Plants havten grown?


Well-Known Member
i planted 6 plants...3 lowryders and 3 mystery seeds i got from a free pack of 20,
3 plants grew strong...and now i got 3 that grew but doesnt seem to be growing for the last few days..and their not as near as big as my next 3...


Well-Known Member
i planted 6 plants...3 lowryders and 3 mystery seeds i got from a free pack of 20,
3 plants grew strong...and now i got 3 that grew but doesnt seem to be growing for the last few days..and their not as near as big as my next 3...
Genetics, let the grow.


Well-Known Member
your soil is not the best soil is just from the side of my was there when i moved in..i dont want too much chemicals in my plants..
but i do want to know what kind of plant food should i get and where..


Well-Known Member
Three things....

1) Transplant into bigger containers.
2) Add alot more light (looks like you only have a couple CFLs)
3) Most importantly, patience young grasshopper.


Well-Known Member
Fish emulsion would be best, but I can tell you it would be a bad choice to apply ferts while their this young.


Well-Known Member
you dont need to fert or trans yet
i would get some better soiless in couple week
you can get some worm casting and bat guano to mix in .read in faq about organics also the orgainic forum you will find lots of shit


Well-Known Member
Why did you buy hydro nutes instead of soil?
i donno i just repotted like yesterday gettin new soil i think is gonna to disrupt their process...maybe next like 8 weeks
but right now they look better than they did 2 days back..

the stems are green now, no more red and shit, the leaves are bigger and less yellow, ill just wait it out for a few more days..
ill keep ya posted