Rooftop SE Asia


Well-Known Member
Pics probably dont do either of those spots any justice. Still spend a lot of time down there? Any decent herb in Honduras?

oh ya every winter I got several different buisnesses going there with brother inlaws cattle and meat markets and bodagas all in the family there and the herb there sucked so bad we took them a bunch of seeds years ago and now its great if ya know who to see in west end of the island they keep it close so to keep the tourist supplied from crew ships and some close friends


Well-Known Member
oh ya every winter I got several different buisnesses going there with brother inlaws cattle and meat markets and bodagas all in the family there and the herb there sucked so bad we took them a bunch of seeds years ago and now its great if ya know who to see in west end of the island they keep it close so to keep the tourist supplied from crew ships and some close friends
Thats cool. Have only been to the Dominican Republic in that "region". Great area. Have a friend that lives down in Uruguay and his inlaws handle the cattle and similar.
You do alot of diving?


Well-Known Member
An old mate from Lafayette had a bunch of land in Honduras. Think it was in Roatan as well.


Well-Known Member
Thats cool. Have only been to the Dominican Republic in that "region". Great area. Have a friend that lives down in Uruguay and his inlaws handle the cattle and similar.
You do alot of diving?

ya I got a dive boat in roatan I sent there along time ago on the familys freight boats hyde shipping out of tampa is in the family there so we ship car ,boats , machinery and fishing gear also


Well-Known Member
Puffn on the pax2 with some mekong sat and nepalese. Clouds blocking any sundown today. Just foliared with aloe and bit of fish hydro. and wet all the beds down with blackstrap molasses and H2O. Everything looks happy.


Well-Known Member
The garden is looking good! Are you going to be training your plants at all?
Thanks and yes, if you zoom into the plants in styrofoam icechests you will see they are all tied down and building manifolds (mainlining). All are minimally topped multiple times.


Well-Known Member
Wife goes, "whats that darling?" like she always does and I say "chilis" :). She is not stupid by any means and though I do order other seeds by mail they dont come packed inside other items. She knows the score on the roof and though she doesnt understand she helps water as they are part of the garden; very important part for me

Just wanted to add that the not understanding on my wife's part is due to fucking prohibition. She thinks that because people get thrown behind bars for this plant, it has zero benefit, and I am just a nutter growing it. Putting a collection of videos together for her which I will drum her with; sick people dont lie.....Makes me really pissed and sad at the same time what prohibition has done.
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ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Wife goes, "whats that darling?" like she always does and I say "chilis" :). She is not stupid by any means and though I do order other seeds by mail they dont come packed inside other items. She knows the score on the roof and though she doesnt understand she helps water as they are part of the garden; very important part for me
im lucky my wife is onto my plants everyday im away...I hear so manty stories of my friends at work whose seedlings or plants have died in fact one lad I gifted a ultra sour to that has died damn!!