Lighting 10x10 room


Well-Known Member
i can keep pulling up old shit but your the one who really seems stuck on this shit. so man up build the damn light and show everybody what you can do or relax because your not coming off as a credible member let alone someone id buy stuff from


Well-Known Member
cmon dude
it was rude and all they said is here try and save some money and you took offence.... calm down
I guess I took it wrong lol. To call one person a liar and then give false info yourself...... I also said yes hps is cheaper and I also suggested doing a side by side trial. It's over I'm done with it honestly.


Well-Known Member
i can keep pulling up old shit but your the one who really seems stuck on this shit. so man up build the damn light and show everybody what you can do or relax because your not coming off as a credible member let alone someone id buy stuff from
I'm not your average Joe I guess. I don't take kindly to people smarting off. I'm from the old school I guess. Fuck money if I'm in the right and in the case of defending someone from unwarranted disrespect I am I'll gladly go straight out of business first.


Well-Known Member
Well well well...
I read my name...and I did not realize that mongo was rude to
And Monsieur Greengene must have a problem with me...and I don't know why!???
How could you say things about me and why I grew don't even know believe that you know me by reading few posts!?!
I do smoke for pleasure and know to keep me calm...I started outdoor in 1996 for fun!!!!
I started indoor for two friends who are dead now (aids...both!) It was to open appetite and to fell better (no therapy at this time and their last weeks were...I do not have word for this...but I never fucked without condom since...)
And now I have one friend who have sclerosis and the other it is cancer of the throat...I didn't give or sale anything...I just go help them in their grow 2/3 times per month...
I do live in a country where it is not allowed so you have to know well the people you grow with...not a lot of people trust each other on this...but I would love to help more "patients"if it was really fell useful!
That is why I never judge people on what they look!
And it is not easy sometimes to express myself in English!
Have a great day ★


Well-Known Member
Well well well...
I read my name...and I did not realize that mongo was rude to
And Monsieur Greengene must have a problem with me...and I don't know why!???
How could you say things about me and why I grew don't even know believe that you know me by reading few posts!?!
I do smoke for pleasure and know to keep me calm...I started outdoor in 1996 for fun!!!!
I started indoor for two friends who are dead now (aids...both!) It was to open appetite and to fell better (no therapy at this time and their last weeks were...I do not have word for this...but I never fucked without condom since...)
And now I have one friend who have sclerosis and the other it is cancer of the throat...I didn't give or sale anything...I just go help them in their grow 2/3 times per month...
I do live in a country where it is not allowed so you have to know well the people you grow with...not a lot of people trust each other on this...but I would love to help more "patients"if it was really fell useful!
That is why I never judge people on what they look!
And it is not easy sometimes to express myself in English!
Have a great day ★

My bad folks. I'll gladly bow out now. See you all.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Well well well...
I read my name...and I did not realize that mongo was rude to
And Monsieur Greengene must have a problem with me...and I don't know why!???
How could you say things about me and why I grew don't even know believe that you know me by reading few posts!?!
I do smoke for pleasure and know to keep me calm...I started outdoor in 1996 for fun!!!!
I started indoor for two friends who are dead now (aids...both!) It was to open appetite and to fell better (no therapy at this time and their last weeks were...I do not have word for this...but I never fucked without condom since...)
And now I have one friend who have sclerosis and the other it is cancer of the throat...I didn't give or sale anything...I just go help them in their grow 2/3 times per month...
I do live in a country where it is not allowed so you have to know well the people you grow with...not a lot of people trust each other on this...but I would love to help more "patients"if it was really fell useful!
That is why I never judge people on what they look!
And it is not easy sometimes to express myself in English!
Have a great day ★
I don't believe I was rude to you. I might have been a little rude to your friend on this thread. I felt he was calling me out a bit and he did say I'm a dick head or suck dick or something like that. I don't mind being called out at all. But he also mentioned I was giving misinformation. And that I would never do. Ever.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe I was rude to you. I might have been a little rude to your friend on this thread. I felt he was calling me out a bit and he did say I'm a dick head or suck dick or something like that. I don't mind being called out at all. But he also mentioned I was giving misinformation. And that I would never do. Ever.
I may have over reacted . You can't buy 4x 1000 watt setup for 400 bucks. Not new anyways. Like I explained earlier on I am from the south. If you call someone a liar it is pretty serious. My bad I did come on a little strong and I apologize. I should go back in my cave now and just read like I have for years.


