GanjaGarden On Side of Mountain in Spain ×xXMISSXx×


Well-Known Member
Trimming "Atomika" from Atomik Seeds... it was a freebie seed... a Jack Herer X Northern Lights...and it grew into a MONSTER- smells like fruity chewing gum... its densely puffy and has a coating of white snowyness...
BRB with the results.......................................................


Well-Known Member
Back with Results! ATOMIKA = 907grams *Total is up to 7,559grams* so far....
Trimming "Widow" now


Well-Known Member
Tip: for all trimmers ... if you are very sticky... pour oil and sugar over your hands and scrub and scrub and rinse (now you're clean and silky) ! You can even do this Before* you get sticky so you'll get much less sticky! ;)


Well-Known Member
"White Widow" 425grams!
Now for the next Widow ... and then the runty tinsy tiny Widow....
then the Sweet Tooth x Widow
then the Black Jack
then Im done!
and ON VACATION! ;) ;)

(ps: shit forgot the Jack Herer)
(but after that THEN Im done)


Well-Known Member
Still trimming Widow Widow Widow...........
............ xxxmissxxx


Well-Known Member
Trimming Sweet Tooth x White Widow............................................................................................


Well-Known Member
Thanxxxxxxxx @Don Geno !!!
... still haven't finished trimming her... getting lazy... and I've got a CriK in ma back from leaning down over the trim bucket LOL .... owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


Well-Known Member
Lie flat on your stomach. Hands in front of you and push yourself up off the ground...kind of like doing a sit up. But you must keep your pelvis firmly on the ground. Repeat 10 times 3 X per day. Your spine will thank you for it.

Don Geno

Well-Known Member
Thanxxxxxxxx @Don Geno !!!
... still haven't finished trimming her... getting lazy... and I've got a CriK in ma back from leaning down over the trim bucket LOL .... owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
growing is a battlefield ha ha ha well once you get her all cured there may be no more pain sister keep on being you awesome that is !!:P


Well-Known Member
Any1 tried out INversion tables!?????? I was thinking of getting one! I love to be upside down... becoz I'm short enuff as it is and I can feel Gravity making me shorter still.. so if Im all upside down then I'll stretch back out the right way, right?
