If you could be punched in the face by one person...


Well-Known Member
my friend uncle grandpa, because he's somewhat frail but still tough as nails. he would reach for a thermos or mug because he wouldn't want to bust his hand on a skull. he's ko'd people like that before so he knows what he's doing.


Well-Known Member
I feel like you already mentioned Henry and his water and his weights in another thread?


Well-Known Member
I feel like you already mentioned Henry and his water and his weights in another thread?
I probably did. I am sort of a fucking chatty cathy. In all fairness, the guy DOES lift a lot of weights, and drink lots of crystal geyser...


Well-Known Member
Anyone in the world - who would you pick and why?

I would probably let Henry Rollins punch me in the face. I know he would connect hard, and that there would be no hard feelings afterwards. All he does is drink water and lift weights.
Pretty much anyone.
Not many things feel as good as a shot to the face, but it takes a good one to feel that puffy, stinging numbness.

Holyfield cause Tyson's an ear eating bitch.