Minimum wage leading to touchscreens replacing cashiers?

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
I dont know, but what i do know is that its not my buisness to count their money.

15 an hour is DOUBLING their labor costs. If the cost of weed doubles would you smoke less? Would you be more conservative with your stash?

I don't have a disability, but im a convicted felon with no education. I couldn't find a job, so i made my own job. I started with ads on craigslist and now i make a decent living sitting at home hanging out with my daughter. I am 23 and started a contracting outfit out of thin air with no money invested. I worked my Fucking ass off but now i do pretty well. My employees make more than i do, but they work more than i do so im okay with that.

If someone wants an opportunity to make a good living, they need to work for it, and if that don't work..... Its fucking AMERICA! Anyone can start a business! ANYONE!!! White, Black, Native American, Asian, and every one else too.

If you dont wanna flip burgers, dont. That simple. There ARE other jobs. Learn to drive a forklift, or dig ditches for a landscaper, or work im a factory, learn to sew and work for a tailor, work for a sex hotline, become a cook in a real restaurant, work for the IRS, be a freelance writer, do caricatures on a busy street, or become a politician.

There are lots of jobs out there, if you apply at McDonald's and get the job, you are AGREEING to accept the pay rate they give you.

A burger flipper doesn't need to earn the same as someone who works twice as hard. In my area 15 an hour is alot of money. Its enough that 15 an hour at a fulltime job would allow you to live a very comfortable lifestyle with no financial issues. The people that make that much now, make that much because they earned it. They started from the bottom, and either aquired a skill, a degree, or work experience.... Now those with none of those things want to be equals.

Darwin's Theory of Evolution.... Survival of the fittest right? Well in modern day America the fittest arw those who are willing to do what ever is needed to move up in the world, or at least not move down.
The unskilled, uneducated, and unmotivated, need to work on the underlying cause of why they can't seem to find a better source of income.

Sorry if you have to work 3 minimum wage jobs, but in life you need to sell yourself. You make yourself marketable by learning a skill and then you sell yourself to a company. That's what a job is.
You seem to know a decent amount about the world, just like all the other asshats you skip right over the fact that minimum wage should be way higher than it is right now and start attacking burger flippers.

The real asshole is you for not realizing that we should all be getting paid a shit ton more than we do. But instead you go to retard logic about how people should work harder and pull themselve up by the boot straps.


Well-Known Member
you already told me you are a sock puppet.

i'm guessing you were one of the many losers who joined the white supremacy group, hence why you are projecting that onto me.

parrot some more pat buchanan.


Actually if I recall correctly, I did told you to guess whose puppet I was. I was fucking with you because you kept accusing me of being a fucking puppet. Oh well, you'll believe what you want.

I will say that I do miss your antics. It's pretty boring around here without you and your sycophants. I just wish the rulers to be would stay neutral.

later dude


Well-Known Member
You seem to know a decent amount about the world, just like all the other asshats you skip right over the fact that minimum wage should be way higher than it is right now and start attacking burger flippers.

The real asshole is you for not realizing that we should all be getting paid a shit ton more than we do. But instead you go to retard logic about how people should work harder and pull themselve up by the boot straps.
No, minimum wage SHOULD be higher, but not 15 an hour. (Maybe in high cost of living places)

The point im trying to make is, lets say you worked for a company for a few years, got a promotion and now make 15 an hour.... All of a sudden all the guys you competed with to get that promotion now make as much as you.... Will you get a raise?

And yeah.... Bootstraps... Thats part of america. Since the Colonial times if you didnt work or contribute to society you were probably going hungry. People came across the ocean with a dream, they worked themselves to death sometimes to make that dream real. If its worth having, its worth working for.


Well-Known Member
The point im trying to make is, lets say you worked for a company for a few years, got a promotion and now make 15 an hour.... All of a sudden all the guys you competed with to get that promotion now make as much as you.... Will you get a raise?
higher minimum wage puts upward pressure on all other wages too, dummy.

And yeah.... Bootstraps... Thats part of america.
but a livable wage for those who work 40 hours a week isn't?



Well-Known Member
No, minimum wage SHOULD be higher, but not 15 an hour. (Maybe in high cost of living places)

The point im trying to make is, lets say you worked for a company for a few years, got a promotion and now make 15 an hour.... All of a sudden all the guys you competed with to get that promotion now make as much as you.... Will you get a raise?

And yeah.... Bootstraps... Thats part of america. Since the Colonial times if you didnt work or contribute to society you were probably going hungry. People came across the ocean with a dream, they worked themselves to death sometimes to make that dream real. If its worth having, its worth working for.
The good old days.
Children working in factorys
Old people dying of starvation
And no labor laws


Well-Known Member
I dont know, but what i do know is that its not my buisness to count their money.
but apparently it is your job to count the money minimum wage workers make.

hilariously stupid.

15 an hour is DOUBLING their labor costs. If the cost of weed doubles would you smoke less?
the minimum wage in australia is more than double what it is here.

their big macs cost less.

you need to stop repeating retarded talking points and take a look around. and not at fox news.

