Amir's first grow (lots of help needed here)


Hi guys
Im new here and this is my grow diary
I've got a 2x1x2m grow room
400w MH
4 seeds (1xCritical kush 1xBubba kush and 2xAk47)
The medium is coco-perlite
Nutrients :20-20-20 NPK and cal-mag+N
Temp 25 humidity 70(I'll decrease it soon)
Today i just planted critical kush (Kamelia) to her new little house ( a paper cup) and she's under light now
Other 3 seeds still germinating
So keep an eye on me and my girls it's my first grow and i need your help
peace ✌


Humidity looks killer for seedlings. During flower you may want to dial it down some. Also may want to add some wattage if you can.
Tnx for advice mate
Yeah i have to decrease it and its 65 now and will be lower soon
And yeah i will add 2x160w in 2weeks


Update time
Today my 2 ak47s moved to paper cups
One of them was root rounded and was confused how to plant it
A friend advised me to plant it horizontaly and i did
I named her Wania (a gift from god)
The other one was fine and i named her Anahita (Goddess of Rain and seas) because it was raining
And thats for today
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Time to a little update
Kamelia(critical kush) has took her head out of coco and she's so cute
She's a little bit faster than ak47s
She germinated in 2 days
And now 2 days in coco
Ak47s germinated in 3 days
The damaged bubba kush still under towels(4 days) seems she won't germinate easily she was hardly damaged
Temperature is 25 degrees and humidity decreased to 55%
I was afraid of high humidity as it was 70 but that 400w MH lamp decreased the humidity so fast
The lamp is 150cm far than paper cups and it was running 24hrs for 2 days i i think thats the reason why humidity is coming down
So im gonna give it a 6hrs of dark and see the results
I believe 18hrs is kinda enough
But maybe those girls like to have 24hrs in their first week
So thats for today guys
Peace ✌


Well-Known Member
Gudshit, bruv. Doing killer so far. I am looking forward to seeing what you can do with your girls. Keep us updated!
I like Pinny anyone call him a Troll ...would be bad news indeed,...!
ADVICE TO NOOBS: To prevent the RADICLE(white tail emerging out) from circling its own shell, simply return the seed intact to the plastic bag it came in add 2-3 teaspoons of water, as the 'tail grows out it straightens out .....good luck


I like Pinny anyone call him a Troll ...would be bad news indeed,...!
ADVICE TO NOOBS: To prevent the RADICLE(white tail emerging out) from circling its own shell, simply return the seed intact to the plastic bag it came in add 2-3 teaspoons of water, as the 'tail grows out it straightens out .....good luck
Hey dude tnx for advice
But i planted that seed yesterday
I planted that horizontaly as a friend told me that the root will feel gravity and goes down
Seems no choice but wait till tomorrow and see if she comes out ha?


What's up rollitup
New update
I know im over updating but i like to
1.Kamelia(CK)is a 4-5cm tall now
2.Anahitia(AK47) is after her
3.Wania(AK47) has grown up this morning, this seed was root rounded
4.coco seems very moist, really dont had to water them since 4days ago when i planted them but today I just gave them a little
5.humidity decreased a lot and its about 50-60
6.i decided to keep my light 24hrs on for first week
Peace ✌





Today i faced with my first problem
Little seedlings were stretching Because the light was too far away as it was a HID lamp

When i realized that I've added some soil and switched mh lamp to cfls and its 30cm far from seedlings



Well-Known Member
Looking good so far! Not a pro, but I've seen purple stems when the rootmass/soil was getting cold. Do you have a fan at floor level by chance? I like to leave out an inch or two of soil just so I can bury stretch like you did, it works well for me :)


Well-Known Member
Yep started reading and the first thing that I noticed was how low their sitting in the cup but now I've noticed you've filled it up and the plant's look better for they can mentioned blow a small fan across them and this will strengthen the stems up...if I were you I would give them a week under the cfl although buy now they will be used to the power of the m/h so as long as you keep it close enuff and have a fan moving the air between light and plant you should be good to go......purple stems r pretty normal for a plant it's size........and please do yourself a favour and STOP measuring them......nothing to gain by this and ultimately it can lead to of luck and keep us informed...

Mr green.....


Yep started reading and the first thing that I noticed was how low their sitting in the cup but now I've noticed you've filled it up and the plant's look better for they can mentioned blow a small fan across them and this will strengthen the stems up...if I were you I would give them a week under the cfl although buy now they will be used to the power of the m/h so as long as you keep it close enuff and have a fan moving the air between light and plant you should be good to go......purple stems r pretty normal for a plant it's size........and please do yourself a favour and STOP measuring them......nothing to gain by this and ultimately it can lead to of luck and keep us informed...

Mr green.....
Tnx a lot bro
I was afraid if i misunderstood about stretching and juts over acted
And yeah i do have a circulation fan
Baby seedlings are in 2-3" of cfls (36w cool light and 26w warm light)
And its one week since i planted them and just wonder why their first reall leavs not getting big
Idk maybe im just hasty
And shall i give them a very slight dose of cal-mag+N?

conor c

Well-Known Member
ive not used coco a lot prefer soil myself but i wouldn't feed them yet there still too small man week at least maybe week and a few days


Well-Known Member
Your leaves aren't progressing as quick because of the colour of your cfls(warm white and cool white r better for flower (lower Kelvin)......wot you need is daylight bulbs( 6400Kelvin)and this would keep the nodes tight whilste the blue spectrum will encourage stronger growth........don't feed them any food or cal/mag yet.....their not ready for it.........I use rootjuice for my seedling and then some formulex when they r a couple of nodes big but unless you have something like this then I would hold of for a wee while .......if it's only the cfls you mentioned you have I would consider putting them back under the m/h with you fan blowing across or under the light......