dont wanna lose my plant


Active Member
the bottome leaves are white and get yellow light green in the middle then go to the normal dark green at the top NEED HELPPPP????


Well-Known Member
I think your problem is nitrogen. I would pick up some Peters All Purpose Plant Food (20-20-20) and see if that doesnt fix your problem. It costed me $2.99.


Well-Known Member
cause i had a plant tall and narrow like yours and it ended up male. i could be wrong so gl =)


Active Member
I just dont understand how it can be a nitrogen def. if I used miracle gro once a week and that has 24 percent nitrogen in it. As the days go by more of my plants leaves get a little lighter. I need a solution. I thought it was an Iron deficiency, but I cant find where to get a product with mostly iron in it. Im gonna hit it with miracle gro one more time. But can the plant still have a nitrogen def. if I feed it miracle gro????


Well-Known Member
If you have been feeding it once a week and watering it every day I would assume that you have over fertilized and over watered your plant (if I were you).

Try leaving it alone... water it once a week (at the most) and feed it once every two (or more like three if it is now overfed) weeks, and I bet you will see a lot better growth. However, the bottom leaves are probably damaged beyond repair... but the plant can still recover.

Also, consider giving it a bigger hole or a bigger pot if its hole or pot is getting close to the "1 gallon per foot of height" volume limit. Repot it with plenty of perlite in the soil if you don't have any in there right now (1/3 perlite by volume works really well).

Lastly, miracle grow is not good for cannabis... it is okay, but it is really meant for tomatoes. Get Peters 20-20-20 and use half of what it directs you to or get Fox Farm's "Peace of Mind" 5-5-5 granules. Those both have extra nutrients in quantities that are great for cannabis.
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Active Member
dosnt look like over water to me.actualy looks like its been under watered to me,you can get that look from lack of nitro but soil looks ok,so i think its under watered,perhaps could use some more organic matter in pot,like cow manure ore peat moss or somthing.


Well-Known Member
It sounds silly, but overwatering a plant can force it to stop drinking water, thus making it LOOK underwatered. anyhoo, onto the plant trouble.

Have you been checking the PH of your water? I'd suggest checking and correcting PH before EVERY watering. You should also check the PH of the runoff. If you have overwatered, it can take time for the roots to heal and grow back. Symptoms can continue even after the soil has dried out, as the plant likely lost some of it's root mass.

You should read this: GROW FAQ

Go through as much as possible. You should already know the importance of fertilizer, what it really is, what kinds to use when, and how to apply it to your grow. Very basic gardening stuff.


Active Member
The PH of my soil is 4.5....I know its too low. Does anyone know how I can raise it to 7.5 ???? Need Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!