Amir's first grow (lots of help needed here)


Your leaves aren't progressing as quick because of the colour of your cfls(warm white and cool white r better for flower (lower Kelvin)......wot you need is daylight bulbs( 6400Kelvin)and this would keep the nodes tight whilste the blue spectrum will encourage stronger growth........don't feed them any food or cal/mag yet.....their not ready for it.........I use rootjuice for my seedling and then some formulex when they r a couple of nodes big but unless you have something like this then I would hold of for a wee while .......if it's only the cfls you mentioned you have I would consider putting them back under the m/h with you fan blowing across or under the light......
Ok I'll switch the warm one with another cool bulb
Although the cool bulb is 36w and i think it's enough isn't it?


Well-Known Member
Get a halfcup of worm castings or vermicompost,5ml of good quality blackstrap and brew that in 2 liters of water with an airstone for 24hours at 70-80f ,it should get hella foamy and strain.I feed this simple tea to my has tons of goodness and is very mild.I also use this for finishing and flushing emergencies..just remember to ph to taste of course.

conor c

Well-Known Member
greenhouse is right bro take the advice man trust :) and worm castings are one of my fave man but were i work we use a mix of worm castings/salt free seaweed/well-rotted-blood-meal/a tiny bit of volcanic rock to feed all beneficial micro-organisms etc like trychadermia etc its all we use to grow anything man not just weed and they grow all veg/herbs lol n our boss is a south African boer who is organic only man lol trust bro it works good so good luck man happy growing think of the volcanic rock dust as food for the good micro-orgs as using it as just as fert takes to long on its own as it is no use for years lol as its not available to the plant till then so yeah enjoy bro good grows man
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Well-Known Member
Amir if you have any seedlings left alive...I suggest you make sure they are moist,put a ventilated humidity dome over them,put a little light on them....and....JUST WALK THE F AWAY FOR 6 HOURS.

Just leaf them be for christs them grow a bit :)


Amir if you have any seedlings left alive...I suggest you make sure they are moist,put a ventilated humidity dome over them,put a little light on them....and....JUST WALK THE F AWAY FOR 6 HOURS.

Just leaf them be for christs them grow a bit :)
There are the pics
Some said shes damping off and no way to save her... Damn
DSC_0484.JPG DSC_0485.JPG


Well-Known Member
Amir if you have any seedlings left alive...I suggest you make sure they are moist,put a ventilated humidity dome over them,put a little light on them....and....JUST WALK THE F AWAY FOR 6 HOURS.

Just leaf them be for christs them grow a bit :)
He's right, weed grows much faster when you try to forget about it a little bit! Over love will also kill them. They do not need any nutrients....


This is weird lol
This baby is one week old and tiny But I can see the root coming out of cup
Seems it has been grown deeply
Is it time to transplant her?
And what size of pot? I've a 2galon pot isn't it big for her?
DSC_0500.JPG DSC_0499.JPG DSC_0501.JPG



Well-Known Member
That plant looks awful......the cups plenty big for the size(do not pot up)you need to fix the problem before you it possible the light is seeping through that cup ???your roots r fine it's poking through the bottom because those cups have a half inch of space at the bottom........but.......theirs defo something not right with that plant mate.....wrap some dark tape round it and don't water till it's dry's not food she's still to young for full strength feed....and your medium doesn't look to bad.....


That plant looks awful......the cups plenty big for the size(do not pot up)you need to fix the problem before you it possible the light is seeping through that cup ???your roots r fine it's poking through the bottom because those cups have a half inch of space at the bottom........but.......theirs defo something not right with that plant mate.....wrap some dark tape round it and don't water till it's dry's not food she's still to young for full strength feed....and your medium doesn't look to bad.....
Yeah dude idk whats that yellowing
I already created a separated topic for that
Some said it was a drop of water that burned by light
But i think not because this yellowing has become bigger in last few days
It maybe the ph. I was using mineral water with ph of 7
2 of my 3 seedlings got that yellowing
Now im using spring water that phed to 6
One more thing that is suspected
suspected is circulation fan
Its directly on seedlings thermometer shows 25c but maybe it's not that accurate and its a little bit cold for babies
So im added another lamp now i have a 39 and a 40w cool cfl so i cant keep it upper
I hope it works


Well-Known Member
It could be water splash and if it looks like it's getting worse its because she is growing bigger(effected area is basically growing with the plant)but the fact that your using cfls makes me think otherwise......


It could be water splash and if it looks like it's getting worse its because she is growing bigger(effected area is basically growing with the plant)but the fact that your using cfls makes me think otherwise......
Pythium is on the table now
Said by a pro gardener
There was some dirts
I didn't cleaned the big pot that i soaked the coco in
Also there's a nother seedling which has damped off cuz of stem tining and i fixed that ( check a few posts earlier)
And now that seedling is starting to yellowing like this one
The big seedling now has a nother Yellow spot on the edge of one
So surly its not a water drop


One of seedlings died already
Because of Pythium
A nother seedling is about to die too
Im gonna transplant the healthy one soon as she's growing roots out of cup( same as sick one)
Sick seedling looks like this now