In House Genetics Thread

Nice already have rainbow cookie just waiting for animal pie they look good candidate for my d&d #5 male and my neverland #1 male some cookie cross a soon as i harvest my pollen also it will be my first cookie grow what do you prefer with cookie cross ? Untopped , toped , fimed, lst ???
To maxamize yield, most cookie crosses benifit from top and train
A day after popping their heads out of the peat pellets, they'll always have their tail coming out the bottom. They come out of the yogurt domes, and into pea gravel in 6 oz styro cups. They'll get straight tap watered once a day until roots grow out the bottoms of the cup [usually around a week], then they'll go into their bucket homes in 1/4 strength nute solution. But birthing the babies is always my favorite part of the grow.

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