Newb Closet Coco Grow, 400w MH+HPS


Well-Known Member
Looking good mared!!!! I wish I was able to keep running like you have! but after redesign I should be perpetual~!!! yahooooooooo

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Okay, this weekend is the time for projects and tinkering. I'm going to make a trip to the hydro store and get more coco. I like the worm casting stuff. Plus I have to decide on different nutes because they don't carry advanced. Since these clones are from flowering plants they grew kind of funny at first so they're all bushy like a topped plant. No main stem except for two of them that grew more normally. I'm might hack off the bottoms of two or three plants.

Oh yeah, the big news. I weighed the harvest from the first plant. 86.3 grams:o And I smoked a lot of it before that. I can't believe it's that much but I checked and double checked. THIS IS THE WEIGHT COMPLETELY DRY AND NO STEMS AT ALL. Just like in the picture. I'm really happy with that. I've seriously smoked almost 1/8 per day for the last week so it was really a lot more. Remember these plants were nearly 6 ft tall. The harvest from the other plant is untouched and should be fully dry tomorrow so I'll have more of a reliable figure then but 3+ oz. per plant?!?!?!? :mrgreen::twisted::blsmoke::peace:
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mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I never got around to my projects this weekend. First project was to re-pot the clones but they're taking their sweet time to root. My other project is some supplemental lighting for the flower room. Once I get the smaller clones in there I won't be able to cluster all the plants around that 400 watt. I was going to look at the other options they had at the hydro store but I got there 2 minutes until closing and was rushed to make my decisions. Which is why I got nutes that aren't exactly what I wanted. What does everyone think? I got a bag of coco but that's probably not enough for my 14 one-gallon bags so I have to go back. Will this organic shit work like I want? They didn't have Part A/Part B formulas like I would prefer or anything specifically for coco.

I also finally weighed the second plant -> 107 grams:mrgreen: So that's almost 7 oz from two plants I got. More that I expected for sure. On top of that, look how BIG an eighth is. And I also stripped 1/3 of the only plant that grew normally. I might do it to all the others just for the fact that it makes it 100 times easier to water. I'll just have to pick and choose which branches to cut because there is no main stalk, just many bushy branches.

I guess that's it for now. Internship is over next week and I can get back to properly maintaining my journal.:peace:


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Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
I am currently using the same nutes, with a lot of other botanicare nutes also,
and my plants seem to be doing well so far, except the random nute burn or over nuted plant, but thats because my cheap ass cant get a ppm meter yet....... anyhow with proper use of a ppm meter this brand of nutes should work magic! btw everything is looking fantastic! i have not updated mine either in a bit of time so i will be doing that either tonight or tomorrow, plants have been on 12/12 for like 4 days now! take care and godspeed man! :joint:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I am currently using the same nutes, with a lot of other botanicare nutes also,
and my plants seem to be doing well so far, except the random nute burn or over nuted plant, but thats because my cheap ass cant get a ppm meter yet....... anyhow with proper use of a ppm meter this brand of nutes should work magic! btw everything is looking fantastic! i have not updated mine either in a bit of time so i will be doing that either tonight or tomorrow, plants have been on 12/12 for like 4 days now! take care and godspeed man! :joint:
If you do end up getting a ppm tester, I know where to find the one I have for cheap. It tests ph, ppm, EC, and temp for $130 shipped. I've seen people pay that much just for digital ph testers and this one I have is $190 + shipping at other places so keep it in mind.


Well-Known Member
Hey Mared, just wanted to drop by. Things are popping here as usual, I also wanted to thank you for all the help and let ya know I harvested my first crop last night:-) Thanks again man.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Oh shit Mared, I don't think you've seen this one.

Crack some of those puppies open, they look like they get tall, I FIMed two and topped two after I took cutting from them.
That link gives me 404 error. I didn't know you already started your BB. They smellin pretty stanky? The height shouldn't be a problem. I'm used to monsters now.:mrgreen: You'll see in my update in a bit that my second round of white lady has turned out just as tall as the first. I don't know how the hell that happened. I feel like the puppet master with all my strings on these spindly bitches. Since they didn't veg so long I think the roots are less developed so they aren't as stable when I move them. They flop to the sides w/o the strings. Hopefully my latest setup will be the last for these plants so they don't have to be moved anymore.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
New avatar. Couldn't resist. My most recent clones are not doing well at all. They're still in the little floating plugs system with the dome. Only three of fourteen have rooted and it's been over 20 days. Dr Shak told me I need to get it a little warmer in there which I'm sure is most of the problem. Also I removed the dome to start getting them adjusted to the outside air and I got stoned and forget to put the dome back on. This further stunted their rooting because they withered up and I think most are completely dead. The three rooted clones are okay so the White Lady genetics won't die but I have to change plans a bit. I pulled a couple of the most dead looking clones out of the plugs and it looks like there was little bumps where roots started to grow but it must have been too cold. So I am hoping the ones with some green still on them will pop some roots out but I am only betting on the three right now.

So in attempts to increase my yield from those three plants, I ordered some new nutes. I read the directions for the organic nutes I got and it said put in 30 mL/gallon:o I just don't like the sound of it and I like my Monkey Juice so I ordered up 4L each of MJuice Grow A, Grow B, Bloom A, and Bloom B. I also got bud blood, big bud, and more overdrive. Since my order was over a certain amount they gave me free shipping (which at another site was over $100 for the same stuff) and 50g of Tarantula. Hopefully I get it in time to give the big bud to the bigger clones for a week or two.


Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
I lost a lot of clones from newb error, when i took the clones i pushed them too far in the grow plug to where they sat in the water the whole time and then the bottoms of those ones rotted! and i could tell the rotted ones cause they are the ones that drooped over..... and when i pulled them out they smelt like rot :evil:!

Hope this helps! eventually we will be getting 100% on clones every time, just takes practice!


Well-Known Member
Little warmer will help the roots, I used to tape a heating pad to my cloner, and bundle with old towels.

That Mjuice sure works for you, why add a variable.

Hows the smoke curing ??