Ready to switch to flowering? PLEASE HELP

Hey guys this is my first grow and I'm about a month in. I don't have a lot of room for this grow but I am buying a grow tent for my next one which I am starting immediately after harvesting this grow. Are these plants ready to switch to flower? They are 7-8 inches tall and about a month old. I know that I am cutting my yield back A LOT by flowering this early so I don't want to hear that. I know that already. I just want to know if they can be switched to 12-12 yet and what the yield would be approximately. Not sure if they are male or female or if they are even showing preflowers yet. As I said this is my first grow. Also what soil should I use and what size pot for flowering? I have 4 2700k CFLs for flowering. They are under 5000k right now and showing a little heat stress. Basically I need to know
1) can they be switched to flowering yet
2) what will the yield be approximately?
3) what soil should I use to flower
4) what size pot should I transfer to

I know I am a "noob" and this is my first grow. I have done quite a but of reading I just want to know what works best for you guys and what will be better for my babies
Thanks everyone!!



Well-Known Member
You can flower at 3 inches. As far as how much you're gonna get it does depend on the strain which I don believe you mentioned. Are you growing bag seed? Soil you can go to lowes and get some potting soil and add in some perlite and or vermiculite and it will be fine or you can buy some expensive premixed from the internet. They make a ton and they're all good. Definitely want a fan to suck some of that heat out and I would top my plants if I were you. I'll stuck with you and try and answer any other questions


Well-Known Member
The cheese I've seen have been pretty good producers no reason if you flower at 10" (they probably stretch to 16) you couldn't get 3/4 of an o or maybe an o a piece out of them. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Personally, I would not flip those yet but if you're going to then I would also recommend bringing the lights closer to the plants. This is what I have for a veg area with CFLs (in the pic). Anywhere where there isn't light the plant grows slower so you can see the top areas is bushy and has a couple tops. I LST them to have the buds in the middle have exposure and then tie down the top parts so the plant gets even lighting. So you end up with 6-8 tops with minimal cutting and even growth of your bud. With CFLs this is more important to do than with a MH since the penetration of these types of bulbs just doesn't get very deep. You can still do this in flower and I would recommend it to guarantee a higher yield. Whats the wattage of your bulbs? Desert is right though, my first CFL only grow didn't produce tight bud but rather more airy stuff but for personal use it doesn't make much difference.

I would use a 3 gallon pot but even 2 gallons would probably suffice for your size plants. If you can get your hands on it, smart pots or something called air pots are great MJ growing. I don't use them for veg but have a few for flower. It'll help the soil dry more evenly and air prune roots and You should get at least half an ounce from each of those and up to 1 if it's a good plant. I used a promix bx (with the myco) which is considered soilless I guess and some composted sheep manure + bone meal + a tablespoon of dolomitic lime (even though the promix has some) to help with the pH issues. This also helps me keep the nute use to a minimum until about 3-4 weeks into flower and the soil takes 4-5 days to dry out completely.



Active Member
You told us the spectrum/color light; 2700K, but what about the wattage of those you're using for flowering...?


Well-Known Member
Wow guys. A plant will not flower at 3"!!! Unless you stunted the jesus out of it!

Don't go around telling people to just "top" every plant lol! You need to know your strain.

Flipping to flower after you see pre-flowers will be your best bet.

Yield can't really be a question here with cfl's right? You'll have enough for personal use no doubt.


Well-Known Member
Probably get a good 5-7 grams each. You gotta mold yourself some aluminum foil reflectors though. Some large spring clips that will fit around the lamp splitters would work best. Then you just fold the back part of the heavy duty foil around the upper part of the splitter and clamp it on and form the rest into a roughly dome shaped reflector over the bulb. Crude but effective and cheap.


Active Member
Probably get a good 5-7 grams each. You gotta mold yourself some aluminum foil reflectors though. Some large spring clips that will fit around the lamp splitters would work best. Then you just fold the back part of the heavy duty foil around the upper part of the splitter and clamp it on and form the rest into a roughly dome shaped reflector over the bulb. Crude but effective and cheap.
Just remember, that when using aluminium foil, the "matt side" is the one you should have reflecting. The other, more shiny side can burn your plants a little depending on the light of course