Newb Closet Coco Grow, 400w MH+HPS

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
What up ??

You comatose off that killer BUD ??, or what ??
It gets better every day:mrgreen: They're taking a long time to dry, though. I guess the humidity is a bit high here. The bud is still kind of soft and the stems don't snap. I got plastic sealable containers for curing but the buds from the first plant are still hanging. It's taking me all weekend to chop the other plant. I'll try to post an update when I'm finished. I'll just say it was a great idea to wait because the main cola has swollen considerably in the last week.


Active Member
hey mared! sorry I have not been around for the last few weeks but I have been stoned with my family. I have to come back and read the rest of the journal. I am going to harvest tomorrow. I just love this

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
OK folks, I thought a quick update was in order. I have the harvest from the first plant curing in a plastic container. My dogs are very curious to see what the hub bub is about whenever I open it. I keep slacking on weighing it. I barely have time to do this short update. The next in line clones are 10 days into flower and getting big. Temps are creeping up a bit due to a lot less space in the closet for air to circulate. I got a box fan, visible at the top of the last pic. Hopefully this will blow the hot air around the light out the top of the door. It remains to be seen because I keep forgetting I need to get an extension cord.:?


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I've also slightly modified my platform for the plants so they can be spread out and still drain into my plastic tote. It has solved my temp problems for now. Look how simple my setup is. When I was just starting out it was hard to find examples of bare bones (cheap) drainage setups that will work. This works and it only requires $2 plastic trays, cardboard boxes, and a plastic tub or tote. I was thinking of switching out the boxes for milk crates but the boxes so perfectly match the height of my drainage tub I'm going to keep them for a while.



Well-Known Member
I want to see one with at least a third of the bottom branches removed.
It will make a bigger main cola, less trimming, dem big colas are easy to trim.


Well-Known Member
To me it seems the leaves are suffering from light burn. The leaves are folding up and the ends look papery. Best of luck to your grow. If your using a 400 W on MH keep it from the canopy about 2 ft, when using the HPS function 2.25 feet. All you need is 10,000 lumens for optimal growth without burning of foliage.