Using Co2 and Nutirent concerns

This is probably a bit of a redundant question, but I've recently started to look into Co2 set ups, and to put a long boring story short, I keep hearing a little of this and that about watching your nutrients when using Co2.

Now does this mean just be extra careful not to overfeed on anything (as much as possible of course), or does this mean adding Co2 into your environment also means you have to cut back on certain things throughout the growing phases?

Any input/patience greatly appreciated. Only on my 2nd flower so yes, miles and miles ahead of my abilities, but just trying to gain a good general knowledge on everything as I go so when the time does arise, I'm at least somewhat prepared. Thanks again


Well-Known Member
The only REAL advantage to using C02 is that you can grow plants at a higher temperature

that it..! thats all, the assumption being that with higher temps you will be using more lumens

this is no biggy, if you are using more lumens, then your plants will grow bigger and faster ..

hence the more nutes you require, thats the theory anyway

Yes you must watch your nutes and temps,

if you get 30% increase in size and volume

it does not mean you need to add 30% more nutes

Every grow set up is different very very different

C02 is not for the noobie at least 5 grows are required(imo)

So thee nooby can dial in his setup very well indeed

thats not including any prior experience

many C02 user fall by the way side very quick

due to the costs involved, or the time dialing it all in

good luck

Enigmatic Ways

Well-Known Member
The only REAL advantage to using C02 is that you can grow plants at a higher temperature

that it..! thats all, the assumption being that with higher temps you will be using more lumens

this is no biggy, if you are using more lumens, then your plants will grow bigger and faster ..

hence the more nutes you require, thats the theory anyway

Yes you must watch your nutes and temps,

if you get 30% increase in size and volume

it does not mean you need to add 30% more nutes

Every grow set up is different very very different

C02 is not for the noobie at least 5 grows are required(imo)

So thee nooby can dial in his setup very well indeed

thats not including any prior experience

many C02 user fall by the way side very quick

due to the costs involved, or the time dialing it all in

good luck
Good shit man, you give out a lot of great advice wish we had more like you in the community.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
The only REAL advantage to using C02 is that you can grow plants at a higher temperature

that it..! thats all, the assumption being that with higher temps you will be using more lumens

this is no biggy, if you are using more lumens, then your plants will grow bigger and faster ..

hence the more nutes you require, thats the theory anyway

Yes you must watch your nutes and temps,

if you get 30% increase in size and volume

it does not mean you need to add 30% more nutes

Every grow set up is different very very different

C02 is not for the noobie at least 5 grows are required(imo)

So thee nooby can dial in his setup very well indeed

thats not including any prior experience

many C02 user fall by the way side very quick

due to the costs involved, or the time dialing it all in

good luck

This is not exactly correct!
Our Plant has a light saturation point. At that point it begins to change on the cellular level to protect it's self from the light. So it does not get damaged. (you would be surprised how early in the day this begins) This reduces photosynthesis and that reduces all the other growth process's too. Night time comes along and the plant reverses these changes to be able to again, utilize the light fully.

Co2 increases the time that the plant is working full strength by delaying that saturation point and the plant physically slowing down.....

For C02 to work at peak effectiveness, you MUST.
Run 1300-1500ppms of gas during lights on
Run 1k lighting
Keep the temps at 86F lights on
Control the RH to 75 - 80%RH lights on

With less lighting you must run less gas, temps and less RH - you also get less effectiveness!!! So gassing under less lighting is less effective and adding cost that does not return well......Run the 1K's or forget about gassing is best.

You will now have to water about 30% more/often as the plants effective growth is now increased by about 30%.
Logic says that if the plant grows 30% more effective the plant is up-taking 30% more nutrition daily....
I have never decreased or increased my feed concentrations when gassing, just had to water more....
If you feed heavy and it shows - you will most likely have to reduce your nutrient concentrations when gassing..

V is buzzing around the correct answer....The more light you use the more gas can be effectively utilized by the plant. The plant now needs higher temps and RH per the VPD effectively utilize the increase in gas....Higher temps do not increase plant growth effectively otherwise. 85F and the plant is slowed way down in it's growth. At 90F the plant will in effect be not growing at all. As temps rise the plant spends more produced energy on cooling it's self.....So it's the increase in ability to effectively use the available light...The rest simply follows as these are limiting factors after lighting.

BTW Lumens are not technically how you should measure light for plant use Umols are better.....Light meters measure LUX and/or Foot Candles (fc). LUX is Lumens over a given area = 1 LUX is 1Lumen per meter squared..

