topping ur plants?


Well-Known Member
i first came across topping plants when i watched mr greens grow tutorial he made it look so easy just follow the main stem to the top and chop the top is it really that easy? when is the right time for topping your plant and what are the benefits of this?


Well-Known Member
yes so it seems like a good idea that you get 2 buds instead of one lol and also if youve topped it once does that mean you cannot top both of the new branches??


Well-Known Member
yes so it seems like a good idea that you get 2 buds instead of one lol and also if youve topped it once does that mean you cannot top both of the new branches??
You could but it is not advised because too much stress can cause your plant to morph into a hermaphrodite. I usually top once in vegetative state and then I fim in the early stages of flowering.


Well-Known Member
i first came across topping plants when i watched mr greens grow tutorial he made it look so easy just follow the main stem to the top and chop the top is it really that easy? when is the right time for topping your plant and what are the benefits of this?
yeah, its that easy and u can top it multiple times, however dont do it after u switched to all your topping in veg..fimming is similar to topping, you just cut a very tip of ur u dont pinch off the whole thing..and u got 4 colas goin'


Well-Known Member
so when is best to top is it just before flowering how long does it take for the 2 replacing colas to grow and is it wise to let them grow before putting into flowering?


Well-Known Member
top while in veg, give those 2 colas some time to grow, a week or so, rather dont top lower than 4th node. if u veg for a long time u can do a lot of topping actually


Well-Known Member
i thought you could only take the very top off do you not just cut under the main set of leaves?
say u topped a plant, after a week u got 2 colas goin', u wait another week when the 2 inches long u top em again..u got 4 colas now which u top in 2 weeks time..u end up with 8 colas and u go to flower, but u need circa 2 months veg to do it..


Well-Known Member
does topping affect the height of the plant? or would the 2 new colas grow the same as the one would or are the stumped?
hard to get a reliable answer u would have to get 2 clones from the same mother and top one of them..have a look at the pic below
..a topped plant on the left and untopped one on the right..the topped one was shorter a few good inches..the pic was taken 2 weeks shes just an inch behind, so unless i do (or you) the experiment with 2 clones ur question remains to be answered..someone did it for sure..i would say that the difference is minimal


Well-Known Member
Although topping refers to splitting up your stalk to create 2 cola's, you can also prune your plant. This is when u totally cut off the cola of your plant. Then, because your plant has no cola to put its growth into, your plant will create fat buds on the lower leaves and sets causing you to have bigger lower buds instead of a large cola.

Pruning is a good course of action if you are growing in a confined space and are using the SCROG method.