Well-Known Member
It is not a big deal...I am from South too my both grand parents were from Italy...sicilia and calabria! I have cousins believe me I know what hot blood mean...but here it is not real life...and we all have no need to "fight" because it will lead to nothing...
Have a good joint of indica and everything will back to!!!
Have a great day ★


Member back to the questions... =)

I see some people said that 3200 watt CXB's would compare with 4000 watt that 3200 watts the amount drawn from the wall or at a lower amount due to the lower efficiency?


a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Hey bro, If your serious start researching and start posting in those diy led threads. Those guys will help anyone. And if you think hps might be a way to start your garden, go to Northern California craigslist. This is where you will get your starter set up for a little over 400 bucks if you go 4 k watts. I never got a chance to say that, because of, well you know....... See most everyone is or has switched to DE lamps out here, so there giving shit away basically. They will ship for sure with out a doubt, being there is some times 50k set ups for sale. They just want to make some of their money back. If the cobs are your desire, go for it. I was a non believer about a year a go, then a few members said " dude mongo look at this look at that, look at dudes grow journal". You have so many options for success on this site its unreal. Good luck to great times and again sorry if i started a shit show. This thread may help some new members down the road.


Well-Known Member back to the questions... =)

I see some people said that 3200 watt CXB's would compare with 4000 watt that 3200 watts the amount drawn from the wall or at a lower amount due to the lower efficiency?

Hey man. Now, i hope nobody will rip my head off for posting here without being a super specialist.. heh :)
I'm not sure i understand your question correctly, 'cause it sounds like you think the CXB's have LOWER efficiency than HPS... They are much much MORE efficient than HPS, especially if driven at low currents.
To my understanding, some of the best available HPS setups are around 40-45% efficient when everything is brand new. CXB 3590 driven @ 23watts each are about 64% efficient! ...and they will stay that efficient for years if cooled and maintained properly. @50 watts they're 54ish% efficient. Check the COB Efficiency Spreadsheets thread, very useful info there.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, If your serious start researching and start posting in those diy led threads. Those guys will help anyone. And if you think hps might be a way to start your garden, go to Northern California craigslist. This is where you will get your starter set up for a little over 400 bucks if you go 4 k watts. I never got a chance to say that, because of, well you know....... See most everyone is or has switched to DE lamps out here, so there giving shit away basically. They will ship for sure with out a doubt, being there is some times 50k set ups for sale. They just want to make some of their money back. If the cobs are your desire, go for it. I was a non believer about a year a go, then a few members said " dude mongo look at this look at that, look at dudes grow journal". You have so many options for success on this site its unreal. Good luck to great times and again sorry if i started a shit show. This thread may help some new members down the road.
And I apologize as well. I am passionate about these cobs true. If you think it's because I have a company your wrong. I help more people on here with diy 50 posts to 1 about my Lights. Everyone should diy its great and satisfying. If you can't or feel unsafe with it by all means buy a unit from one of the companies here.


Well-Known Member
Hey man. Now, i hope nobody will rip my head off for posting here without being a super specialist.. heh :)
I'm not sure i understand your question correctly, 'cause it sounds like you think the CXB's have LOWER efficiency than HPS... They are much much MORE efficient than HPS, especially if driven at low currents.
To my understanding, some of the best available HPS setups are around 40-45% efficient when everything is brand new. CXB 3590 driven @ 23watts each are about 64% efficient! ...and they will stay that efficient for years if cooled and maintained properly. @50 watts they're 54ish% efficient. Check the COB Efficiency Spreadsheets thread, very useful info there.
DE hps is 40% efficient or so mogul being 35-36%. Cxb3590 3500k CD bin is 56% at 49 watts. These numbers are all before luminarie losses. The advantage that leds enjoy is directional light. So we need to look at luminaries with total system efficiency. It's my belief that that this is the advantage that bare bulb vert has vs overhead lighting.


Well-Known Member
Look I am french and I really have nothing to win gy saying that the cxb 3590 are the best buy I done since a long time. In one word...IMPRESSIVE!!!
I vegged under 3500º and it grow pretty well for a bloom cob...
Less heat...and you can spread those all over the box...uniformity!
Have a great day ★


Hey man. Now, i hope nobody will rip my head off for posting here without being a super specialist.. heh :)
I'm not sure i understand your question correctly, 'cause it sounds like you think the CXB's have LOWER efficiency than HPS... They are much much MORE efficient than HPS, especially if driven at low currents.
To my understanding, some of the best available HPS setups are around 40-45% efficient when everything is brand new. CXB 3590 driven @ 23watts each are about 64% efficient! ...and they will stay that efficient for years if cooled and maintained properly. @50 watts they're 54ish% efficient. Check the COB Efficiency Spreadsheets thread, very useful info there.
Actually, what I meant was if I have a 1000 watt CXB system for example, dont the LED guys usually run it only at 600 watts from the wall?