Ready to switch to flowering? PLEASE HELP


Well-Known Member
Probably get a good 5-7 grams each. You gotta mold yourself some aluminum foil reflectors though. Some large spring clips that will fit around the lamp splitters would work best. Then you just fold the back part of the heavy duty foil around the upper part of the splitter and clamp it on and form the rest into a roughly dome shaped reflector over the bulb. Crude but effective and cheap.
Just remember, that when using aluminium foil, the "matt side" is the one you should have reflecting. The other, more shiny side can burn your plants a little depending on the light of course
Aluminum foil is a terrible reflector as it's very heat conductive and has about 60% reflectivity at best. I don't recommend it.


Active Member
Aluminum foil is a terrible reflector as it's very heat conductive and has about 60% reflectivity at best. I don't recommend it.
Obviously Mylar would be better, even a white painted wall is better than alum foil. But, it works if there's only black plastic bags or some such as an option otherwise :p


Well-Known Member
Are you going to do any LST? Otherwise if you can get it, put a bulb on the sides and down the middle of both. Cool fridge