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Well-Known Member
watts per sq' was the golden rule ive seen on countless threads about using co2. I don't run 1k lights, but I do run 3x600 in my sealed room. ill be running co2 as well, as soon as my blueprint bdac2 fuzzy logic controller gets in, and when I go pick up my deheuy (70pt with pump). one of the most important things is to have your room totally SEALED, or don't bother at all. oh, and co2 monitors around the house incase the gas escapes and pools around living people/animals. im placing 2 monitors in my grow area and 1 upstairs. my biggest fear is having my hvac pick up any co2 that might escape my room and get sucked into it and distributed thru my shop (downstairs is grow area, upstairs is my hang out area---commercial building).


Well-Known Member
watts per sq' was the golden rule ive seen on countless threads about using co2. I don't run 1k lights, but I do run 3x600 in my sealed room. ill be running co2 as well, as soon as my blueprint bdac2 fuzzy logic controller gets in, and when I go pick up my deheuy (70pt with pump). one of the most important things is to have your room totally SEALED, or don't bother at all. oh, and co2 monitors around the house incase the gas escapes and pools around living people/animals. im placing 2 monitors in my grow area and 1 upstairs. my biggest fear is having my hvac pick up any co2 that might escape my room and get sucked into it and distributed thru my shop (downstairs is grow area, upstairs is my hang out area---commercial building).
CO² likes to sink so I seriously doubt you'll have any problems. It's also non poisonous, you're exhaling it all the time.

The last time I looked into this, CO² began to get dangerous above 3000ppm, due to displacing oxygen in the lungs.

Carbon MONOXIDE is a totally different animal and tiny concentrations are deadly. If you run burners, you should always have carbon monoxide detectors.


Well-Known Member
My issue with CO2 is that i need a monitor/controller and those bitches are expensive!! I don't believe a timer alone is efficient. I just started with CO2 recently. I am already thinking I may only implement it in the summer so I don't have to worry about temps as much. Or wait until I get a legit monitor/controller.


Well-Known Member
blueprint bdac-2 fuzzy logic ftmfw!!

but is F'n expensive
I was gonna get one from a guy off CL but he kept f'ing with the price. Had it listed at $200 after running one cycle. I wanted it bad for that price. He kept saying he wanted more and it was a mistake, but he had it listed 3 different times for that price. So he was a scammer or something. I'll get one eventually.


Active Member
The only real benefit to co2 is to grow at a higher temp? Not trying to start shit but this is way off from being the truth.

There are many reasons to implement co2. One is to actually get co2 to your plants when growing indoors that doesnt have fresh air to replenish the used up oxygen and co2 in your rooms so your plants can grow to their highest potential all things considered.

Further co2 aids in utilizing excess light to help plants that have reached saturation point which enables them to grow bigger, faster and stronger.

Co2 primary purpose is to increase yields by driving the plant to uptake more nutrients, use more light and harness that into more energy like steroids do for people as an example. Just adding co2 to a room wont do anything if all the other factors are not dialed in correctly and can actually have adverse effects on your grow leading to deficiencies and other problems.

Co2 serves many purposes for its intent and implementation in our grow rooms and gardens. Yeah co2 allows you to run at higher temperatures but understanding the reasoning for this is the better way to look at why someone would want to add co2. If temperatures are an issue I would rather get a larger A/C then to just add co2 unless everything in your room is dialed in and running to optimal levels simply adding co2 will provide 0 benefit whatsoever and most commonly find that people who dont understand this get decrease or no increase in yields and wind up with deficiencies and other plant problems because they are not increasing their nutrients and feedings to accompany the increase in metabolic activity and energy the plant is able to uptake and process from the additional co2.

Co2 can also decrease the potential for bugs and insect problems as using co2 in your gardens many find that bugs have a harder time establishing in these environments.

But people also need to realize that adding co2 means you need to add oxygen to your root zone which works in a symbiotic relationship with the upper portion of your plant that is using the co2 and must work together to get the benefits and results.

So a key point is that adding co2 to a hot room as example the summer months when cooling is an issue is NOT a resolution that will benefit you unless all other factors are considered and everything else is dialed in you are simply wasting money and throwing it down the drain.


Well-Known Member
This is not exactly correct!
Our Plant has a light saturation point. At that point it begins to change on the cellular level to protect it's self from the light. So it does not get damaged. (you would be surprised how early in the day this begins) This reduces photosynthesis and that reduces all the other growth process's too. Night time comes along and the plant reverses these changes to be able to again, utilize the light fully.

Co2 increases the time that the plant is working full strength by delaying that saturation point and the plant physically slowing down.....

