Advanced Nutrients are great!!!


Well-Known Member
Wasn't it one the 3 partners(some polish guy) that got busted and not "big Mike"? Did he not just buy them out to become sole owner? Dont use the stuff myself and have no opinions on it but he does have a nice plane :).
I heard that all 3 partners are members of NAMBLA. Just a rumor though

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I used that cheap trash over 10 yrs ago no way would I turn back to it. Not general hydro or the numerous amounts of nute companies that have sprung up over the years will ever change my mind. Try a bluelab handheld to increase you chances of survival in this green world we live in.
I love the coco!
As far as synthetics go
First off, AN works, almost anything mentioned here works! I've run almost everything out there and usually several at a time in side by sides......
Bottom line - AN is NOT the best thing out there!
I got the best results from - - The 3 best...
Canna and Cyco are kinda pricey(OK Cyco is stupidly pricey too) ..... AN is stupidly so due to nutrient bottling separation and marketing.

Nice single stalked plant. I'm still laughing at the ak tho. So 5 years ago
I love the coco!
Whats wrong with AK? You have to have the "newest thing" to have the best?
I run Chemdog, Ghost cut OG and NYSD. How old are those? I'll put any of those against anything "new" you have for quality and potency!

If there are serious members who are having problems & they are tired of being heckled PM me. I have a lifetime experience with marijuana. I have grown indoors for about 8 years with almost every type of nutrients and mediums. If it's bugs or if your having a hard time choosing from an assortment of products I can help. I live in Michigan and I started out helping people & being helped at the genesee county compassion club. Does anyone Remember Florida Bob from the club back in the day? If you do you remember Sonny. I'm real, legit and have real world people not internet hoodlums who hide behind their name cause they can. I have provided thousands of caregivers over the years with genetics & never have had complaints. It's funny, I used to make fun of Florida bob growing in coco because I didn't know a better way at that time. I was using promix. After changing to coco I've been a way different grower. Florida bob is the man in my book & he's not even a riu member.
I love the coco!
OHH BOY, 8 years! Look out! He's da man! I suspect you can grow.....But there's so much more to learn and someday you'll figure out AN is NOT worth it.......Cannabis specific nutrients are not!

We all have our media choice.....After 41 years of growing, Coco still sucks ass in my book. See, opinions are like,,,well you know that right?

Dense as fuck!

YES he is!

Tons of leaves. Pluck those Biotches let some light in and smile
I love the coco!
I KNEW you were a "defoliator" when you said you could put 2 1/2 zips in a sandwich bag.....LOL
Hows yer potency?
I know one just like you.....nice yields of little tiny hard ass buds, that fill jars with heavy weights but lower potency.....

There you go,,,,,AN hater just gave his opinions.....
I after all these years haven't done any synthetics for almost 2 years.......NONE of them are worth my time......If I were to use any..
A one part like Jacks or Peters would be my choice....
I keep threatening to do some DWC again but, it'll just take up space I can use for breeding again.

My 2 cents


Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
As far as synthetics go
First off, AN works, almost anything mentioned here works! I've run almost everything out there and usually several at a time in side by sides......
Bottom line - AN is NOT the best thing out there!
I got the best results from - - The 3 best...
Canna and Cyco are kinda pricey(OK Cyco is stupidly pricey too) ..... AN is stupidly so due to nutrient bottling separation and marketing.

Whats wrong with AK? You have to have the "newest thing" to have the best?
I run Chemdog, Ghost cut OG and NYSD. How old are those? I'll put any of those against anything "new" you have for quality and potency!

OHH BOY, 8 years! Look out! He's da man! I suspect you can grow.....But there's so much more to learn and someday you'll figure out AN is NOT worth it.......Cannabis specific nutrients are not!

We all have our media choice.....After 41 years of growing, Coco still sucks ass in my book. See, opinions are like,,,well you know that right?

YES he is!

I KNEW you were a "defoliator" when you said you could put 2 1/2 zips in a sandwich bag.....LOL
Hows yer potency?
I know one just like you.....nice yields of little tiny hard ass buds, that fill jars with heavy weights but lower potency.....

There you go,,,,,AN hater just gave his opinions.....
I after all these years haven't done any synthetics for almost 2 years.......NONE of them are worth my time......If I were to use any..
A one part like Jacks or Peters would be my choice....
I keep threatening to do some DWC again but, it'll just take up space I can use for breeding again.

My 2 cents

How bout that 89' Chemdog? Lmao. You have some good info sometimes, but man, you can be so full of horseshit other times. It makes me wonder how much info you pull from google and how much is from first hand experience. Because why would a professional grower of 40 years feel the need to make shit up? The conflict between good advice (that you do seem to give and I agree with most of the time) and the obviously made up bullshit you toss out, makes believing anything you speak about based on real experience really hard to believe. I remember you saying you fly out and eat dinner with the big names in the breeding world, and sit down and have conversations with professors from colleges all around the US. And of course there's the 89' Chem. There's real shit and fake shit, you should really pick one and stick with it.

REAL 89 Chemdawg......From an original cutting.....Wowser!
Grown and cloned by myself for years. One of my patients most requested.


