How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation


Well-Known Member
I was thinking a closed door, carefully stage managed propaganda event.

Wouldn't want the actual students of the university they're using as their backdrop to potentially upset the proceedings, would we?
No we wouldn't. Like so many other conservative events where students are not taught to respect free speech. Sounds to me like a Hillary event though where they aim small so it looks full.


Well-Known Member
everyone has the right to free speech, that does not mean their speech needs to be respected. is the GOP scared of some booing in a swing state?


didn't the GOP boo a gay soldier? i guess they like that type of booing.
Swing that pink hammer.


Well-Known Member
Does it matter? It affects no one, because if they are wealthy enough to buy it surely they won't be a drain on our resources.

When the wealthy buy laws to decrease their tax bill that hurts our economy as a whole.

So not the same.
Taxes don't contribute to the economy, they subtract. You won't understand that.


Well-Known Member
Check out how the Republican party is hosting a debate on the CU campus in Boulder, Colorado... but only offering tickets for ten percent of the TEN THOUSAND seat venue!

Does this seem like a party that's open to listening to The People?!
Since when do "The People" participate in debates? Here, have another nothingburger.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking a closed door, carefully stage managed propaganda event.

Wouldn't want the actual students of the university they're using as their backdrop to potentially upset the proceedings, would we?
Pretty sure the students won't be sitting or standing behind the candidates. So, not a backdrop. Considering the way college students act, admitting any of them is ill-advised.


Well-Known Member
Taxes don't contribute to the economy, they subtract. You won't understand that.
Wealthy people hoard their money; the game is to amass.

But you won't understand that.

Citation: Ann Romney complaining that Mitt turns off the water heater in their home to save cash.


Well-Known Member
@Red1966 I'll expound on this further before you start insulting me saying I'm putting words in your mouth or I don't understand anything. Hint: I studied economists. Anyhow, roads? Legal system? Hospitals? Public sector jobs? Where do they get their money? Out of thin air or does the government have money farms? No, all these things are funded with: taxes. If we didn't have infrastructure, how would my truck bearing goods get from point A to retailer B? Without the tax funded legal system, if I needed some redress, how would I go about it? Private courts (biggest fucking joke in the world, almost a thousand years proved this didn't work). Without regulations and a public sector work force, how many more Tianjin like explosions do you think would happen? I'll clue you in: A lot.


Well-Known Member
You should probably take Econ 101 before you start referencing it. "Your" statement is what is idiotic.
With taxes certain sectors can also enjoy subsidies which encourage growth. Sit back down. Also what kind of grammatical play is putting "Your" in quotation marks? Makes no sense. At least put it in the right place if you're going to be derisive: Your "statement"...


Well-Known Member
With taxes certain sectors can also enjoy subsidies which encourage growth. Sit back down. Also what kind of grammatical play is putting "Your" in quotation marks? Makes no sense. At least put it in the right place if you're going to be derisive: Your "statement"...
I should have bolded it. I used the quotes errantly for emphases of whose statement was idiotic. I beg your pardon. I hope the underlying point of mine was not missed.


Well-Known Member
I should have bolded it. I used the quotes errantly for emphases of whose statement was idiotic. I beg your pardon. I hope the underlying point of mine was not missed.
Sucks for you because I've taken econ courses to the point I could've gotten a major in it if I continued for another year. Also, another reason why your "statement" was idiotic, is that there's more than one school of economic thought. And oops, on all sorts of cold medicine got a nasty one without an immune system, I forgot econ 101 is microeconomics, I should've stated Econ 102 macroeconomics. That being said, sure there are some that say taxes don't contribute at all, or that there should be minimal taxes, or don't look at taxes much, but when you look at macroeconomics governments need a system of revenue. Where do they get this revenue? Thin air?


Well-Known Member
Sucks for you because I've taken econ courses to the point I could've gotten a major in it if I continued for another year. Also, another reason why your "statement" was idiotic, is that there's more than one school of economic thought. And oops, on all sorts of cold medicine got a nasty one without an immune system, I forgot econ 101 is microeconomics, I should've stated Econ 102 macroeconomics. That being said, sure there are some that say taxes don't contribute at all, or that there should be minimal taxes, or don't look at taxes much, but when you look at macroeconomics governments need a system of revenue. Where do they get this revenue? Thin air?
You are now dancing and wishing you paid closer attention in class.