Amir's first grow (lots of helps needed here)


Yes it's fine.
Tnx bro
I was afraid if I misunderstood about stretching and just over acted
Its been 6 days since I planted them but still their first reall leavs are too tiny
Idk maybe im just hasty
And shall i give them a very slight dose of cal-mag+N?

Enigmatic Ways

Well-Known Member
Tnx bro
I was afraid if I misunderstood about stretching and just over acted
Its been 6 days since I planted them but still their first reall leavs are too tiny
Idk maybe im just hasty
And shall i give them a very slight dose of cal-mag+N?


Well-Known Member
AmirR - please let them go for AT LEAST a week before anything. what kind of nutes did you say you were going to use? some nutes have enough cal-mag in them to keep everything fine (even in coco). Cal-mag is the explanation for everyone's problem on here anymore, when using it is usually adding something they really don't need. It is nearly a whole nute on it's own.

Ph Pen's are cheap now, and can remain very accurate with proper storage, etc... Buy an "Etekcity PH Pen with .05 accuracy" they are under $20 and well worth the investment. Just buy a bottle of 4.0 solution to leave a little in the cap when finished which will keep the electrode wet and working for months to years. All the PH meter time to rest after taking out of cap in some distilled or ro water for 5-10 minutes before testing and after testing.


No it is absolutely not a deficiency that plant right there is probably what we call a runt, or it just might be a mutation and it will grow out of it don't worry about it just give it time.
Ok tnx bro
Idk how much light these 3 babies need
There was a cool 36w and a warm 26w cfls and some siad they're not growing fast coz of that warm bulb so i removed that despite seedlings were stretching to the cool bulb and now that 36w is closer to seedlings
Is that enough? I can make it horizontaly if needed


Well-Known Member
Just because they are small above soil, doesn't mean anything is wrong at this point. They are really focused on establishing a good base to support themselves when they start to grow larger above the surface.

The 36 w bulb is fine and will be fine for a few weeks. The horizontal vs. vertical thing is arguable, but I think I would put it horizontal with 3 solo cups like that if it were easy to do so. If not, I wouldn't worry because the benefit will not be so large as to warrant a lot of work.

conor c

Well-Known Member
Ok tnx bro
Idk how much light these 3 babies need
There was a cool 36w and a warm 26w cfls and some siad they're not growing fast coz of that warm bulb so i removed that despite seedlings were stretching to the cool bulb and now that 36w is closer to seedlings
Is that enough? I can make it horizontaly if needed
bro these are babies man chill in time you will get a feel man but just remember these are young bro you have no reason to worry yet and when or if you do all the bro s here can help man


Tnx guys but there's a problem
This ak47 is a weak one
She was small from beginning and now see how she looks like
I check the stem and noticed its quite weak and tiny
It was about to break (almost broken)
What i did is simply put a piece of paper instead of a straw to support it
And then buried it more
DSC_0483.JPG DSC_0485.JPG DSC_0486.JPG
Whats the problem?
Maybe that circulation fan is annoying her!


Well-Known Member
damping off - happens all the time in coco. probably won't recover - see how it is thinner near the base of the stem? It's because pythium is attacking it and it's roots and won't stop until she flops over. sorry, dude


Damn ain't anything to help her recover?
damping off - happens all the time in coco. probably won't recover - see how it is thinner near the base of the stem? It's because pythium is attacking it and it's roots and won't stop until she flops over. sorry, dude


This is weird lol
This baby is one week old and tiny But I can see the root coming out of cup
Seems it has been grown deeply
Is it time to transplant her?
And what size of pot? I've a 2galon pot isn't it big for her?DSC_0500.JPGDSC_0499.JPG