PH problem?


Well-Known Member
Is this a nitrogen deficiency or a PH issue? Leaves are starting to turn yellow. Growing in soiless using promix. Hydroponics Research all in one nutes and HR pk booster for flower. Feeding at 500ppm at 6.0ph. Ive got 6 grows under my belt with this set up and havent had any issues at all but i recently switched from soft water to hard. On soft water my ph had to be up around 7.0 for decent uptake. The hard water i backed it down. The tips of the leaves are already showing a little burn so i dont really want to increase nutes. Im guessing its a PH issue but just want a little assurance before i adjust.


Active Member
Keep a low amount of N (educated guess, opinion, tapering it down keeping PK up, until (if) you flush). Don't take my word for it though, seriously.


Well-Known Member
Is this a nitrogen deficiency or a PH issue? Leaves are starting to turn yellow. Growing in soiless using promix. Hydroponics Research all in one nutes and HR pk booster for flower. Feeding at 500ppm at 6.0ph. Ive got 6 grows under my belt with this set up and havent had any issues at all but i recently switched from soft water to hard. On soft water my ph had to be up around 7.0 for decent uptake. The hard water i backed it down. The tips of the leaves are already showing a little burn so i dont really want to increase nutes. Im guessing its a PH issue but just want a little assurance before i adjust.
We need more guys like you...who answer their own questions

you have gone from soft water to hard and locked out (Mg) with calcium in the water(hard water), mix in a % of soft water until the plants accustomed to it, 2 weeks, and foilar feed some cal mag 2x times per week then every 10 days should cheer them up ...good luck

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
For hydro start the res at 5.5 PH. Swap it out around 6.8 PH or every 4-7 days depending on the intensity of the growth. I top up my res every 24 hours with straight water. Large budding plants can use a lot of water so I've installed a float switch with the electronic washing machine valve on a timer to top up the res daily. The spent res water goes for the moms and stuff..


Well-Known Member
I'm getting some cupping leaves at the top now. They are dark and glossy. Just a few not very many. Thought that was a sign of N toxicity. But the lower yellow leave suggest it needs more N. I've raised my ph to 6.5 on a hunch. image.jpeg

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Lol I was wrong it is (N) it starts from the bottom lmao. Wake and baked on bad ass blueberry... Sorry mate but seventh charts and double check. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Then you would be very familiar with the addition of cal-mag no? or you should be ..

stay sharp...never hesitate to cut back the nutes if required
Yeah im already adding calmag. The only thing im doing different from my other grows is the strain and I switched from softened to hard water. The only reason I switched was I read in some book that soft is bad.

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
The bad thing about it is it washes you nutes if you allways have run off.
But with hard water you need to get good run off to wash nutes down because it gets caught up with other hard minerals.
I am using bottled soft water and my plants thrive from it I see nutes absorbed pritty fast compared to my other grows compared to hard tap water I allways popped into a cal-mag issues plus I was adding nutes to it wich makes (N) higher when mixed in with cal-mag lol it was throwing every thing off and I couldn't control.
But since using bottled water at ph 6.2 and found out its soft my plants are awesome never had a grow this healthy at week 3 of flowering. There are pro's and con's about everything it all comes down to what do your lady's like.


Well-Known Member

There is a tribe of English speaking DWC growers that without doubt are the best DWC growers in the world,

not because they are 'good' growers, or have even good sun, but have the best water I've tasted ...ever

Them be the Scots, they make a local drink of it like our vodka but looks like tea ...? and tastes far better

as most of the worlds water even 1000's of years old, is forced up from deep wells(aquifers) much of it still holding serious salts

that would make a horse sick, these salts rise up in the pressure currents,and sit as a mound on the surface,

sometimes in dire watering wells you can see dead animals, but only in extreme cases

Yeah.... the deal is avoid hard water its carrying those salts that you then add to your nuted babes

its well worth you time hunting out your own private little well, testing the ppm on each occasion

good luck


Well-Known Member
solved my problem....or i hope i solved my problem. I bumped up my feeding and raised my ph to 7.0 like i did when I was using softened RO water on my other grows. Over night i already see the yellow lower leaves turning back green. Im not sure why I have to ph so high to get good results. I thought it was the softened water causing the problem. Thats why i switched my RO system to a hard line. I even phed my runoff and its still 7.0. Ive also calibrated my meter like 5 times and its dead on. Ill let it go a few days then post a pic.