I don't have a disability

i was convinced you had a mental handicap.

if you apply at McDonald's and get the job, you are AGREEING to accept the pay rate they give you.
and if mcdonald's sets up shop in the united states, they are agreeing to abide by the minimum wage laws that we set.

funny how that works both ways.

In my area 15 an hour is alot of money.
that's only $30k a year. that is not a lot of money to anyone but an immature, mentally retarded 23 year old.

The people that make that much now, make that much because they earned it. They started from the bottom, and either aquired a skill, a degree, or work experience.... Now those with none of those things want to be equals.
so those people no longer have bootstraps?

what happened to those magical american bootstraps?

jesus christ, you are full of fail.

Darwin's Theory of Evolution.... Survival of the fittest right?
you can't even get basic high school biology right.

just stop.


Well-Known Member
You're fucking hilarious. Where do you come up with this shit? Why don't you ask your bud if I've ever been banned?

You're the fucker that joined a white hate group.
Buck is a white hate group of one, all to himself.


Well-Known Member
Buck is a white hate group of one, all to himself.
are you still trying to convince yourself that your alabamaredneck sock puppet, who joined a white supremacy group, was some other 1985 auburn graduate with a math and science degree?

because you'll never convince anyone else of it.

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
No, minimum wage SHOULD be higher, but not 15 an hour. (Maybe in high cost of living places)

The point im trying to make is, lets say you worked for a company for a few years, got a promotion and now make 15 an hour.... All of a sudden all the guys you competed with to get that promotion now make as much as you.... Will you get a raise?

And yeah.... Bootstraps... Thats part of america. Since the Colonial times if you didnt work or contribute to society you were probably going hungry. People came across the ocean with a dream, they worked themselves to death sometimes to make that dream real. If its worth having, its worth working for.
Do you realize that there is not one state where a person on minimum wage can afford to live working 40 hours a week? I don't care how much you fucked off in life, if you are working 40 hours of real work you deserve to be able to pay your bills and have a little at the end of the month. Not the other way around where they got people trapped into spending more than they have every month trying to pay bills.

I am not in this situation however I see it all around me, California is a state where you can find some nice cheap places but if you go towards the big cities you are gonna be milked dry. I couldn't even afford to live on my own with a managers salary from a collective. I was making a lot of money compared to what people are making around me now.


Well-Known Member
explain to me the connection between a military budget and the cost of a burger at mcdonalds.
Explain to me:

1. The connection between you and the turd you left on a Wendy's bathroom floor for someone else to clean up.

2. Why you still think it's funny.

3. Why you dropped out of college.


Well-Known Member
Explain to me:

1. The connection between you and the turd you left on a Wendy's bathroom floor for someone else to clean up.

2. Why you still think it's funny.

3. Why you dropped out of college.
so in other words, you butthurted yourself.

that takes special talent.

all i did was point out that there is no connection between the military budget and what mcdonald's pay its workers.

this has infuriated a smart college graduate like yourself so much that you felt the need to lash out.

maybe channel some of that energy into your next sock puppet, or just join another white supremacy group.


Well-Known Member
are you still trying to convince yourself that your alabamaredneck sock puppet, who joined a white supremacy group, was some other 1985 auburn graduate with a math and science degree?

because you'll never convince anyone else of it.
Actually, I've already convinced myself.

I never joined a white supremacy group. But the word around here lately is that you did.

And BTW, why have you stabbed Sky in the back? She's very nice, and you're not good enough to clean her shoes. And yet you've been mean to her here.


Well-Known Member
so in other words, you butthurted yourself.

that takes special talent.

all i did was point out that there is no connection between the military budget and what mcdonald's pay its workers.

this has infuriated a smart college graduate like yourself so much that you felt the need to lash out.

maybe channel some of that energy into your next sock puppet, or just join another white supremacy group.
I'll join whatever White Supremacy group you did. I like the idea of being close to you.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I've already convinced myself.

I never joined a white supremacy group. But the word around here lately is that you did.

And BTW, why have you stabbed Sky in the back? She's very nice, and you're not good enough to clean her shoes. And yet you've been mean to her here.
that swollen vagina of yours apparently makes you a great little gossip.

but the fact is that there was no other 1985 auburn graduate on this forum. that was you. and you did in fact join a white supremacy group while using that sock puppet account, your 3rd or 4th sock puppet account out of 7 or 8 so far.


Well-Known Member
that swollen vagina of yours apparently makes you a great little gossip.

but the fact is that there was no other 1985 auburn graduate on this forum. that was you. and you did in fact join a white supremacy group while using that sock puppet account, your 3rd or 4th sock puppet account out of 7 or 8 so far.
Wow Buck, you're so wrong. You just don't know. One day you'll figure it out, and you'll apologize to me.

BTW, thanks for your advice on letting my Dr. Greenthumb Bubba OG go further into amber. You were right. Thank you.


Well-Known Member

seriously, look at that fat paunch of yours.

and the finishes on your house scream dirt poor hick.

have you not updated anything in there since the early 1980s?