Could I get 2 lbs?


Most people don't believe it untill they see it or have the wattage and cooling capacity to do it there selves. But it is possible to pull an lb. per plant indoors. Been doing it for years. 7 gal Coco, Canna Nutrients, 6000 watts, max gas, Absolutely perfect climate control, on only 15 plants. 15 to 20 z's per plant every time. No extra long veg time either. OK bring on the critics. I say to you before you hit the keys on your key board. Do some home work, put some years in and go overkill with everything. Until you've done this keep your crying and Nay saying to yourself.
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Well-Known Member
Most people don't believe it untill they see it or have the wattage and cooling capacity to do it there selves. But it is possible to pull an lb. per plant indoors. Been doing it for years. 7 gal Coco, Canna Nutrients, 6000 watts, max gas, Absolutely perfect climate control, on only 15 plants. 15 to 20 z's per plant every time. No extra long veg time either. OK bring on the critics. I say to you before you hit the keys on your key board. Do some home work, put some years in and go overkill with everything. Until you've done this keep your crying and Nay saying to yourself.
Did you have to ask?


Well-Known Member
Most people don't believe it untill they see it or have the wattage and cooling capacity to do it there selves. But it is possible to pull an lb. per plant indoors. Been doing it for years. 7 gal Coco, Canna Nutrients, 6000 watts, max gas, Absolutely perfect climate control, on only 15 plants. 15 to 20 z's per plant every time. No extra long veg time either. OK bring on the critics. I say to you before you hit the keys on your key board. Do some home work, put some years in and go overkill with everything. Until you've done this keep your crying and Nay saying to yourself.
if i could pull over a pound dry in 7gallon containors, i would quit my job. Especially 16lbs+ under 6kw in 7 gals!

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Most people don't believe it untill they see it or have the wattage and cooling capacity to do it there selves. But it is possible to pull an lb. per plant indoors. Been doing it for years. 7 gal Coco, Canna Nutrients, 6000 watts, max gas, Absolutely perfect climate control, on only 15 plants. 15 to 20 z's per plant every time. No extra long veg time either. OK bring on the critics. I say to you before you hit the keys on your key board. Do some home work, put some years in and go overkill with everything. Until you've done this keep your crying and Nay saying to yourself.
I mean a little clue to what your doing would be nice. Some pics of those beasts would be helpful. How are you doing it with no long veg times. Please share.


Well-Known Member
7 gal Coco, Canna Nutrients, 6000 watts, max gas, Absolutely perfect climate control, on only 15 plants. 15 to 20 z's per plant every time

I'm trying to understand the dimensions here, can you help out an old european who grew up with the metric system?
1lbs = 1 pound = 16 ounces = 454grams?
1 zip = 1 ounce = 28grams?
1 gallon = 3.8 liters?
So over a pound per plant dry weight indoors times 15 under 6000W? 1 pound dry times 8 maybe to get the fresh weight? I'd love to see a picture or two.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to understand the dimensions here, can you help out an old european who grew up with the metric system?
1lbs = 1 pound = 16 ounces = 454grams?
1 zip = 1 ounce = 28grams?
1 gallon = 3.8 liters?
So over a pound per plant dry weight indoors times 15 under 6000W? 1 pound dry times 8 maybe to get the fresh weight? I'd love to see a picture or two.
448 grams in a lb

New Age United

Well-Known Member
You might want to check that
There is 28.35g in an ounce
1lb is 453.59 g
You know what just for the fuck of it I'm gonna ask for that extra 5 grams whenever I buy a lb. But I'll still sell at 28 gs an o lmao sorry I'm greedy. I would honestly expect that guy to say fuck you here's your lb take it or leave it.


Well-Known Member
i think he included root system in the weight thingy with little veg time pulling pounds per haha
I mean, short veg time = small cola's,small stems,minimal top count. Lets say 6 main tops and undergrowth trimmed. Thats 4 zips in a stick! Hell thats more like a pound wet per stick. how the hell does this short veg 1lbs stem stay up without snapping itself? He sais nobody is gonna believe him, yet he slings all words no proof.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
of course its a hoax ask your self why have they never went back ???
Don't kid your self
NASA lost a $125 million Mars orbiter because a Lockheed Martin engineering team used English units of measurement while the agency's team used the more conventional metric system for a key spacecraft operation, according to a review finding released Thursday.

The units mismatch prevented navigation information from transferring between the Mars Climate Orbiter spacecraft team in at Lockheed Martin in Denver and the flight team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

Lockheed Martin helped build, develop and operate the spacecraft for NASA. Its engineers provided navigation commands for Climate Orbiter's thrusters in English units although NASA has been using the metric system predominantly since at least 1990.

No one is pointing fingers at Lockheed Martin, said Tom Gavin, the JPL administrator to whom all project managers report.

"This is an end-to-end process problem," he said. "A single error like this should not have caused the loss of Climate Orbiter. Something went wrong in our system processes in checks and balances that we have that should have caught this and fixed it."

The finding came from an internal review panel at JPL that reported the cause to Gavin on Wednesday. The group included about 10 navigation specialists, many of whom recently retired from JPL.

"They have been looking at this since Friday morning following the loss," Gavin said.

The navigation mishap killed the mission on a day when engineers had expected to celebrate the craft's entry into Mars' orbit.

After a 286-day journey, the probe fired its engine on September 23 to push itself into orbit.

The engine fired but the spacecraft came within 60 km (36 miles) of the planet -- about 100 km closer than planned and about 25 km (15 miles) beneath the level at which the it could function properly, mission members said.