RIP GOP (bye bye assholes)

Who will pick up more seats in November?

  • Democrats

    Votes: 12 44.4%
  • Republicans

    Votes: 15 55.6%

  • Total voters
I'm not sure I understand (I'm high :) ) clearly what you mean by free & local markets. Please describe.

Also, clarify the environmental/freedom part, like how that works

Voting with your "consumer dollar", like a boycott?

End corporations? How the fuck do you do that and replace them with what?

A free market which is local, say for food, doesn't burn up resources getting thousands of miles from farm to plate. I like that, but realize people should always be able to make other choices that suit them.

I like trade to be mutual and not be forced. Service providers who force their "customers" to pay them even if they don't want and need their service aren't doing it right.

Customer feedback is the thing that keeps a good service provider focused on good service. A good service provider has aligned interests with customers, if they do a good job, they make money and customers return. If not, the customer feedback in an actual free market will send them a signal to improve or perish.

Sort of like these protests people are doing, they're telling government as "customers" (actually captives) they're not happy. Of course in that case consumer feedback doesn't matter since government disallows competition and holds a forcible monopoly. Government is the opposite of free market. Government business model is more like the mafia.

We end corporations by telling the truth.

Corporations are government created legal fictions designed to shield some people, while harming others right to engage in business. You take them down with an actual free market that doesn't feature protectionism for some.
what a rousing defense of your habit of endlessly posting neo-nazis and then defending them. and we're all sure you want to see white people get banned from stores due to their skin color

who do you think youre fooling you raped-ass neo-nazi retard?

Sir this has escalated quickly.

How about you stroke your hate boner a little slower before you finish too quickly again ?
“The economy”…you mean corps hiking prices across the board, just because they can.

Profit-taking, pure & simple: now that people are getting back to work, digging themselves out of the last two years, butt-hurt investors & corner-office types voluntarily make the hole DEEPER - ‘cause banking RECORD PROFITS during that period is not enough. They want EVERYTHING. They *deserve* everything - just ask them! They’re aristocrats and they want their feudal rights (ie, privileges (“private laws” benefitting the wealthy and well-placed)) back.

Talk about *entitlement*: they want to be the ONLY citizens. The rest of us are just commodified labor, and if we can’t keep ourselves alive long enough to earn the pittance that keeps us where we are, NO ONE CARES…and they for real don’t give a shit what “the rest of us” want. There’s more rootless, desperate, nameless slaves-in-fact where WE came from: the immigrant, the refugee, the student, the poor, the single parent, the underemployed, the ‘independent contractor’ (21st-century sharecroppers and tenant-farmers)….What’s left of the ‘middle’ class can shoulder the burden - as long as they’re angry at the wrong people.

They blame it on the poor, they blame it on the Other Party - hell, they blame it on the globalism that has driven their profitability through the roof time and time again…but they do it because THEY CAN - and because they WANT TO. I mean, SOMEBODY’S got to pay the costs the wealthy shrug off: putting the taxes of antisocial wealth on the shoulders of those 2 weeks from homelessness won’t get them paid, and blaming the (iconically-ethnic) poor for the burden the owners won’t pay is A GREAT Way to keep the racial animus *strong*.

TL;DR = class warfare is good business, if you’re in a corner office - or paid by the corner-office crowd to keep the servants under control. Otherwise, it’s slow-motion genocide.

Wholesale inflation has been hovering around 12-14%, that's what the producers are paying. You are only seeing 8% for now.

So who is absorbing the difference?

When the government takes a gallon of milk and adds a gallon of water and then pretends to have two gallons of milk am I now greedy because I must drink 2 cups to get the same nutrition?

Let's not also forget those big greedy companies are what everyone's 401k is tied up in.

While I agree with your sentiment generally I think it's erroneous to exclude the governments enabling role in big business that basically eliminates the "vote with your wallet" check and balance you're railing against here.

Any examples of record profits that are not simply net sales?