Can you turn a clone into its one mother plant to be cloned later?


Well-Known Member
i only had one buzz light gear grew it out put it in flower and when i lollipopped i kept a cutting and put it back into vegg.... it just rooted and got new growth (2nd set of single leaves ) so it will be taking off soon this plant was so resiliant and hardy i had to keep the strain around atleast one more grow

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
You know having a mother plant can become a hassle i mean another room is needed for mother plants etc
I tend to not keep mother plants but clone enough of them prior to flower that i always have the strain so veg week before flower take clones and so and so no never keeping a mother no need for it
if i have couple different strains i will do the same clone if not growing it to flower i will veg it take clones mark it once rooted kill others so plant count does not get crazy
unless you are a breeder there is no need to keep mother plants


Well-Known Member
Mothers tend to degrade after awhile in many cases. You don't notice it for a grow or two after she starts degrading. Agree with Darth Vapour.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can.

If you want to know how to do it step by step, just check out my links in my sig. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Is it possible? Is it worth it?
Of course you can, and it can be very worth it!
I can't believe people talking shit about keeping mommas in this thread. Fucking crazy! Those guys must only grow one or two strains. I have lots and lots of strains. I have some pretty big setups, and I still don't always rock them all at the same time. If I did, sure, I would just snap cuts off of plants in veg before they get flowered, which I do also, but it is not always gonna keep all my strains around this way. And doesn't always work out for the timing of cycles.

Start them mommas man! Treat those mommas well. And try to make new mommas as often as possible;-) personally, i don't keep mommas more than 3-4 months long. I've kept them for longer, but just better IMO to replace earlier.
Oh, guys doing SOG. Only way for them to fill their trays. Just another reason to keep mommas.

Oh, strains kept around for outdoor only. Another reason for mommas. I could go on and on............
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Well-Known Member
I'm doing that right now, I took cuttings from my best two plants and have them, 8 in total, now growing in soil... One of them will eventually be my mother for that strain, as they grow I'll bin the weakest until one remains.


Well-Known Member
After each "clone" the genetics become weaker and and weaker. For me, I only use plants grown from seed and cuts from them. The further you go down. The plant starts to do stupid shit.


Well-Known Member
I grow the Original exodus cheese UK clone only from the 1980 s (not the GH seed version which I havnt tried), this has been passed to growers who take cuts of cuts etc, nobody talks about a mother exo, lots of people root one node cuts and the same plant has been passed down for over 40 yes u can take cuts from cuts and even leave out the mother stage


Well-Known Member
After each "clone" the genetics become weaker and and weaker. For me, I only use plants grown from seed and cuts from them. The further you go down. The plant starts to do stupid shit.

I grow the Original exodus cheese UK clone only from the 1980 s (not the GH seed version which I havnt tried), this has been passed to growers who take cuts of cuts etc, nobody talks about a mother exo, lots of people root one node cuts and the same plant has been passed down for over 40 yes u can take cuts from cuts and even leave out the mother stage

That must be one worn out 'weak' strain you got there.



Well-Known Member
Sure. If it's a healthy clone from a good strong plant why not? Keep it at 18-6 and take your clones as you are able. Grow one ASAP to flower to see if it is worth it all.
Ive found out the sex its female, cloning is the next step, ive had trouble in the past with clones using rockwool, im going to try a different method any recommendations ? going to attempt a SOG with a flood and drain system.

Don Geno

Well-Known Member
Ive found out the sex its female, cloning is the next step, ive had trouble in the past with clones using rockwool, im going to try a different method any recommendations ? going to attempt a SOG with a flood and drain system.
Alot of people are doing the hydro buckets aeroponics even some doing easy cut and stick in a cup of water I use jiffy pellets and use fresh water then put em in the dome sometimes it takes a while sometimes it dont but its always worked for me


Well-Known Member
Ive found out the sex its female, cloning is the next step, ive had trouble in the past with clones using rockwool, im going to try a different method any recommendations ? going to attempt a SOG with a flood and drain system.
I drop the clone into either an aerocloner or a glass of water. Plain water, nothing added, change it every 2 days. That is slow. Jiffy pellets like Don Geno says work great when I put them on a seedling mat with a dome. Buy the seedling mat for $22 and you can germinate seeds and root clones with it.