
Well-Known Member
Looking ok. Don't trim any more leaves bud she's good. Just let her flower. Ur using organic so awsome. Do this and I PROMISE you will notice big diff almost immedietly. Smell will atleast double as will trichs and most importantly taste and potency at harvest. Buy a 3 gal bucket from walmart-$2 aquarium air pump 50gal-$7-10. Clear tubing-$1-2 couple airstones some Earthworm Castings and a bottle of blackstrap mollasses and brew your self some tea. Per gal water. 4tsp mollasses and 5TB EWC and bubble it for 48hrs then water plants str8 with it. Just make 1 gal at a time. All u need and 1-2gal is all an aquarium pump can make. This is basic microbe tea. Throw in a few TB of ur FF BB as well. U could put more stuff in it but its unnecessary. This will breed billions of microbes that will utilize that expensive soil ur using. They eat and only use bout 50% and rest is made available for ur plants. This is cliff notes. If u wanna read more just google or search riu for. ACT guide. Do this and I promise ull never grow in soil without it. No need for flush and buds are so sweet. Hope this helps. Sont overthink shit and let her go. Shell give u plenty of dense nugs.


Well-Known Member
I just did that friday hoping to see something by tomorrow, one thing I can say is they are frosting even more the one wwxbb (widow pheno) and delahaze, the other two on the other hand nothing but did use 50x zoom cam and saw the crystals just not super visible on the other wwxbb (bb pheno) was worm castings, grandma's unsulphured molasses, fulvex


Active Member
Mines starting to get some brownish grey spots on the middle of the leaves, I'll take a pic later to show, but her buds seem to get bigger by the hour. I need to do a flush on this next watering cause maybe the pH might be off at the bottom of the pot. Anyone ever hear of Alaskan fish fertilizer 6-4-6?


Active Member
Nah mine was liquid form. brown thick and stinky.
Ah, mine are the little pellets, they look like rat shit and snell even more like it. Thinking about using it cause my bb nutes don't pack much phosphorus and I think my plants telling me she needs it


Well-Known Member
If you flowering check out vermicrop bloom booster for mid to end veg 1-13-7 and sunleaves Peruvian guano for start of bloom transition from veg Jamaican with combo of the vermicrop week 3 onward to finish maybe some fulvex and grandma molasses just food for thought, I used Mexican guano all way thru veg with growmore liquid kelp and Alaska fish emulsion every 3rd week


Well-Known Member
Ive been growing WW and WWBB for a while now. I find they pretty much produce the same except the WWBB buds are biger but not as dense as WW buds.

I usually let mine get about 32" then flip. They usually grow a lil over a foot more before they stop. I personally think the WW has a better buzz than the WWBB but its not much to differant. other than taking clones I just let them bitches grow and tie them big ass buds up as they go. my flowering is usually 8weeks for both WW and WWBB.

good luck with your grow
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