pheno hunting for this season...

shits looking good over here.... be careful with that big time ex! breeder of boneyard seeds has posted 4 dif shots of whats in the bottles, all 4 were dif colors/consistencys! and they had dif use rates, and he ended up frying some plants. ex employer chimed in and said they dont mix shit right....
thanks for the heads up .
the first bottle i got was (i still got it ) totally beginner shit, works really well on tomato starts at 3ml per gallon soil drench . the new formula is pretty good but with the enzymes i would never go over 60 ml foliar. any more is an act of a desperate man...
those enzymes / yeasts are hard to get right its not a ppm thing . god i hope it is not some fucked up poison...:|
I'm scared now. I spent $60 on some. Still waiting for it
ill get pics of each sample the homie showed. very interesting bout N affecting terps!

cool i am very interested in the big time info as i have had amazing success with it .
the most interesting thing about oil production i have read is about using table salt to raise the oil levels of basil
its pretty dramitic
I'm scared now. I spent $60 on some. Still waiting for it

its mostly yeast and citric acid . i would not use it if it was suspect in the least .
Essential oils, as substances with a comp
lex chemical composition, are differently
modified by the presence and availability of nutrients in the nutritional environment.
The biosynthesis of volatile
oil constituents, among others terpene compounds, occurs
along different metabolic pathways, hence other compounds are substrates and enzymes
in these processes. The participation of macro- and micronutrients in building basic
organic compounds and in almost all plant lif
e processes as well as the results of the
presented agronomic studies show the significant role of these minerals in the modifica-
tion of essential oil content and chemical composition. Nitrogen contributes to the
greatest extent to an increase in the biosynthesis of essential oil and its composition in
numerous aromatic plant species.
A higher rate of nitrogen causes an increase in volatile
oil content and yield in some plants as we
ll as it increases the percentage of methyl
chavicol and
-asarone and decreases linalool concentration in the oil. In the cultivation
of some aromatic plants, a higher amount of potassium contributes to an increase in
essential oil content and in the percentage
of 1,8-cineole, linalool, eugenol, and
cadinene in the oil. Essential oil yield and chemical composition can be significantly
dependent on the rate of nitrogen and rate of potassium as well as on the interaction
between these minerals. Other nutrients, such as phosphorus, sulphur, calcium, magne-
sium and microelements, are also capable of changing essential oil yield and composi-
tion. Salt concentration in the nutritional environment of essential oil plants modifies
their growth and development and also affect
s essential oil biosynthesis. Increased soil
salinity may contribute to higher essentia
l oil content and yield and cause certain
changes in its composition. Similarly to biofertilization, optimal and balanced mineral
fertilization of aromatic plants, adjusted to their nutritional requirements and growing
conditions, is an important cultivation factor determining the quantity and quality of
essential oil.

so Nitrogen will increase the level of resin produced but limit the terpene linolool responsible for the
Floral, citrus and candy aromas.

Linalool is used as a scent in 60–80% of perfumed hygiene products and cleaning agents

could this possibly be why synthetic nutes on cannabis give huge yields (including of resin) and yet lack that complex oomph that organically grown bud has?

very interesting paper, im going to read it over a few times, really got me thinking about optimizing my feeding ratios etc. thanks Joe

Topping all the veg plants with neem cake today,or neem seed one of the two


Ahimsa Organics Neem Cake - OMRI ListedAerates, Promotes Plant Resistance, Improves Soil Quality. Excellent for Vegan Organic Gardening.
Neem Cake is the residue obtained from neem seed kernels which have been crushed to extract the oil. It is an excellent Organic Soil Amendment. Neem Cake has been known to enrich the soil and protect the plant. Earthworm populations have been known to increase where Neem Cake has been applied.

Use full strength or mixed with other organic (kelp, seaweed, manure, etc.) or inorganic inputs to an extent of 10% to 15% by weight. Apply before (the area can be prepared up to a week or 10 days before planting) or during planting or for established plants around root zone. Use mixed into the soil 6-8 inches or as basal dressing. Coverage:180 to 360 lbs./acre, 1lb. for plots 100 to 160 sq.ft.

Exercise caution while using in potting mixes. Using more than 1% could cause a lack of seed germination or stunt young plants.

swwweeeettttt:) that stuff rocks !
6-3-1 in varying degrees of availability
awesome knowledge going on in here!! Yea next year I been thinking of added in marigolds and clover in to as ground cover next year. I been planteing a ton of kale and mustard in my 100 gallon pots that had the veggie garden in it this year and will be the base for next years ganja garden for some green manure, as well as some beets. Gotta just keep building the soil up :) Tons of compost being made to from all the animals.
awesome knowledge going on in here!! Yea next year I been thinking of added in marigolds and clover in to as ground cover next year. I been planteing a ton of kale and mustard in my 100 gallon pots that had the veggie garden in it this year and will be the base for next years ganja garden for some green manure, as well as some beets. Gotta just keep building the soil up :) Tons of compost being made to from all the animals.

you should get those blumats soonish:)
covercropping is where its at homie ! i love your can do spirt .
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Ahimsa Organics Neem Cake - OMRI ListedAerates, Promotes Plant Resistance, Improves Soil Quality. Excellent for Vegan Organic Gardening.
Neem Cake is the residue obtained from neem seed kernels which have been crushed to extract the oil. It is an excellent Organic Soil Amendment. Neem Cake has been known to enrich the soil and protect the plant. Earthworm populations have been known to increase where Neem Cake has been applied.

Use full strength or mixed with other organic (kelp, seaweed, manure, etc.) or inorganic inputs to an extent of 10% to 15% by weight. Apply before (the area can be prepared up to a week or 10 days before planting) or during planting or for established plants around root zone. Use mixed into the soil 6-8 inches or as basal dressing. Coverage:180 to 360 lbs./acre, 1lb. for plots 100 to 160 sq.ft.

Exercise caution while using in potting mixes. Using more than 1% could cause a lack of seed germination or stunt young plants.

swwweeeettttt:) that stuff rocks !
6-3-1 in varying degrees of availability
you should get those blumats tomarrow i think and the sensi star beans:)
Got them today:)