You're all over the place on this one. You said that Dodd-Frank should've never happened, I agree with you but for different reasons, Dodd-Frank was created because Glass-Stegall was repealed by a puke bill intrduced by Phil Gramm (R) Tex, the Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act all pukes which was signed into law by Bill Clinton in true spirit of compromise and 1year after his impeachment.
Let's face it, Dodd-Frank would never exist had Glass-Stegall not be en repealed and furthermore no financial institution would've been allowed to speculate or invest the commercial money (depositors).
The recession of 2008 was caused in part because of the sub-prime mortgages that banks rolled into bundles and sold as deravatives, when folks who had $25,000 in income couldn't pay the mortgage of $1,500 a month that's when it all collapsed.
If GS was still in place that wouldn't happen and DF would not exist. Once again the pukes want to get rid of DF, it's already been weaken by multiple pukes bills, them bastards are all for the rich and anyone other than rich folks who support them will continue to vote against their best interest and get fucked by the pukes in the end.