PC grow ready for round two.

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
A few updates. I walk into my grow room today and I'm instantly hit with a beautiful smell. Turns out it's the PC grow which I have completely forgotten about :D

She's ripening all right, as stated before the smell has become noticable. A week ago I had to pinch the buds in order to get a wiff, but now the odour is strong with this one.

Also, because of me opening the door constatly to the outside world, the temps in the whole room have been around 20 degrees... sometimes colder. Enough to bring out the beautiful discolouration of this strain. :D The bud closest to the intake fan (my jewel as of this moment) has been mostly affected, although the ones on the far end on the box have a few signs here and there.

So beautiful, I might just carry on with these "purple" strains from now on, especially since winter is coming (get the reference?)

Prolly another two weeks till I chop. I've been watering her with just plain tap water for a week or so.


Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
All righty guys, I think I have come to the decision of chopping her down... It saddens me, but there are a few things I have considered:

-I'd like to finish that grow box and direct all of my efforts and time into the main one,
-I really need to use the cables/fans/timers which are currently in this setup,
-nearly 100% of the pistels are brown and I don't want to miss the harvest window,
-since all the pistels are brown, I can assume that the trichomes are nice and cloudy (no way of checking this at the moment),
-relieve the electricity bill a bit,
-at last but not least, TRY SOME PROPER SATIVA! :D

I'll still be thinking about it today, she's been with me for the past four months. It will be hard to part ways.
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Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
So the moment finally came... my heart was literally crying when I started tearing the plant out of the soil. Such a wierd feeling, I had her for four months and now she's gone.

Hehe enough of the sadness, I'm so bloody proud and happy this grow has come to a hault. During the first month I thought I won't be able to get her to recover, and that this will be another of my micro failures (reminder that during the summer I experimented a lot, and none of my girls made it through)...

Well, it's been huge fun growing her, I'll remember this grow as my first ever indoor. :D FUCK YES!

Fortunately it's not the definite end of the journey, now I'll start to trim, dry and cure her... and then the most anticipated activity. :D

Overall I'm really happy with this grow considering the huge drawbacks at the beggining, I got to try a lot of new techniques which include topping, new nutrients, MICRO GROWING and of course scrogging, which made my girl grow into a beautiful umbrella shape. I hope all this new experience will contribute to future grows.

I want to thank you all for your support and kind words, wouldn't do it without you. :D

Updates will be posted soon, time for some trimming.


Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Trimmed and hung upside down in the very same PC box she grew in. I'll wait a bit until the humidity gauge shows me whats up, but at the moment let's get the drying started. I hope this time it will take a least 5 days.

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Thanks Dank, Annies not far behind I'm sure. :D

So, the PC fan is on at 3v power and is barley moving any air, so that is good. Dont want the buds to dry out to fast as always.

The humidity I think was 40 something % and them temps 20, so that's nearly ideal.

Today one of the smallest stems snapped when I broke it, so that;s nice. Probably tomorrow I'll jar her, I need those thicker stems to have some kind of bend in them. So that's more or less 6 days of drying... a record for me. :D