Cabinet Grow W/ Papaya Seeds


Well-Known Member
here we go again, i've got a one plant grow under my belt and i'm back for seconds.
i've completely redone everything, went to homedepot and bought a cabinet for $85 and a mh bulb for vegging. i vegged under cfl's last time.
i ordered 10 papaya seeds. i grew bag seed the first time.
i'm looking for a can fan for exhaust and oder control. i was all over the place with this last time.
i will be adding some pics later, and comments are always welcomed. so if you see me going in the wrong direction. point it out.
it will be a few weeks before i start the grow, temperatures won't allow for me to start now.
i've been playing with hydro a little over the summer. i have one bagseed plant that i started a week or so ago. i will be doing the papaya seeds in a fox farms happy frog soil, mixed with perlite. i feel more comfortable with soil.
i have a dehumidifier that i will be collecting water from for watering. the water comes up neutral every time.:peace:



Active Member
You may want to consider a cool tube running "closed loop" (air from the outside room blowing thru the tube back into the room, or outdoors, isolated from the actual grow space in the cab.) see the pic..
I fought temps for a while in this thing until the cooltube- Lots of ventilation is essential for these cab grows.

\x0D :joint:



Well-Known Member
hey \xdo, i've been playing with it and the temps are going to be a fight max temp got to 105 today. i found this setup yesterday.

Safe Room Squirrel Cage Fan

i found my squirrel cage today, just putting it where my smaller exhaust fan was dropped the temps in just a few minutes. know to figure a good carbon filter for it.

nodrama, i have a 400 watt hps to flower with. it worked great with a big area last time. i'm pumped up to see what it will do in a small area.

i'm still waiting for cooler temps to start the garden. it still another month of temps in the high 90's and 100's.:peace:


Well-Known Member
after finding the squirrel cage link, i took his idea and made it work for my cabinet. temps went from 104 degrees down to 85. i will take pics later.
the grow may have to be moved up. maybe next weekend, i want everything done before i start was a good learning experince on the first grow.:peace:


Active Member
temps went from 104 degrees down to 85[\quote]

Better, but less than 80 deg is what you should shoot for.. dont forget as your cabinet fills up there will be much less clearance from the light- I am battling this now. ( not heat as I leave my cab doors open most of the time, but vertical space).
Excess heat wil also contribute to stretch as well.
Best of luck!!

-\x0D :joint:


Well-Known Member
if the cabinet gets to crowed i've got a nice size closet to put them in. the thoughts of doing a cabinet grow was for light concentration.:peace:


Active Member
if the cabinet gets to crowed i've got a nice size closet to put them in. the thoughts of doing a cabinet grow was for light concentration.:peace:
Just my outlook, but a cab grow is more about stealth than efficent.

The space limitations, and ventilation/cooling issues with most cabinets (mine included) are a LOT of work- And some extra $$ in cooling and ventilation

I am thinking about going to Pandafilm in my closet, and living with a bit less stealth in exchange for more room.

Also ,something else I just had to tweak in the cab was the distance to the light as they stretch during flowering.
There is a minimum distance you should be from the light or best light/heat ratio, and for even light dispersion.
Too close is no good - Too far= not enough light. These ranges are prob in the FAQs

You will also get a good grow for a LOT cheaper, in a pandafilmed closet, rather than a cabinet.
Not that cabinets are bad, at all ,but if you have the room, why not use it ?

-\x0D :joint:


Active Member
what do yall recomend if i am growing in a samll cabinet as far as lights pot size and what can i use for oder control becaus ei dont want the smell to seep out if i can i would like to just keep the smell in my room only


Well-Known Member
the reason i did not go with the same room as last time is i don't have enough light. temps outside are still reaching the 100's, so if i wait a few more weeks i think temps will not be a problem. the exhaust system i built is wicked. the intake is 10 feet from my easyboy recliner, as i sit and exhale smoke in the air you can see it getting sucked in the vent. and that is set on the lowest speed. i'm going to figure how to incorparate a few hepa filters next weekend. i'll post some pics later.:peace:


Well-Known Member
aug. 25 2008

using a covered disk with jiffy pot tabs. put the seed straight in the dirt. i put the dish in my window sill. i'll leave them there until transplant time.
i need to finish making my cabinet light tight, i'm really happy with temps!!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
the first few are just putting a 2' square plywood box, cutting an intake and an exhaust hole. intake conects to the light fixture, that pulls air in from the bottom of the cabinet. the exhaust then go out of the house via a clothes dryer vent. not worried about the smell for now. no neighbors, no worries? well see. if so i belive i can make a charchol filter and fit it in the duct work in pic 4. this puts enough pressure that the doors on the cab needs a good tug to open. this setup up really moves some air and brings the temps down.
i've been thinking of setting up a co2 bottle and regulator, for about 300 bucks. i'd like to hear everyones opinion on this subject. i'm growing for personal use so i'm not looking for more weed, but better weed.:peace:



Well-Known Member
one seed came out today. 9 more to go. i need to come up with some names for my girls. the first one will be named totty, after an old friend. she always had some good smoke and loved to share:peace:


Well-Known Member
hey buddy... nice work are you got there... One thing that you may want to reconsider is the humidity dome for Seeds.. I know that for clones it works because clones need to live off of the wetness of the leaves... but for seeds... im not sure hi humidy is the best. I have had issues with it at least. If they sprout and emerge... you might got mold on the tips and they die... I would just keep the medium wet spraying 3 or 4 times a day with warm water.... check out some of my pics to see eome of my trial and errors... good luck..


Well-Known Member
just one plant, but i did some digging with a tooth pick. 7 of them have broke the shell, so they should be sprouting anytime.