. The plants are getting less light. I git the idea from my buddies cousin who did it. This was before I knew much about spectrum.
The flower initiator ie mimicking sunset is actually mimicking sunset outside. I don't need to explain that. Dimming lamps just gives the plants less light so the plant thinks it's already fall instead of late summer when it starts to flower. And finishes sooner.
You're not getting me. It is nothing todo with hormonal/phytochrome response of the sunset/sunrise. Dimming how he is doing allows the photosystems(for photosynthesis) of the plants to warm up to their full rate of photosynthesis. As where hitting them 100% from the get go can cause slight delay/inhibition, which lowers the rate of photosynthesis going on in the first ~hour and lowering photosynthesis overall. So in turn, decreasing power to start with, is increasing photosynthesis , both in the beginning while dimmed, and overall. The exact opposite that one time you did it.

@salmonetin Nothing here is automated. Just the choice the grower is making when he is in his room and using normal POT dimmer.