Still confused


im still confused, is my girl overfed or underfed? She's almost 7 weeks from seed in ffof and has only been fed twice at 1/4 strength.

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Not entirely sure but looks underfed and over watered. I've been out of the game a while tho man so basically just bumping the thread for you. How often do u water? And what are you feeding?
I water every 3-5 days depending on how thirsty she is, I'm using fox farms big bloom and tiger bloom at 1/4 strength because everyone says the ocean forest is hot. But I have only given her 2 feedings.
It's just confusing because I've read the diagnosis post but some parts look like nute burn( burnt tips) and others look like nitro def, but then some leaves are dark which means nitro tox :confused:


Well-Known Member
Again, I don't believe im qualified to give advice right now but I'd say those old leaves are giving up their N to the plant. And ffof is somewhat hot but after 7 weeks you should have used a lot of what was in it to begin with. Hopefully someone with a better eye can chime in. I don't want to lead you astray. I haven't grown in 3 years and even then I was no pro. The burnt tips are somewhat misleading but I believe you have a N deficiency which can be caused by several things. And the big bloom and tiger bloom are lacking N.


Again, I don't believe im qualified to give advice right now but I'd say those old leaves are giving up their N to the plant. And ffof is somewhat hot but after 7 weeks you should have used a lot of what was in it to begin with. Hopefully someone with a better eye can chime in. I don't want to lead you astray. I haven't grown in 3 years and even then I was no pro. The burnt tips are somewhat misleading but I believe you have a N deficiency which can be caused by several things. And the big bloom and tiger bloom are lacking N.
That's what I was leaning towards, because she's been fine throughout most of the grow in the ocean forest so it would surprise me that just now it would show sign of over feeding. I'll get some nutes with More N


Well-Known Member
You see how you largely have dark green leaves with brown tips? This means there's enough nitrogen. FFOF is kind of a hot soil. I think I wouldn't do anything right now. Just water it when dry. Giving that extra fert probably wasn't a good idea, but it's hard to tell how long a soil will last. I think you'll be okay if you don't do anything for a while and see how it goes. Any problems then just post pics here again.


You see how you largely have dark green leaves with brown tips? This means there's enough nitrogen. FFOF is kind of a hot soil. I think I wouldn't do anything right now. Just water it when dry. Giving that extra fert probably wasn't a good idea, but it's hard to tell how long a soil will last. I think you'll be okay if you don't do anything for a while and see how it goes. Any problems then just post pics here again.
it's very frustrating because I would think more than a month later that the soil would be drained of nutrients, and the burnt tips only started about 2 weeks ago. Maybe this northern lights is just not very nute hungry. But I'll try water only for the next couple weeks and monitor.
I agree with polish but i think you need to look more closely for a slight magnesium deficiency.
I also thought of that and did a foliar feed with Epsom a couple weeks ago but maybe I needed more


Well-Known Member
Make sure you give plants a wet/dry cycle. let the soil dry out before you water again. if leaves go droppy then it's time to water.


Well-Known Member
Yeah lots of people I know are having the same problem with the ffof the plants are fine at first but then start to show deficiency I wouldn't add a bunch of N IMO though I see I'm your pics the ribs of your leaves are green while the rest of the leafs is yellowing ....if I'm not mistaken that's signs of mag def You may have to supplement the soil with something but I don't see adding a bunch of liquid nutes fixing your issue Good luck


It's a small enough plant it shouldn't be so bad tho... Looks like a ten inch pot of ffof and its been fed twice at a quarter dose

I bet it's too wet..... I bet it's always been too wet and the roots suck
its a 12 inch pot, it was overwatered early on but it's had a good dry/ wet cycle since then. I don't water until the the soil is completely dry, not just the top layer. I also drilled several holes in the bottom and about 3 inches up the sides