fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08


Well-Known Member
I know, thats what I am trying to help him understand. He doesn't quite know what he is getting himself into I think.

Edit: sorry FDD i really need to l2quote ;) Smoke on


Well-Known Member
yeah but, you went from indoor into a growing season, correct.
it is always 12-12 here, so they should flower right away.
what about the soil, i have read your posts and see why you went in the ground, but because of my proximity to the ocean and only 6 feet till water table, what should i do?
i was thinking on mixing my soil with some nice airystuff and elevating it two feet withe some 2 x12's, that should work right?

and i have grown little plants before, but because of my states medical marijuana laws i can't have more than 3 mature plants at a time, so i need to go big


New Member
yeah but, you went from indoor into a growing season, correct.
it is always 12-12 here, so they should flower right away.
what about the soil, i have read your posts and see why you went in the ground, but because of my proximity to the ocean and only 6 feet till water table, what should i do?
i was thinking on mixing my soil with some nice airystuff and elevating it two feet withe some 2 x12's, that should work right?

and i have grown little plants before, but because of my states medical marijuana laws i can't have more than 3 mature plants at a time, so i need to go big

You must be mistaken if you think that there is 12/12 light all the time if you are anywhere in the US....


Well-Known Member
well i am in hawaii so the longest the day gets is still shy of 14
and where i am, the mountains, make sunset happen even faster,

but any who... i been you tubn' and check this dude out, 33 gal trashcan vrs. ground


sorry fdd, i hope this doesn't qualify as a "highjack" i am kinda new to forums

so i thinki will go raised bed and take my chances with my questionable soil conditions and water table

thanks for the input


the plants are absolutely gorgeous my friend!!!!!

theres really not much more to say!

whats the total plant count of grounded girls?


Well-Known Member
omfg FDD thats gonna be a massive harvest dude, you will be sick of trimming by the time you cut these things down +rep



Well-Known Member
this is just the one plant that is budding so far. some of the ones in pots are flowering but this is the only one in the ground with flowers so far. :mrgreen:
hey FDD.. i didnt see your answer so ill ask again my friend... how long were those vegging for... when did you put in the ground?