AN in Soil


Well-Known Member
My seed is germinating right now so before I fuck it up, should I follow the nutrient calculator on their website or just dilute them a little bit more? Maybe 1mL/ 2L to start?


Well-Known Member
The MG has nutes in it already i wouldnt give it any nutrients at all. Make sure you dont over water with this mg bc 1. you are releasing more nutrients with every watering and 2. peat holds water longer. If you are checking this plant on a daily, give it just a bit of water and let it dry out 80% or more before next watering.


Well-Known Member
The MG has nutes in it already i wouldnt give it any nutrients at all. Make sure you dont over water with this mg bc 1. you are releasing more nutrients with every watering and 2. peat holds water longer. If you are checking this plant on a daily, give it just a bit of water and let it dry out 80% or more before next watering.
Totally agree.Wait until the plant shows any sign of a deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Thank you, I have a moisture meter so I don't over water. I'm vegging for 60 days, will she use up the nutes by then you think?


Well-Known Member
The MG has nutes in it already i wouldnt give it any nutrients at all. Make sure you dont over water with this mg bc 1. you are releasing more nutrients with every watering and 2. peat holds water longer. If you are checking this plant on a daily, give it just a bit of water and let it dry out 80% or more before next watering.
Oh, and do I need to dilute them more than the chart says for soil? When it's ready to start using them of course.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and do I need to dilute them more than the chart says for soil? When it's ready to start using them of course.
This all depends on if you freshly transplant and then put it in 12/12, or transplant and wait a few weeks for the fresh mg to use up some of the nutrients in the soil hotrodharley said..wait till it shows sign of deficiency". In the meantime watch and read your plant


Well-Known Member
This all depends on if you freshly transplant and then put it in 12/12, or transplant and wait a few weeks for the fresh mg to use up some of the nutrients in the soil hotrodharley said..wait till it shows sign of deficiency". In the meantime watch and read your plant
for all the help! I really appreciate it


Well-Known Member
Using soil, I avoid all nutes thru veg, n add when flowering begins, i run the conn. line but same thing.... and yeah, dilute down a bit for smaller plants, full strength @ full size (wk 5+ or so) dont feed nutes every watering... (u can... but dont need to) I tend to go N-W-W-N-W-W.....


Well-Known Member
Thank you, I have a moisture meter so I don't over water. I'm vegging for 60 days, will she use up the nutes by then you think?
I'm always the wet rag but moisture meters are not accurate at all.When you transplant, before you put the plant in but with the container filled and ready, weigh that thing and pick it up. Then besides the finger-in-the-dirt trick pick it up. You will quickly get the feel for determining if it needs water.