Please Help !!! Emergency !!! SpiderMite Problem !!!


Active Member
I'm on week 6 of flowering and i just found traces of spidermites. :cry: I'm soil growing in a third floor bedroom. Can anyone with past experience on getting rid of these pest help me out please. I have Avid chemical but have no idea if i can use it on my budding plants. Any help will be very appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Morning 420Blunts.
No! No chemicals on flowering buds, ya can`t get it off properly and you`ll wind up smoking it,,,eeewww.
How tall are your plants?
If you can get a plastic bag over em and tie it at the bottom, you can use some CO2 cartrigdes to kill the mites plus it`s an added bonus for the plants.
Just put plastic bag over plant so you can tie it at the bottom stem, you can get CO2 for pellet guns at MalWart I imagine and just pop the seal on a cartridge or 2 and put in bag with plant and tie off at the bottom.
Mites should be all dead in 24 hrs, and your plant will love you for it.
Hope this helps you some.


Active Member
thanks canadiancowboy, i definetly appreciate your help - i will definetly try this method once the store opens - i will be praying for this method to work - good thing i ask before doing anything - this is my first grow and i am freaking out eversince i discovered these bastard mites - my plants are about 44 - 46 inches tall and started flowering first week of July


Well-Known Member
if your humidity is really low, you might consider attempting to spray away the dead ones. Smoking bugs aint as fun as people might lead you to believe. I wouldn't risk mold/mildew over it though, so be careful.


Well-Known Member
Ladybugs eat spidermites. You can get them at most good organic nurseries. Otherwise I would suggest just taking the webs off by hand and getting the ladybugs. Well from my experience too much direct CO2 can kill your plants. It has to be regulated. I found that out the hard way. Anything you spray on your plants will eventually go in your body. I highly recommend the ladybugs.


Active Member
thanks livevibe - u think i can use ladybugs and spider mite predators at the same time - i can get 1,000 of both for a little under $70 - will these spider mite predators harm my buds though ???


Well-Known Member
The ladybugs are good..also at this point eradication may be a bit much to ask, but you can knock them back with a dish soap and water spray, that comes off easy..I also take some of that dryer soap at the top of soap container, its like a wax texture and I but some on the stem (a ring around) to stop them from going up the plant..thats if there's no sign that they are already there... Remove a few leaves that may provide them with a bridge to the top...


Active Member
has anyone ever used or know if i can use SaferGro Pest Out organic miticide - i have only 3 weeks left of flowering and i hope all 40 of my babies make it thru - i'm losing my mind slowly - don't know what the best choice to make for my situation


Well-Known Member
has anyone ever used or know if i can use SaferGro Pest Out organic miticide - i have only 3 weeks left of flowering and i hope all 40 of my babies make it thru - i'm losing my mind slowly - don't know what the best choice to make for my situation
Don't worry, you were given great advice by everyone.
The only thing I will add is don't forget about the eggs.
The best thing to do is to not get them, prevention techniques are crucial!
Once u got em, u got em!
I would say the best bet is to do a round of co2, but only for 6 hours, the bugs will be dead in 5. Plants need oxygen also... After that unleash a force of ladybugs to eat up the babies as they hatch...
Damn 40 plants, u got some work to do... If u want a harvest, don't take the easy way out!


Active Member
thanks twistyman & customhydro !!! I've been up all nite (can't sleep for shit cuz of this problem) - i can't wait until the stores open so i can get started - i will read up on co2 method more so i don't mess anything up since i have a few hours before stores open up. think 1000 ladybugs and 1000 predators are enough to start with after co2 ???


Well-Known Member
I really can't say how many to unleash. Check and see what worked for someone and then determine the amount off of that based on your room size and number of plants compared to theirs. I know the ladybug can't harm your plants, I guess it just comes down to how many u want to vacuum up, and chase around... I never had to unleash them yet. Maybe someone can chime in that has. Watch out for feeling light headed, when u do 40 plants u will have a very high PPM of CO2 in the room, and a low Oxygen PPM...


Well-Known Member
I hope I didn't give that warning too late...about the low oxygen levels...??
Got any updates for us?
I'm curious to hear how that co2 worked out for u?

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Run down to Wal mart and BuY some safe grow, It has Pyrethins in it that will kill them and it is 100% safe, read label it will say safe for tomatoes can harvest same day. Use 2 a week or more if needed, might have to spray both sides of leaf and bud as they will make webs all over Buds.Thats what I use on my flowers, they have to still dry so no flavor or anything will be on them. Those lil basterds will eat your buds dry!!


Active Member
Lady bugs are really good for mite issues, we have all had to deal with mites and/or aphids at one time or another unless you live in the Desert. Word of caution with lady bugs, they are not too smart you have to protect them from the intense heat from the HID lamps because they fly into the bulb and get fried! Do not release them all at once unless you have a reflector with a glass between the bulb like these type.

Also lady bugs are horny little things, keep them happy and they will hump away and reproduce and keep your mites in check for many grows.:blsmoke:


Active Member
Canadian Cowboy:
How do you pop the CO2 cartridge without freezing your hands? Doesn't the CO2 pop out all at once?

If you can get a plastic bag over em and tie it at the bottom, you can use some CO2 cartrigdes to kill the mites plus it`s an added bonus for the plants.
Just put plastic bag over plant so you can tie it at the bottom stem, you can get CO2 for pellet guns at MalWart I imagine and just pop the seal on a cartridge or 2 and put in bag with plant and tie off at the bottom.


New Member
Run down to Wal mart and BuY some safe grow, It has Pyrethins in it that will kill them and it is 100% safe, read label it will say safe for tomatoes can harvest same day. Use 2 a week or more if needed, might have to spray both sides of leaf and bud as they will make webs all over Buds.Thats what I use on my flowers, they have to still dry so no flavor or anything will be on them. Those lil basterds will eat your buds dry!!

That doesn't sound like the best plan to me. Before you use a tomato you take it to the sink and wash it under the water. You don't wash your weed. I would not use any kind of pesticide when the plant is budding.