My 8hr flowering experiment


Well-Known Member
Just you wait 'til you see what I'VE got in store for them!

Sounds like an obvious perpetual setup opportunity; run those three rooms three weeks apart, run your veg to fill one every three weeks... and use water chilling cuz the same unit will cool the water for ask three rooms. Saves serious cash over buying an AC for each one.
Sounds like we definitely think alike bro.


Well-Known Member
Topped the plants again this morning. Just went and checked on em and they already regrew lil nubs.
Think my diy carbon filter needs new carbon this weekend too.
Entire bedroom is rank. The space snack smell like ripe fresh skunk roadkill and the green crack smells like burning rubber.
Can't make up my mind if I should flower these under a screen or throw em into my friends room and split the harvest.
I have a special bean package in the mail with some goodies too...


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of the last day of 12:1 veg.
I'm taking a cutting or two of each tomorrow morning and flipping to 8/16.
So this is 25 days of 12:1


Well-Known Member
I can't believe all the differences in growth. These are all roughly the same age. Give or take 3-5days for the seedling I had to replace


Well-Known Member
Had to raise the light 6" because the tall bitch in the left back corner is curling up from being so close to the light. Lil 90 degree hot spots were too much for it.
Hoping to find out how many fems asap
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Well-Known Member
But that's just it- why would someone want to give up 25% of their yield if that yield is soooooo much more valuable than the power saved? From that power savings, one has to also subtract the cost of the extra square footage.

Right now, it's worth adding 50% MORE light to get 15% more yield. I'm not hating on the idea, far from it; I'm doing some hard nosed cost/benefit calculations to see where this leads.
Not sure less light equals tight buds?
here is the story.
average flower time 12x12=840 hours...lets say each kw cost .16 per hour=134.00 to run 600w hps
now turn the light back to 6 hrs=$67.00
take a 25% less yield from 300grams,you get 225grams
say one gram goes for 5.00 wholesale
loss=$375.00 per run


Well-Known Member
Not sure less light equals tight buds?
here is the story.
average flower time 12x12=840 hours...lets say each kw cost .16 per hour=134.00 to run 600w hps
now turn the light back to 6 hrs=$67.00
take a 25% less yield from 300grams,you get 225grams
say one gram goes for 5.00 wholesale
loss=$375.00 per run
If your point was that running 12/12 gives a higher yield than the energy savings are worth you didn't need to do the math.
But the equation gets messed up by not everyone selling their bud.
So to me it's more about my overhead budget (elec bill) versus a surplus of extra bud. And finding a happy balance to getting enough bud to make turning the light on at all.


Well-Known Member
Having the light on a shorter schedule did speed up flowering by at least a week so that is another advantage that still doesn't balance out to being more worthwhile.
For maximum yield and every last available bud the 12/12 cycle is best especially for people selling
No argument


Well-Known Member
After reading your post I did some math myself so there's no confusion to anyone that reads this thread.
Assuming we use fandango's numbers $0.16 per kW and $5 per gram. A flowering time for 12/12 is 60 days. A 300gram yield.

Hours. Cost. Yield. Value.

12. 115.20. 300. $1500

8 x55days. 70.4. 225. $1125

6x55days. 52.8 200 $1000

Also should note that having the light on for an unusual light cycle could have other positives depending on what is most important to each grower.


Well-Known Member
The chart I want to make is one for the one light three harvests.
So instead of editing and adding a line to that chart. So assuming all the same numbers except 24 hours of light.

24x55days = 1320 hours at $.16 = $211.20

225 grams x 3 harvests 675grams x $5


Well-Known Member
Still no signs of sex plants are starting to preflower so it won't be long.
So far I have 6 cuttings from that batch that hopefully are rooting up now and as soon as I sex these they are getting the boot.
My friend has agreed to let me throw the females in his extra room and still give me 60-70% of the bud.
Tbh I don't really care I'm more excited about the next bunch of beans in popping.