

Makeshift macro lens attached to my phone + shaky hands = poop quality so please bear with me. I'm sure it's too early to tell, but this is my first grow (and my only plant, this is all or nothing for me) so I'm that annoying newb who's dying to know the sex ASAP. ;)

Thanks in advance!



I think you are a bit to close with the pic, I wish I could help. You may just want to post a pic without the macro lens.


Well-Known Member
I think what you are showing is the stipule. Which does not sex a plant. If you are impatient, you can throw it into 12/12 for a little while and it will lift it's skirt so to speak and reveal itself. I suggest being patient.


I think you are a bit to close with the pic, I wish I could help. You may just want to post a pic without the macro lens.
My laptop charger went MIA so I present a picture of a picture (SORRY!), which isn't much better than the original. Hopefully it helps, if not I'll just have to be patient.



I think what you are showing is the stipule. Which does not sex a plant. If you are impatient, you can throw it into 12/12 for a little while and it will lift it's skirt so to speak and reveal itself. I suggest being patient.
Part of the stipule is definitely in the picture, but there's a tiny...growth? to its right. I recently switched it over to 12/12 a week ago as of today. It's still early, I know.

I posted another picture above, however it's not top notch quality either. My phone can't focus that close since the growth is really small so it's a picture of a picture from my camera.


Active Member
How far along is your plant? Still vegging? To my newb eye it does look like a female catalax. I would think without any new growth in that area (as it has already grown seeing the branch) that it would be a sign of sex. Give it a few days and you will know 100% (white hairs and a big sigh of relief)


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I'm definitely going a little batty over here, but I do realize patience is key...I just haven't had much of it lately lol.
Growing weed takes ALOT of patience. Keep us updated, and ask lots of questions. Dont be afraid to Google shit, and when someone gives you advice, always ask "why?" before you take their advice. This forum has some brilliant minds, but just as many clowns. First grows are more about learning than growing dank.


How far along is your plant? Still vegging? To my newb eye it does look like a female catalax. I would think without any new growth in that area (as it has already grown seeing the branch) that it would be a sign of sex. Give it a few days and you will know 100% (white hairs and a big sigh of relief)
It looks pointed to me which made me think it is a female based off of pictures I've looked at, but I could just be over here wishfully staring at it hoping to see what I want lol.

Today marks the first full week into flower. I only allowed it to veg for 4 weeks which isn't very long, but large yields aren't on my radar just yet. I just wanted to see if I could keep it alive and so far so good lol.


Well-Known Member
And fyi im no expert. Notice i dont pretend to be....
It looks pointed to me which made me think it is a female based off of pictures I've looked at, but I could just be over here wishfully staring at it hoping to see what I want lol.

Today marks the first full week into flower. I only allowed it to veg for 4 weeks which isn't very long, but large yields aren't on my radar just yet. I just wanted to see if I could keep it alive and so far so good lol.
Check out this

I don't recommend you grow like this, but thats how easy it is to "keep a plant alive"... My yeild will be next to nothing and be shit bud. But thats okay.


Active Member
It looks pointed to me which made me think it is a female based off of pictures I've looked at, but I could just be over here wishfully staring at it hoping to see what I want lol.

Today marks the first full week into flower. I only allowed it to veg for 4 weeks which isn't very long, but large yields aren't on my radar just yet. I just wanted to see if I could keep it alive and so far so good lol.
Yeah it could be about that time. I agree with mollymc I am NO expert nor do i claim to be. But that place right off the branch is where sex is shown. 4 weeks is about the recommended time vegging. I let mine go for 8 and they are hard to tie down. Wait a few days, not even a week and you will know for sure.


Growing weed takes ALOT of patience. Keep us updated, and ask lots of questions. Dont be afraid to Google shit, and when someone gives you advice, always ask "why?" before you take their advice. This forum has some brilliant minds, but just as many clowns. First grows are more about learning than growing dank.
I'm pretty sure I've been keeping Google in business lately lol. I've been slightly obsessive over researching, but I'm like that with everything I take an interest in. Thanks for your help, truly. :)


Yeah it could be about that time. I agree with mollymc I am NO expert nor do i claim to be. But that place right off the branch is where sex is shown. 4 weeks is about the recommended time vegging. I let mine go for 8 and they are hard to tie down. Wait a few days, not even a week and you will know for sure.
Hey, I'm not looking for only expert eyes. All are welcome to speculate :). Are you still in flower? I really wanted to wait until at least 6-8 for veg (I'm more expressing my personal annoyance with the 4 weeks), but it just wasn't feasible this year with all of my out of state holiday plans. Next grow, after I have touch more of experience and knowledge under my belt, I'll do it exactly how I want. :)


Active Member
Yeah almost at five weeks now, tric production is growing everyday. So, what happen can you tell any difference today from yesterday?


Yeah almost at five weeks now, tric production is growing everyday. So, what happen can you tell any difference today from yesterday?
That's awesome! I checked yesterday and it looks a tad larger, but still no obvious signs one way or the other. I've decided to just stick to my regular checkups and pretend I never saw what looks like a preflower, at least for a few more days. I'm hoping by next week it'll be more obvious to the naked eye.