Been at it for a bit...nutrient issues.


Well-Known Member
Eveving All-

Been enjoying this hobby for a few years. Been having some issues lately.

FFOF. trio and soluables. Calmag.

This keeps happening during flower. Slowly but surely keeps getting worse. I typically water, water, feed. When I do feed it is usually 1/2 of what dosages are. 6.4-6.7.

I over analyze way TOO MUCH (which I am sure nobody else does). To the point where I just keep second and triple guessing. Anybody that can help, I would surely appreciate it!

Big up!



Well-Known Member
Also, another issue, I know is my ventilation. I am in process of venting out of room (through filter of course). So my heat has been an issue to an extent, could that be the main problem?


Well-Known Member
Yes, I have seen that many times. but like I said, I over anaylze. So looking at this again, my thoughts would be P deficeient?

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
It ain't heat thats causing the leaves to burn like that. If it was it would be hitting all the leaves that are in the same areas of the plant.


That looks just like what is happening to mine currently. I'm entering 4th week of flower, you? Only constant it that we both are using ffof. I haven't added any calmag or addt nutes yet.

You under a hps? What wattage and how far from canopy?

If this has happened to you in the past, do you get to harvest ok?


Well-Known Member
going into 4th week. 1000hps. they were in the same soil from a short veg period. Yes, harvest was ok, but I am getting sick of seeing plants like this.


going into 4th week. 1000hps. they were in the same soil from a short veg period. Yes, harvest was ok, but I am getting sick of seeing plants like this.
I can imagine it being frustrating. I'm on my first grow wondering if the bud sites are going to shrivel up and die after these fans do.

I'm only using a 150w hps but got just one plant going. My top cola is about 6 inches from it but is looking good so far.

Curious to know if you get a resolution


Well-Known Member
So I was just reading about all the issues with FFOF. This makes sense, becuase for about the last year, I have been having these issues? what do you think?


Well-Known Member
I personally think you may want to cut back on nutes a tad. plants seem really dark green could be having a lockout somewhere due to toomuch of something.


Well-Known Member
Im going with heat stress, leaves burn when its hot from light bleaching and the light is a big 1000w. Cool the room to below 80 and they should be much happier.


So I was just reading about all the issues with FFOF. This makes sense, becuase for about the last year, I have been having these issues? what do you think?
After doing a bunch of research, it seems our plants are cannibalizing themselves. They're probably not getting enough N during the stretch transition[1st couple weeks of flower] and therefore, start to use up all the nutes it has inside their fans. Since this is my first grow, I didn't really know wtf I was doing, so next grow I will probably add some veg nutes the first two weeks of 12/12.

If this was happening on Week 7 or 8 of flower, I wouldn't mind so much, but week 4 is killer. I hope to God she makes it through the next month without killing her nugs prior to harvest.

Hope yours is good too Ben.1001151717.jpg 1001151717a.jpg 1001151718.jpg 1001151718a.jpg 1001151718b.jpg 1001151719.jpg 1001151719a.jpg