Nutes help


New Member
Just wondering what nutes are recommended during each stage of growing

Not looking to use a go box or any other starter kit, looking for a more in depth feeding schedule and some explanation on when and why these nutes are needed


During the first few weeks of growth after Germination what levels of N-P-K would you recommend.... Etc.

What other nutes should I be looking to improve other then n-p-k

After flower has begun what levels should my ppm be at 2 weeks into growth, 3 weeks into growth and so on...

I really hope someone can help with this as there are so many answers out there

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
That's a big Q but ill give a general vanilla answer: MJ needs nitrogen, potassium, phosphor, & a range of macronutrients throughout the entire life cycle of the plant but there is a need for more P & K & other macros than N during mid to late flower.
You'll find few here in the organics section that use nutrients from a bottle....that is because you don't really need them if you provide all your plant needs in the soil already before it even touches roots. Feeding schedules are useless in organic soil just give them water & the occasional organic tea.
For further explanation of how plants use nutrients from the soil I suggest reading up on the subject - check out teaming with microbes.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering what nutes are recommended during each stage of growing

Not looking to use a go box or any other starter kit, looking for a more in depth feeding schedule and some explanation on when and why these nutes are needed


During the first few weeks of growth after Germination what levels of N-P-K would you recommend.... Etc.

What other nutes should I be looking to improve other then n-p-k

After flower has begun what levels should my ppm be at 2 weeks into growth, 3 weeks into growth and so on...

I really hope someone can help with this as there are so many answers out there
treat organics totally different than hydro, the NPK values are almost ignored, instead you want to concentrate on a good quality fresh humus source (compost or EWC derived)
It's more important to make a soil with nutrients that have varying rates of availability.
Slow, medium, and fast releases of nutrients will ensure your plant has what it wants, when it needs it.
Forget ppms, ph, and that type of stuff.
I haven't ever heard of any organic growers checking ppms
If you want to get your feet wet with organics I first suggest not only readin a bunch of the stickys here, but also visiting some homesteader sites.
You may want to start with a simple bagged organic soil, I recommend vermifire if you can find it.


New Member
treat organics totally different than hydro, the NPK values are almost ignored, instead you want to concentrate on a good quality fresh humus source (compost or EWC derived)
It's more important to make a soil with nutrients that have varying rates of availability.
Slow, medium, and fast releases of nutrients will ensure your plant has what it wants, when it needs it.
Forget ppms, ph, and that type of stuff.
I haven't ever heard of any organic growers checking ppms
If you want to get your feet wet with organics I first suggest not only readin a bunch of the stickys here, but also visiting some homesteader sites.
You may want to start with a simple bagged organic soil, I recommend vermifire if you can find it.

See I'm not going organic. But mustangstudfarm told me to post in here any way.... Not sure why. Told him I just want people's thoughts on nutes Not his stupid comments that make no sense and don't even go with the questions


Well-Known Member
See I'm not going organic. But mustangstudfarm told me to post in here any way.... Not sure why. Told him I just want people's thoughts on nutes Not his stupid comments that make no sense and don't even go with the questions
Well, he meant well .... Bless his heart:hug:

You want chems, Jack's Classic Dynamic Duo and Pro Mix with added lime and a bit more perlite.

Don't know about PPM's, but 40 yrs experience with that ^^^^^


EDIT: Oh, and a Fuck you very much for talking shit about someone trying to help you.
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Well-Known Member
Just wondering what nutes are recommended during each stage of growing

Not looking to use a go box or any other starter kit, looking for a more in depth feeding schedule and some explanation on when and why these nutes are needed


During the first few weeks of growth after Germination what levels of N-P-K would you recommend.... Etc.

What other nutes should I be looking to improve other then n-p-k

After flower has begun what levels should my ppm be at 2 weeks into growth, 3 weeks into growth and so on...

I really hope someone can help with this as there are so many answers out there
The problem with cheaper OTC nutes is they are nearly all formulated for blooming plants.Which pot is.But pot does not tolerate the nutes used mainly in bloom while it is vegetating. Go to Amazon and search "Hydroponic nutrients". Look for ones that are higher in nitrogen and lower in phosphorous and potassium for veg. And try reading before you need bloom nutes.