Alien x Triangle auto comparison by The Vault

Lucifder, Id toss it. The vault sent a nuddy of mine seeds that were unlabeled and they all hermied. The vault was shitty to him and never answered his question because they didnt know the breeder of the seeds. The Vault tries to buy people with free seeds, but if you have a problem with them they wont treat you well. The Vault seems dirty to me. My buddy got pissed the vault treated him like shit and now he tells every dispensary owner and grower he knows to never represent the vault.
I've never had all of anything herm on me? Sounds like ur buddy had a light leak, shitty timer or over ferted.
Lucifder, Id toss it. The vault sent a nuddy of mine seeds that were unlabeled and they all hermied. The vault was shitty to him and never answered his question because they didnt know the breeder of the seeds. The Vault tries to buy people with free seeds, but if you have a problem with them they wont treat you well. The Vault seems dirty to me. My buddy got pissed the vault treated him like shit and now he tells every dispensary owner and grower he knows to never represent the vault.

FrankAbhor is your buddy the same one flaming us on Grasscity because thats the only one I know that has any problems (although they are completly unfounded), or are you the same person?

Ask around mate, we look after our customers, we are well known for this.

Are you objecting to us giving away seeds for free, having competitions and a bit of fun?

Just in case anyone doesnt know, you can always contact the Vault and we will always help our customers where we can. You can contact us via the website, email, on many forums, our live chat feature on the website, via our many social media accounts etc.
Lucifder, Id toss it. The vault sent a nuddy of mine seeds that were unlabeled and they all hermied. The vault was shitty to him and never answered his question because they didnt know the breeder of the seeds. The Vault tries to buy people with free seeds, but if you have a problem with them they wont treat you well. The Vault seems dirty to me. My buddy got pissed the vault treated him like shit and now he tells every dispensary owner and grower he knows to never represent the vault.

If you want the facts Frank this is actually what happened:

We sent your friend a FREE care package a few months back, but your friend then started posting nasty comments about us because the t-shirt he received was a white t-shirt and he wanted a black one.
So I apologised and sent him another FREE package with a black t-shirt (which I had to order in especially for him) and 5 free Cheese Auto seeds.
A few months later the same guy starts trolling our AxT thread on GC because he managed to hermie the Auto fem seeds (which no-one else has had a problem with!). He started abusing the Vault and myself personally - for sending him a free package!
Everyone on the GC thread agreed that he was being an ungrateful whinge, and the mods on GC actually banned him from our thread!
He continued to abuse me in PM, so I has to block him.
I never treat people like shit, everyone knows that - and if you want to read the thread in GC you'll see that I acted very professionally to his abusive trolling comments.

To be honest I think he is a competitor, simply trying to destroy our good name - and frankly Frank I also think that you are the same person; just using nasty dishonorable tactics to try to blemish our name.
If you want the facts Frank this is actually what happened:

We sent your friend a FREE care package a few months back, but your friend then started posting nasty comments about us because the t-shirt he received was a white t-shirt and he wanted a black one.
So I apologised and sent him another FREE package with a black t-shirt (which I had to order in especially for him) and 5 free Cheese Auto seeds.
A few months later the same guy starts trolling our AxT thread on GC because he managed to hermie the Auto fem seeds (which no-one else has had a problem with!). He started abusing the Vault and myself personally - for sending him a free package!
Everyone on the GC thread agreed that he was being an ungrateful whinge, and the mods on GC actually banned him from our thread!
He continued to abuse me in PM, so I has to block him.
I never treat people like shit, everyone knows that - and if you want to read the thread in GC you'll see that I acted very professionally to his abusive trolling comments.

To be honest I think he is a competitor, simply trying to destroy our good name - and frankly Frank I also think that you are the same person; just using nasty dishonorable tactics to try to blemish our name.
Please ignore these trolls you are a reputable organization with great customer service, superior products, and a loyal fan base. You have gone above and beyond any and every other company i have ever dealt with and in me and plenty of other's you have customers for life. It is a travesty that you would even have to defend your good name, any one who would even question your organization would only have to search the forms to find for every one who had bad things to say about you they would find 100 more people who rave how great we think you are.
Please ignore these trolls you are a reputable organization with great customer service, superior products, and a loyal fan base. You have gone above and beyond any and every other company i have ever dealt with and in me and plenty of other's you have customers for life. It is a travesty that you would even have to defend your good name, any one who would even question your organization would only have to search the forms to find for every one who had bad things to say about you they would find 100 more people who rave how great we think you are.

Thanks buddy
Please ignore these trolls you are a reputable organization with great customer service, superior products, and a loyal fan base. You have gone above and beyond any and every other company i have ever dealt with and in me and plenty of other's you have customers for life. It is a travesty that you would even have to defend your good name, any one who would even question your organization would only have to search the forms to find for every one who had bad things to say about you they would find 100 more people who rave how great we think you are.


This isn't the first time in this thread alone that we've seen them deal with trolls in an extremely professional manner.

We've seen them re-ship even during a free promo.
Theyve been very interactive with us in this thread and friendly.
To top it all off, they've been generous and gave us all something fun to do completely at their expense.

