So I have a smell problem! Any advice would be awesome!


Well-Known Member
yep. in the auto section in my store. i keep one at the ready next to the front door. and great when you are traveling. smoke in the hotel room with no probs. haha.


Well-Known Member
just can't see how you have 3 fans and one filter

how big is the room ?
I don't know the measurements of the room exactly but I have 6 xxxl magnuim reflectors a carbon filter on the ground with an exhaust fan on top blowing air out side. Also a exhaust fan sucking air


Well-Known Member
why don't you have one 8" fan exhaust air out the room and one 5" intake fan, this will stop any oder getting out the room and see what your temps are (day and night )


Well-Known Member
i could care less about smell.
but with 6 hoods, it would seem to me to put 2 or 3 lights per carbon scrubber and then out the room. seems one is not enough for the whole setup. i have a weed sensitive nose and can smell it like a good blood hound.


Well-Known Member
Ona gel is great....just don't stick it in the tent or room with the plants. Sit a small container of it by your exhaust, or by the intake of you central ozone generator by the exhaust on a timer works good too.


Well-Known Member
Is it better to suck the hot air out of my hoods or should I push the air out of them.. Right now I'm sucking the air out but I'm only using one 8" fan to suck the air out of 5 hoods


Well-Known Member
sucking from the closest point of extraction from the tent/room is the most efficient way to do it... but it also is the easiest way for smells to seep in from your hoods' glass.

you can push from one side of the hoods, and pull from the other side closest to your extraction point from the house. this should cut back on smell outside a lot.

you can also tape all the glass seams on your hoods to help prevent air seepage. or you can get a better seal on the glass by buying some new/better weather foam stripping than what the companies put on them to begin with.