Well-Known Member
I KNEW you were a "defoliator" when you said you could put 2 1/2 zips in a sandwich bag.....LOL
Hows yer potency?
I know one just like you.....nice yields of little tiny hard ass buds, that fill jars with heavy weights but lower potency.....
Dirty Balls has only just new here and started learning but have my doubts it will get past the 'learning' curve.


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
How bout that 89' Chemdog? Lmao. You have some good info sometimes, but man, you can be so full of horseshit other times. It makes me wonder how much info you pull from google and how much is from first hand experience. Because why would a professional grower of 40 years feel the need to make shit up? The conflict between good advice (that you do seem to give and I agree with most of the time) and the obviously made up bullshit you toss out, makes believing anything you speak about based on real experience really hard to believe. I remember you saying you fly out and eat dinner with the big names in the breeding world, and sit down and have conversations with professors from colleges all around the US. And of course there's the 89' Chem. There's real shit and fake shit, you should really pick one and stick with it.
Aw come on cap. Yeah I know other folks. Believe what you choose, not my prob. Yes I still run some orig. But I run more # 4 then orig. I kept the orig for my reasons and yes, some patients do request it so it's there for them too.....The orig is a pheno that is very, very lemony...

As far as travel and prof talk. I resemble that remark....I don't travel to have "dinner" with friends. I do speak at Universities on old school farming technique and sustainability. Part of that is on alternative farming styles. I get invited to do that....

So what fuck did I do to raise your ire?
You an AN fan or sump'in?
I don't hide my profile from the membership......

Peace dude, Peace


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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Hey Doc, a bit off topic but have you any info on the chemdog offered by dr greenthumb?
The greenthumb Chem is the #4 cutting......REAL nice stuff......His lines are pure too.... Worth it in my book!
Lemony/piney and when it gets proper ripening - Massive buzz.

NO, I don't shill for his stuff - I REALLY like it!

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
The greenthumb Chem is the #4 cutting......REAL nice stuff......His lines are pure too.... Worth it in my book!
Lemony/piney and when it gets proper ripening - Massive buzz.

NO, I don't shill for his stuff - I REALLY like it!
Thanks Doc! Picking up either Oh Zone or Chem this week, hard choice lol. Trying to find a worthy clone candidate.

Enigmatic Ways

Well-Known Member
Eleven pages and I'm still waiting for the an lovers to explain why its better. A real scientific explanation please.
AN is not quote unquote better than any other specific nutrients I just like their beneficial's, beneficial's are good regardless of what nutrient company it comes from just as long as you use them, I just so happen to be using Advanced Nutrients.

Enigmatic Ways

Well-Known Member
And you like AN better compared to what? Oh that's right, this is your 1st grow... So you have nothing to base your claims off of...

Make sense? I'm sure it doesn't but that's ok, we understand.
You keep fishing don't you, but anyway I never said Advanced Nutrients was better than any other nutrients I just said that advanced nutrients worked great for me that's all.

Enigmatic Ways

Well-Known Member
Great for shit weed right? Isn't that what you're saying? Or am I still fishing?
No, not with that statement you're not, because I agree White Widow x Big Bud aren't great genetics, but I still think I came very close to hitting the genetics full potential and I think that's because well partly because of the beneficial's I was using, it just so happened that the beneficials I was using were from Advanced Nutrients and they ended up working good for me in my opinion, so I wanted people to know! Maybe the title should have been beneficial's work great instead of Advanced Nutrients are great!


Well-Known Member
Well fellas I have to say Advanced Nutrients kicks ass so if you are a new grower or experience grower it really doesn't matter I highly suggest using them. Btw the total cost of the nutrients from beginning to end of harvest $115.
To each their own, im not hating.. I'd rather spend money to burn another 600, and use a lower cost nutrient. Even if you were to spend another hundred on Aptus tech + AN full line and spray it down with PGR's, the gains would be small compared to adding another light.

Enigmatic Ways

Well-Known Member
To each their own, im not hating.. I'd rather spend money to burn another 600, and use a lower cost nutrient. Even if you were to spend another hundred on Aptus tech + AN full line and spray it down with PGR's, the gains would be small compared to adding another light.
Yea I would have got another 600 but the reason I didn't is because I wouldn't have been able to control the temperatures with the equipment I had at that particular time.


Well-Known Member
Yea I would have got another 600 but the reason I didn't is because I wouldn't have been able to control the temperatures with the equipment I had at that particular time.
I'm sure you have your reasons, but I try to get as much quality light as possible and get the environment close to perfect.. that seems to be a bigger factor than genetics, or nutrition, you could have been putting money towards an environmental controller, or better lights..

Instead of flaming you and calling you a fool, I invite you to listen to Its one of the best podcasts out there for growing basics and theory that I have found, they will explain some of the drawbacks of AN products, in a non hostile way.


Well-Known Member
It's just nutrients people, chill. Advanced Nutrients are cheaper locally than any other popular nutrient line. And the pH perfect makes things really easy and the results are better than when I used GHE (h3ad's formula) and adjusted the pH.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
It's just nutrients people, chill. Advanced Nutrients are cheaper locally than any other popular nutrient line. And the pH perfect makes things really easy and the results are better than when I used GHE (h3ad's formula) and adjusted the pH.
stoop awse post is that?