Time to put some robbers away.


Well-Known Member
The 3 people who robbed me. 2 were accomplices, are plea dealing. I hope they lock them fuckers up for 20 years. This was their second store. In 2 nights. I get to decide if they get bonded. Lol oh yea.. Please let that bastard out. I can save the state and the tax payers money. Last fucker that pulled a gun on me has no front teeth. This one did just a tad bit more. We see how it goes.
I've never heard of anyone other than the D.A. or the presiding Judge setting Bail\ Bond ...And didn't you just get robbed like 2 weeks ago? Plea deal that quick ? I smell bullshit.
The 3 people who robbed me. 2 were accomplices, are plea dealing. I hope they lock them fuckers up for 20 years. This was their second store. In 2 nights. I get to decide if they get bonded. Lol oh yea.. Please let that bastard out. I can save the state and the tax payers money. Last fucker that pulled a gun on me has no front teeth. This one did just a tad bit more. We see how it goes.
I've never heard of anyone other than the D.A. or the presiding Judge setting Bail\ Bond ...And didn't you just get robbed like 2 weeks ago? Plea deal that quick ? I smell bullshit.

Smell again, that's what I heard. Yea the first. Didn't hear nothing from no lawyers. But he's playing ball. Told where he dropped the gun. Ratted out the other 2. Your senses are off brother.
I'm a snitch because I work at a store it got robbed. Procedure calls to me to call the police. Otherwise I'm the robber. If this was on the streets, different circumstances will occur.
Corso.. Where I am. A woman was robbed, raped by 4 guys, sodomized with a broomstick. And things only and knows. In this town the victim decides bail.
Yep....you're a snitch

The bitch too... Should have took a swing

Trust if I had the opportunity then I would have. Call me a snitch. Damn that hurts. Guess we can't kick it no more. Oh well. Call me a bitch. Sorry mistaking me for your mom. You guys sure you aren't 15
That seems more likely then you knocking the last guys teeth out who pulled a gun on you...

God damn. For some reason, you take me as a writer, story teller. I did knock the little fuckers teeth out. Whether you believe it doesn't change it. Damn I'd smh but you already got me dizzy with all this bs. We're on the net. Plants you can prove. Stories you have to take their word
Dude. Not cool. I am with sunshine on this one. Fuck the fucking police...
