Dr Jones' S.O.G. Journal


Well-Known Member
nothing beats watchin a good movie while gettin high .... i wana see that hellboy 2 thats just been advertised .... that seems alot more improved then the 1st one

mr west

Well-Known Member
we watched that the other night , yeah its much better, how it should of been first time round lol

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Its been a while since my last post. been busy tying up loose ends. Got a new job too so its all good. I transplanted everything on Saturday, 12x peat pellets to small pots and 4x small pots to large pots. Stressful ordeal but exciting. I wish I had taken pics of the roots coming through the pellets but I was running about daft trying to get it done swiftly but properly. I left 6 warlock clones in the tank and moved 6 mixed upstairs to the veg room.


First Pic is of Clone Area2, the top right Crystal cutting is giving me some concern. Its the only Cry cutting I took so I hope it pulls through. The one below that is Skunk. It and all the Warlock are doing just fine.


Second Pic is of the new Mother. Needs to stretch a bit in the next 2 weeks for easy cloning later.


FLOWERING ROOM - Excuse the mess, its a bit packed out!!!

As usual ill start with the smallest. 4x Warlock clones 18 days flowered now and showing some nice small buds. I have ran out of my BioBizz TopMax and I think I have less bud sites cos of this. Me needs to invest


Just ahead of the Warlock, flowered 26 Days -The Crystal and Skunk are through the roof! its not good, wont yield as much but ill be happy with a half ounce of something different this time around. If the clones pull through, ill keep them much shorter. 2 pics of Crystal and 2 of Skunk


Finally onto the big girls, Warlock flowered 49 days. 2 of them have fallen over with the weight of bud. They're just jammed in between rafters now and steadied with string:oops: They smell amazing and im hoping for closer 2oz with each of these


My problem was introducing the stretched plants from my mate. It means I have 10 in flower when im hard pushed for enough space for 8!! I need to be moving the wee ones to get in amongst them all for watering, it's a nightmare!

mr west

Well-Known Member
did u rig a tap up to ur water tank? plants look yummy. so how many plants in total u growing up there?

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
did u rig a tap up to ur water tank? plants look yummy. so how many plants in total u growing up there?
Na, not yet:wall: Brother keeps saying yeah he'll do it but same old! Umm, let me think about the next bit, lol. I aim for 4 good clones every 5 weeks now, but ended up with 6 this time. I have 1 mother, 12 cuttings and 10 in flower. 23 in total


Well-Known Member
those are some beautiful lookin sativas you got there doc....I am addicted to watching this grow...I love that it's in your attic...if my attic wasnt 150 degrees I would grow up there too...brilliant setup

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Thanks Guys. Your roof is very flat Honkey, you're screwed unless your crib is as wide as a football field, lol. Attic aint all its cracked up to be but its all i can spare. I need the air-con for up there and thats directly above the lounge - not Ideal.

Kulan, I hear you bro - you're looking mighty tight in your place! Plants are looking great though and your Journal is exceptional.

Finally thanks for the second opinion Dr S. Catch up with you all later


Well-Known Member
looking amazin jones ... why dont u rig up a dripper system .... its a form of hydroponics that can be used for soil .... it would only cost about 50 pound to set up... that way u can proper pack out the space and not worry about movin the plants around for feedin

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Im worried about drips, lol. I should and will look into it. Mainly cos its in the attic above my TV. ill have a look about some related threads for a scouting mission. You updated yet?:twisted: lol :joint:>>>>pass

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member

First Pic is of Clone Area2, the top right Crystal cutting is starting to develop a little - Im sure its going to be fine. The Skunk below that is coming on good too and all the Warlock aree bustin out the bottom of the pots.


Second Pic is of the new Mother. She has filled out a little more, im happy with the amount of tips available already. Should give me plenty good warlock for a while. Toying with the idea of a skunk mum too.


Starting with the smallest. 4x Warlock clones 25 days flowered now.


Now a pic of a Skunk Bud, flowered 33 Days


Warlock flowered 56 days - 14 to go. Tricks are crystal clear. Got a scope and the pics are awesome but riu says cant upload cos of the size.



Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
You are utilizing your space very well! the clones are looking great, and shit everything else is too lol! good stuff man! cant wait to see some of the warlock all dried up and ready for smoking! :joint::joint: Keep at it boss!


Well-Known Member
looking all good man ... im happy sum of my clones started taking aswell .... them warlock plants look picture perfect im even thinkin about germinatin mine lol .... have u smoked any of them yet ?