Advice using COCO NF Nutrients


Active Member
Hey all,

Has anyone had any experience using the COCO NF nutrients A&B?

Nutrifield | Products - NUTRIENTS - NF COCO A&B

I have been using them, and I am finding it hard to give my plants enough without burning them.

Can you guys suggest a dosage for seedlings? At what age should I up the dosage?

The bottle says that for seedlings i should be giving them about 70%-100% of the dosage on the bottle (4 mls per letre or a & b).

Also, if i am usng these should i be giving my plants anything else?

Thanks Guys!


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Has anyone had any experience using the COCO NF nutrients A&B?

Nutrifield | Products - NUTRIENTS - NF COCO A&B

I have been using them, and I am finding it hard to give my plants enough without burning them.

Can you guys suggest a dosage for seedlings? At what age should I up the dosage?

The bottle says that for seedlings i should be giving them about 70%-100% of the dosage on the bottle (4 mls per letre or a & b).

Also, if i am usng these should i be giving my plants anything else?

Thanks Guys!
fist of all how big are you'r plants..?
secondly if you are burning them then it is too strong use less.
you should not need to use anything else with it,

i am using the canna coco a+b at 5 ml per 2 litre.
for seedlings i use it at 50% only after they are a month old then gradually take it to full strength.


Active Member
fist of all how big are you'r plants..?
secondly if you are burning them then it is too strong use less.
you should not need to use anything else with it,

i am using the canna coco a+b at 5 ml per 2 litre.
for seedlings i use it at 50% only after they are a month old then gradually take it to full strength.
I should note this is a soiless grow in COCO nf Medium as well.

My plants are seedlings, and slightly burning from the nutes so obviously i need to back off just a little.

If i am using soiless is it fair to use 50% of the recomended usage for seedlings? at what age should i be upping the dosage?

My interest is in perfecting the right amount so I can not stunt the growth of my next grow by burning or under nuting as i have been doing unfortunatly


Well-Known Member
yes my coco is soilless.

so if they are less than a month old i would go for water only.
then start them on a 50 % mix ten gradually over the next few weeks bring them to full strenth.
if you still see them burning back of till you find a strength that works

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i grow in coco, and i start seedlings on 1/4 strength on around day 11. another method is when they have 3 alternating internodes. give full strength when internodes begin to stagger. this is a sign of them being fully mature and able to handle full strength nutes. don't use the recommended dosage rate on the bottle. it is almost always too high. increase nute strength slowly.


Active Member
Thanks! That helps a lot.

I have killed all but one... one strong plant to survive my abuse IMO. I waited too long for first nutes.. then hit them too hard. On my last water I think i finally damaged the strongest plant just a little. I noticed leaves showing slight signs of burn so i will go half stength until it shows signs that it needs more. I guess this is all about learning to read your plants needs right?

so one last question, if the bottes are recomendations are too strong, do you guy give a mature plant less the recomended?

im just preying this last plant turns out to me female.... if a plant thrives whilst its siblings couldnt take the abuse of a noob would that mean stronger genetics? if so that plant would make a great mother plant right?


Well-Known Member
i just go by feel i start at 50 %(some go 25%)and over a period of a month gradually build to full strength.
and then you go from there if they burn flush and back off a little..:-)