I've created a monster..


Active Member
Ok so this is today
Fan leaves are yellowing
I came home to find my largest cola bowing to me so I staked it and am trying to figure out how to attach a netting system to support the buds because they are only going to get heavier in these last few weeks
I'd say it has 3 weeks left.. Only one or two hairs on each bud have begun to brown
Lucky my stems are stretchy and flexible else they may have snapped and that would have been a disaster :')

The other babies are looking just fine, heavy hair browning they probs have a week left and are mighty frosty
Will take pics next time I feed



Active Member
Heh check this out
The leaves are a bit fucked at this stage but the frost is real and the yield is looking like it's going to be a new personal best.
I reckon 4oz but as y'all always say, you can't predict that shit

The monster.plant is kinda fucked, the stems are too.weak and the stakes haven't helped as much as they needed to. There's no proper bud, just thc covered pieces of plant
I'm gonna make some sweet sativa wax