For C02 to work at peak effectiveness, you MUST.
Run 1300-1500ppms of gas during lights on
Run 1k lighting
Keep the temps at 86F lights on
Control the RH to 75 - 80%RH lights on

With less lighting you must run less gas, temps and less RH - you also get less effectiveness!!! So gassing under less lighting is less effective and adding cost that does not return well......Run the 1K's or forget about gassing is best.

You will now have to water about 30% more/often as the plants effective growth is now increased by about 30%.
Logic says that if the plant grows 30% more effective the plant is up-taking 30% more nutrition daily....
I have never decreased or increased my feed concentrations when gassing, just had to water more....
If you feed heavy and it shows - you will most likely have to reduce your nutrient concentrations when gassing..

V is buzzing around the correct answer....The more light you use the more gas can be effectively utilized by the plant. The plant now needs higher temps and RH per the VPD effectively utilize the increase in gas....Higher temps do not increase plant growth effectively otherwise. 85F and the plant is slowed way down in it's growth. At 90F the plant will in effect be not growing at all. As temps rise the plant spends more produced energy on cooling it's self.....So it's the increase in ability to effectively use the available light...The rest simply follows as these are limiting factors after lighting.

BTW Lumens are not technically how you should measure light for plant use Umols are better.....Light meters measure LUX and/or Foot Candles (fc). LUX is Lumens over a given area = 1 LUX is 1Lumen per meter squared..

how brilliant your comment is, as is known to all that adding co2 can increse the speed of growing but the principle is unbeknown, i think understanding the principle of how co2 works is very helpful to people to harness it better! thanks for sharing your knowledge to us! :hug:


Well-Known Member
My issue with CO2 is that i need a monitor/controller and those bitches are expensive!! I don't believe a timer alone is efficient. I just started with CO2 recently. I am already thinking I may only implement it in the summer so I don't have to worry about temps as much. Or wait until I get a legit monitor/controller.
i spent 1000rmb for the controller in china, once you come to china remember to buy one 8-)


Well-Known Member
watts per sq' was the golden rule ive seen on countless threads about using co2. I don't run 1k lights, but I do run 3x600 in my sealed room. ill be running co2 as well, as soon as my blueprint bdac2 fuzzy logic controller gets in, and when I go pick up my deheuy (70pt with pump). one of the most important things is to have your room totally SEALED, or don't bother at all. oh, and co2 monitors around the house incase the gas escapes and pools around living people/animals. im placing 2 monitors in my grow area and 1 upstairs. my biggest fear is having my hvac pick up any co2 that might escape my room and get sucked into it and distributed thru my shop (downstairs is grow area, upstairs is my hang out area---commercial building).
ive tried to smell it directly just for curiousness, it smells like beer because co2 sometimes come from the process of beer produce, you might feel a little dizziness but not a big deal! dont worry!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
The only real benefit to co2 is to grow at a higher temp? Not trying to start shit but this is way off from being the truth.

There are many reasons to implement co2. One is to actually get co2 to your plants when growing indoors that doesnt have fresh air to replenish the used up oxygen and co2 in your rooms so your plants can grow to their highest potential all things considered.

Further co2 aids in utilizing excess light to help plants that have reached saturation point which enables them to grow bigger, faster and stronger.

Co2 primary purpose is to increase yields by driving the plant to uptake more nutrients, use more light and harness that into more energy like steroids do for people as an example. Just adding co2 to a room wont do anything if all the other factors are not dialed in correctly and can actually have adverse effects on your grow leading to deficiencies and other problems.

Co2 serves many purposes for its intent and implementation in our grow rooms and gardens. Yeah co2 allows you to run at higher temperatures but understanding the reasoning for this is the better way to look at why someone would want to add co2. If temperatures are an issue I would rather get a larger A/C then to just add co2 unless everything in your room is dialed in and running to optimal levels simply adding co2 will provide 0 benefit whatsoever and most commonly find that people who dont understand this get decrease or no increase in yields and wind up with deficiencies and other plant problems because they are not increasing their nutrients and feedings to accompany the increase in metabolic activity and energy the plant is able to uptake and process from the additional co2.

Co2 can also decrease the potential for bugs and insect problems as using co2 in your gardens many find that bugs have a harder time establishing in these environments.

But people also need to realize that adding co2 means you need to add oxygen to your root zone which works in a symbiotic relationship with the upper portion of your plant that is using the co2 and must work together to get the benefits and results.

So a key point is that adding co2 to a hot room as example the summer months when cooling is an issue is NOT a resolution that will benefit you unless all other factors are considered and everything else is dialed in you are simply wasting money and throwing it down the drain.
Didn't someone else say that in a different way?
