Cannacopia's Chunky Cheese And Magnum, Envelope To Zig-Zag


Well-Known Member
Here's some helpful posts, #110, #124,#189,#204.

We use the 6500K for veg. more blue like a MH light, 2700K for flower like a HPS light.

Mared has some good stuff in his journal, first time coco grow.

The tray I made, wanted to use every inch in there. 1/2 inch styrofoam Alex-Plus caulking to seal with, used spray adhesive(regular) to sick it together first.

Have to be careful what you use on the foam, lots of glues will melt the styrofoam,chemically.
Hot glue is too HOT
Thanks a lot for the information. I will be getting my lights this weekend, and finishing up the rest of my construction projects next weekend before I go on vacation.


Well-Known Member
I just did another Shooting Powder watering good flood 1.5 liters per plant, the outdoor hydro girls will get the run-off.

I have a few teaspoons of Gravity left, enough for one test plant, see what it does.



Well-Known Member
THX, I'm really happy with the way the CFLs worked out, its a pretty low-cost set-up.

Anyway I forgot to say the last three pics are the same plant,changed the camera settings.


Well-Known Member
CFLs start to finish, when its done I might put some t-5s in the corners and throw a couple of mother in there,not sure though.

Old Cannon, s410, 4 mega-pixel, can't bring myself to buy a new one, pics look good.
I buy Cannon because they donate money to "Nature" on PBS.
They're worth the money, for-shaw.


Well-Known Member
wow I cant believe the cfls are working that great for flower.. no hps at all????

pics look good, I was just wondering if you had a macro setting so you can get some of those db types of pics.. Looks like you have some serious trich going on and would love to see a detailed close pic.


Well-Known Member
That's as close as this camera will get.
See that $70 USB microscope, looks pretty good, I want one.


Well-Known Member
IR Blocker also known as REFLECTIX

Here's a little information that may be helpful to all that needs it. If your ladies' room is notorious for the heat that it emits here a MUST to look into. Some grow sites are renaming it and is selling it for ridiculous prices, but the original technology can be found at your local Lowe's or Home Depot for a 1/4 of the price.

Click on the links to learn more about the technology:

It was originally made to keep UV rays out, and your room cooler. But as many other things you can use it for more that the original purpose. You can also use this to block your heat signature for IR and flIR. When you're room is covered with REFLECTIX, the IR camera only reads the area as a cold spot Since heat doesn not enter (which was the orional purpose) but also heat does register as leaving either on thier camreas.

Discount Hydro (cheaper @ Lowe's and Home Depot):
Discount Hydroponics - Block-IR

Home Depot Link:
Reflectix 4 Ft. x 25 Ft. Reflective Insulation - BP48025 at The Home Depot

Lowe's Link:
4'x 25' Foil Insulation


Well-Known Member
Need a search warrant to use IR, may as well knock down the door.

I grow meds, Cali prop 215 complaint, have papers, no local or state worries, I'm too small for the feds, theres 10 clubs in my town for the feds to play with.


Well-Known Member
I do believe I will buying a roll next weekend!! great timing on that post as i am a week from total redesign!! thanks! +rep for that!


Well-Known Member
IR Blocker also known as REFLECTIX

Here's a little information that may be helpful to all that needs it. If your ladies' room is notorious for the heat that it emits here a MUST to look into. Some grow sites are renaming it and is selling it for ridiculous prices, but the original technology can be found at your local Lowe's or Home Depot for a 1/4 of the price.

Click on the links to learn more about the technology:

It was originally made to keep UV rays out, and your room cooler. But as many other things you can use it for more that the original purpose. You can also use this to block your heat signature for IR and flIR. When you're room is covered with REFLECTIX, the IR camera only reads the area as a cold spot Since heat doesn not enter (which was the orional purpose) but also heat does register as leaving either on thier camreas.

Discount Hydro (cheaper @ Lowe's and Home Depot):
Discount Hydroponics - Block-IR

Home Depot Link:
Reflectix 4 Ft. x 25 Ft. Reflective Insulation - BP48025 at The Home Depot

Lowe's Link:
4'x 25' Foil Insulation
read this.
Infrared Thermal Imaging Deemed Unconstitutional Search By PA State Supreme Court - NORML


Well-Known Member
that is a encouraging article, but i think I will still use it just try and avoid johnny law. The fact that he had to go to the state supreme on appeal means that he spent a lot of dough to do it. Also I wouldn't put it past the law down here to go for it anyway.. plus I could really use the insulation.. not to expensive at lowes.


Well-Known Member
You got them "good ol' boys" down south. f@ck that. cops around here once they know you know your rights they won't fuck with you, down there they just break your knees.