Can't ask for much more than what The Vault and co have already given.

This isn't the first time in this thread alone that we've seen them deal with trolls in an extremely professional manner.

We've seen them re-ship even during a free promo.
Theyve been very interactive with us in this thread and friendly.
To top it all off, they've been generous and gave us all something fun to do completely at their expense.

Can't ask for much more than what The Vault and co have already given.

Thank you sir :)
Please ignore these trolls you are a reputable organization with great customer service, superior products, and a loyal fan base. You have gone above and beyond any and every other company i have ever dealt with and in me and plenty of other's you have customers for life. It is a travesty that you would even have to defend your good name, any one who would even question your organization would only have to search the forms to find for every one who had bad things to say about you they would find 100 more people who rave how great we think you are.

Thanks for the kudos buddy :)

This isn't the first time in this thread alone that we've seen them deal with trolls in an extremely professional manner.

We've seen them re-ship even during a free promo.
Theyve been very interactive with us in this thread and friendly.
To top it all off, they've been generous and gave us all something fun to do completely at their expense.

Can't ask for much more than what The Vault and co have already given.

Thanks buddy :)
Frank Abhor lol disgusting little troll..There's always 1 Dick head at the party eh!!..Some folk have no shame(You couldn't give em a Red Neck with a Blow Torch)..I've only ever read good & positive vibes about the Vault. I enterd into a comp it was over but they kindly gave me this link..Trying to slag us Scots frank??Ya#ank lol.Thanks by the way,I received my package todayI will pop em in my tent nxt Friday as no room at the mo( only small set up)..Will enjoy the comparison on these from UK& across the pond...Cheers again George& Jack....Cool T-Shirt
Thw alien is doing well outside and keeping an eye on her no nanners in sight maybe it was just that one node if thats even possible haha but anyways she smells great leaves look greasy in the sun! Ill be the judge at the end I never go with what people say much you just gotta experience it on your own and it was done from the kindness of the heart can't bash on em for showing love to growing community thanks again @Jack Vault @George Seeds ill keep you guys updated
FrankAbhor is your buddy the same one flaming us on Grasscity because thats the only one I know that has any problems (although they are completly unfounded), or are you the same person?

Ask around mate, we look after our customers, we are well known for this.

Are you objecting to us giving away seeds for free, having competitions and a bit of fun?

Just in case anyone doesnt know, you can always contact the Vault and we will always help our customers where we can. You can contact us via the website, email, on many forums, our live chat feature on the website, via our many social media accounts etc.

My friend doesnt even have internet at her house so I honestly dont know what you are referring to. My friend contacted the Vault with questions and was not even answered.

I have known about the Vault for a while and do know they dont label well. I know the Vault doesnt know who created the seeds they sell. You guys can keep loving the vault but I know more about them than you guys do.
If you want the facts Frank this is actually what happened:

We sent your friend a FREE care package a few months back, but your friend then started posting nasty comments about us because the t-shirt he received was a white t-shirt and he wanted a black one.
So I apologised and sent him another FREE package with a black t-shirt (which I had to order in especially for him) and 5 free Cheese Auto seeds.
A few months later the same guy starts trolling our AxT thread on GC because he managed to hermie the Auto fem seeds (which no-one else has had a problem with!). He started abusing the Vault and myself personally - for sending him a free package!
Everyone on the GC thread agreed that he was being an ungrateful whinge, and the mods on GC actually banned him from our thread!
He continued to abuse me in PM, so I has to block him.
I never treat people like shit, everyone knows that - and if you want to read the thread in GC you'll see that I acted very professionally to his abusive trolling comments.

To be honest I think he is a competitor, simply trying to destroy our good name - and frankly Frank I also think that you are the same person; just using nasty dishonorable tactics to try to blemish our name.

? wtf
Thw alien is doing well outside and keeping an eye on her no nanners in sight maybe it was just that one node if thats even possible haha but anyways she smells great leaves look greasy in the sun! Ill be the judge at the end I never go with what people say much you just gotta experience it on your own and it was done from the kindness of the heart can't bash on em for showing love to growing community thanks again @Jack Vault @George Seeds ill keep you guys updated
cannabis is genetically hermaphroditic comes with the "mono/dioecious annual" territory, some plants pop a few nanners before flower formation to ensure creation of progeny. Usually just pick em off early and ur good! Some may go full blown herm. But I've seen some fellow growers run some hermy prone shit and never end up with a room full of herms. Only ever see that when the growers a complete fuckup lol.
cannabis is genetically hermaphroditic comes with the "mono/dioecious annual" territory, some plants pop a few nanners before flower formation to ensure creation of progeny. Usually just pick em off early and ur good! Some may go full blown herm. But I've seen some fellow growers run some hermy prone shit and never end up with a room full of herms. Only ever see that when the growers a complete fuckup lol.

Yeah I haven't seen anything yet I'm checking her constantly to keep any pest off except today she had some crispy leaves I think because my soil is a little hot so I watered her with some plain water and a good amount of slf 100, you heard of it? And it's been hot in socal for three days already it's been in the 90s and the leaves taco'ed a bit today also